Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Last practice for the semester, tonight


So our last practice for this year is tonight, 8-11p. Tonight would be an excellent opportunity for you to grab your shirt if you haven't done so already.

Looking ahead here are the dates for some stuff going on next semester:

Wed, Jan 16 - First club practice of Spring 2008
Sat, Feb 23 - Tournament @ Baylor
Feb 29 - Mar 2 - Sectionals @ TAMU
Apr 17-19 - Nationals @ Cary, NC

We will probably travel to more regional tournaments this spring than this past semester, dates and places to be determined.

See yall tonight-


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Results of t.u. Dual Match

Howdy Ags,

I am very happy to let yall know that we crushed t.u. All of yall played great and we all had fun.  Also thanks to those who came out and watched us win.  The scores are attached if any of yall are interested and want to look at them.  Overall we beat t.u. 21-11 which is pretty darn good. I also want to thank all of yall who played for your great sportsmanship, i think we made A&M look good. There will be practice tomorrow but this match was the last of all events for this fall.  We had a great season and we will be ready to begin again in the Spring.

Oo yea and we wrecked t.u.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, November 30, 2007

Dress Code

Haha not really a dress code but please wear your A&M t-shirts that we gave out on Wednesday if you did not get one i will give you one at 12:00 tomorrow so please be on time.

Thanks and gig-em


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Beat the hell outta t.u.

Allright guys here is the scoop.  We will all meet at 12:00 p.m. at the intramural courts for a quick debriefing.  t.u. will arrive between 12 and 12:30.  Match play will begin at 12:30 and doubles will go on first.  Singles will go on right after doubles.  There also will not be any drinks provided so come prepared with drinks.  We will be playing 2 out of 3 sets add scoring.

We would love to create a homefield advantage like we have in football so if any of yall have free time and would like to watch us take them down than that would be great.  However as you know we are one of the most respected clubs in the nation and we would like to keep our reputation.  There will be no throwing rackets and cursing.  Try your hardest guys and show them the great spirit and honor of Aggieland.  Any questions or comments call me at 432-634-1588.

Beat the Hell outta t.u.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, November 29, 2007

UT Dual Match / extra Practice

Hey guys,

As you guys are well aware that we are playing UT or t.u. this weekend,  we are now meeting at HIGH NOON or 12:00pm to warm-up and will begin play at 12:30 sharp.  Please be prompt as we want to be fully warm before we BTHO t.u.
On that note, We will be having an EXTRA practice tonight (thursday night) at 8:00pm for all the people that are playing the event.  I know a lot of you guys including myself are extremely busy this week but please try to get in as much hitting before this match =].  I look forward to seeing you guys tonight and good luck with tests and whatever else you have going on.

Have a Great Week and BTHO t.u.,

Soong Hay Tam
Competition Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shirts!! Practice, t.u. Dual Match

Shirts are here and in stock come pick up yours Wednesday for only a price of 10$ per shirt, haha jk they are FREE for all members.

Practice tomorrow 8-11 be there or be square.

We have a final list for the dual match verse t.u., it may change however if any more challenges take place before the deadline.  The list is attached, again let us know if you cannot make it ASAP.

Thanks and have a great day


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, November 26, 2007

UT Dual Match

The UT dual match played here at Texas A&M will be held this weekend at 1:00-6:00 on Saturday.

We have used results from the tournament and pool play to come up with these names.  To our dissappointment t.u. is only bringing 9 guys and girls which is less than predicted therefore we have come up with a list of nine guys and girls listed below.  If you feel that you should be on this list you have two days starting now to challenge.  You can challenge only once and it has to be played by Wednesday at 11:00.  We will reserve courts on Wednesday for this purpose but probably only four or five.  The names are:

Guys:  Andrew Borne, Soong Hay Tam, Matt Sumrall, Hersh Pise, Rushy Dave, Billy Uran, Jonathan Burkes, Patrick Dean, Jordan Wilson

Girls:  Christine Frankson, Selyna Nunez, Kiki Burns, Jill Wright, Ashley Gomez, Ashley Force, Fernanda, Megan Fitzgibbons, Nichole Williams

These are singles positions only, doubles will be announced at a later date.
Contacts have been sent out in previous emails.


If you cannot play this weekend and you are on the list let us know ASAP.

Soong - Jonathan

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 25, 2007

No Practice

What up G's!
As many of you may know, it is freakin wet outside right now, and the temperature is right around a toasty 40 degrees.  Wet + Cold = NO PRACTICE!  Sorry, I know it sucks, but it is supposed to be warm and sunny this coming week, so save your A games for Wednesday!
Fundraising Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Practice Today

Howdy loyal tennis club goers,

How about them AGS, WHOOP! Our football team played unbelievable(compared to usual) and all i can say is fantastic.

There will be practice today from 4-7 for those that are daring, there will be no feeding though due to officer shortages.  If it is raining than tennis club will be canceled.  However if the weather is fair and you want to hit around there will be balls and hopefully people to hit with.

So have a great week, hope you had a great thanksgiving and GIG'EM


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, November 19, 2007

Tourney Results

Howdy Ags!!
Well this weekend was a long one!!  As y'all know we had our tournament this weekend and everyone played amazing. We had people playing up to 9 matches this weekend. I know I'm sore. I want to thank Soong, Johnny, and David for a job well done on the tournament. It was hard with the rain delays but they got it done. Another reminder, No CLUB on Wednesday, Yes CLUB on Sunday.  I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving and drive safe please. And BTHO t.u.......even though we will lose. But fran in gone. So its ok.
Tournament results
1.Chelsea Benner
2.Anna Hoover
1. Daniel Brown
2. Soong
1. Nichole/Ashley Gomez
2. Jill Wright/Chelsea Frankson
Matt Sumrall/Billy Uran
Borne/Soong Hay Tam
1.Matt Sumrall/Nichole Williams
2.Billy Uran/Kiki Burns
Later Guys have a great Thanksgiving
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday Play Delayed 3 hrs

Howdy guys- go back to sleep for 3 hrs or so. We are bumping all match times back 3 hrs... This will probably be the final delay for the weekend.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Draws for Sunday

Sorry, for the late update.

Attached are the new times. I have changed only the times that were necessary and conflicting.

Staying dry-


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, November 16, 2007



Attached are the draws for this weekend.

Check in will be at the varsity courts. Times marked in red are not confirmed, and might be changed depending on court openings or player's scheduling conflicts.

Let us know if there is any immediate conflicts early on Saturday.

Thanks for your patience this weekend... and for those schedule to play 10+ matches, we will have a medic on site :)


David and Soong

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Do Not Pay!

If you have a parking permit than it is free for you to park in lot 100d which is the lot we park in for tennis club.  If they ask you to pay 5 dollars explain that you have a permit and this lot is valid for any TAMU parking permit.  This should ensure that you will not pay.

See you all out there,


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Practice and Tournament

Hey guys we have practice tonight from 8-11.

Also, sign up for the tournament this weekend at, to be clear there will be singles, doubles, and mixed and you can play in as many events as you want.  If you are playing mixed please email the club with your name and doulbes partner name along with what division, A,B


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, November 12, 2007

Tournament this Weekend

I  first want to say that helping at the supers tournament this weekend was a huge success.  The club thanks all of you who were able to donate there time to help. 
Next, due to popular demand we will be offering MIXED DOUBLES at the tournament this weekend so please reply to this email with your partner if you want to play.  We hope to have a great turn out.
Here is some basic information about the tournament.  We will be playing at the varsity-intramural courts.  It will start at either 8 or 9 on Saturday morning and will last till Sunday depending on matches.
What you need to do:  Sign up at, this will allow us to make the draws easier.
Any questions- feel free to email the club.
Our shirts are going to be coming in soon so just hold out a little longer.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 11, 2007

No Club practice

Hey guys no club practice tomorrow, Sunday the 11, use the time to study haha, also if you are working tomorrow please be there and be on time.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, November 9, 2007

Last minute update

Hey guys-

Concessions - Will meet at the entrance to the intramural tennis courts.

Court Monitors- if you have a stopwatch, or a second hand on a watch, please bring that along with you. You can go straight to your site, no need to stop by TAMU. When you arrive, please let your site director know you are there, then contact the USTA official for a quick briefing.


David / Jonathan Team
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Updated help for this weekend

Attached is the updated version of help for this weekend. Please note the change in times and locations as we tried to accommodate as best we could.

Please respond to this email tonight to confirm your time for tomorrow or Sunday.

Dress code- normal tennis clothes with maroon tamu, or any tennis club shirt, except the straight ballin' one.

Court Monitors- As of right now, the plan is that you will need to check in with Vicki to get instructions (quick intro to timing warm-ups/overruling calls) at TAMU before travelling to your site.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Updated Times and Sites for Supers Tournament

Sorry guys, same thing but this draft is updated.  Let me know with any issues or problems.  Remember to play your matches, and remember to sign up for the tournament this weekend.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Times for Supers Tournament

I want to first of all thank you for the great response for working at the tournament this weekend.  Here is when you will be working.

I will let you know more about court monitoring later, please bring a stopwatch if you have one when you court monitor.  Also if you are not on here and you want to help out please let me know ASAP.

Also if there is anything wrong let me know and please reply to me that you confirm these times.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Club pull for tu Game

Just a quick poll... Who would be interested in getting together a group to pull together for the tu game?

Replies to this email would be great.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Short Debrief

Howdy Ags,
First of all we have tennis club tonight and I want all of you that can get away from school to come and relax and play a little.
Next order of business,
This weekend we are working the supers tournament this weekend and we could use a little more help, if you have already replied to us saying you can help you are signep up and we are currently working on the schedule.  If you can work, court monitor or concessions, we would love for you to help us.  Anyone can help.  I will send a list later with times of when you will be working for those that have signep up.
Final Order,
Nov. 17 is our long awaited inter-club tournament (singles and doubles).  To register just go to our site at, this is always a lot of fun and open to anyone in the club and anyone out of the club.  We hope to have a good turn out.  So find your partners and start preparing.
Thanks and Gig-em

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, November 5, 2007

Upcoming Super Tournament (We Need You)

Howdy Fellow tennis Ags,

As mentioned earlier we have the priveledge of working as court monitors and in the concessions at the local supers tournament here in College Station.  Also mentioned it is mandatory for anyone wanting to play in nationals and this will help us decide future teams to take to tournaments.  We need girls and guys so everyone is welcome to help.  So anyone that is available to help this weekend please reply to this email and say whether you can help Saturday or Sunday or both.  Hopefully if enough people help then the hours will not be that long.  Besides court monitoring is quite fun.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Hey guys,
Practice today from 4-7. Get your matches done!! And David is a professional bowler. That is all.
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, November 2, 2007

Updated Round 4,5,6 -- 2nd Try


Here you go.  I tried not to affect as many pools as I could so most of you should have the same matches.  Good Luck and Have Fun!
O, Guys I'm begging you to play your matches...we are a team and let us practice together and make the most out of these matches.  Play your matches and i'll love you forever hehe.

Soong Hay Tam

PLEASE..................... LET THIS BE RIGHT!!!, I'm praying...
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Round 4, 5, 6 - Pool Play ---- Under Review

Hey Guys,

Hold off on playing matches, as additional changes will be made.....but please check the pools and let us know of more problems or issues.  The Update will be sent out tonight after Bowling Social.

Soong Hay Tam

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Round 4, 5, & 6 - Pool Play/ Duties for Upcoming Supers Tournament

Hey Guys,

Again, I apologize for the delay for the next set of matches.  We had to make several accommodations to get more matches in as well as tweaking the system for the last half of the matches to better the placement of players on teams.  And lets be honest, it also makes my life tons better, which is quite nice! =]  The attachment has the pool play format that we used last year except this time we have results from the first few rounds.  Our intent for the pools are to give you people that are of similar levels with yourself.  I hope that the pools will indeed provide good/close matches that are fun to play.

The pools are basically a round robin format, so you will everyone in your pool.  Each pool has 4 players, hence, you have three remaining matches till the completion of Fall match play.  The Worksheet has all the due dates and who you play each week.  Please let me know if something is unclear.  Also, continue to report all matches to our Website, it's extremely helpful that you guys do that.

If your name does not appear in the pools, please let us know.

Also, I'd like to extend my thanks to Jonathan for helping me put these pools together, it saved me a TON of time!
VERY IMPORTANT - so keep reading
On the weekend, Nov. 9-11, there is a Super's tournament in town.  Like last year, we will be running a concessions stand and court monitoring.  For all you that want or think that you might be attending the National Tennis On Campus Championship in the Spring, we are making your service in either concessions or court monitoring mandatory.  This event is a fundraiser that helps provide funding for our tournaments, especially Nationals.  It is vital that we have attendees give back to the club with your service.  Your service will have some bearing on your selection for Nationals and placement on teams.  So please help out on this fundraiser and I'll love you forever!  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask us.


The Best Tennis Club in the Nation,

Soong Hay Tam
Competition Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat

However dresses up the best gets a free tennis warehouse shirt.

Practice today 8-11


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Howdy AGS,
Alright yinz the wait is over. It's time for some super cereal social events.  First, in just two days, assuming we get enough of yinz out on a thursday night, its time for BOWLING. So I'm stupid and I pressed tab and then enter and it sent an unfinished message. But moving on...this thursday night at grand station entertainment, formerly wolfpen bowling center, it's all you can bowl for 12 bucks from 9:30 to midnight.  Let me know tomorrow at club if your interested. I need to know how many people ahead of time to reserve some lanes. 
The next topic of business is the TU game. If any of yinz are staying in town for thanksgiving then you should give up your sports pass in a couple weeks and pull with us. This obviously isn't for another 3 weeks, but keep it in mind because this is the big one.
So that's it for my first email if it sucked just hit me with a ball or something at practice.

Thanks and gig 'em,
Matthew Kravits

Texas A&M Tennis Club


Howdy AGS,
Alright yinz the wait is over. It's time for some superb social events.  First, in just two days, assuming we get enough of yinz out on a thursday night, its time for BOWLING

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 28, 2007

el tennis de clubbo

Howdy AGS,
Ok so I hope everyone is having a awsome Halloween, I know I am!!! And once again our football team.... I thought our team would put on their costume and act as a winning good football , but they obvioulsy forgot to put it on this year. Soon its almost Basketball season! Any way we have clun tonight at 4-7. And also hope everyone got thier matches done or you will be defaulted. No excuses. Yep.  So see ya guys out there, where your costume if ya like to club!!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

tennis de club

Hey guys!!! OK so ya know the drill Practice from 8-11.  Be sure to get your matches done. And preferably before club times, because of the court situations!! Hope to see you guys you there!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Updating Round 3 Tonight

Hey guys,

lol, apparently the matches didn't go as well as I had hoped.  Thanks to many of you guys pointing out some of my mistakes within matches, I will update the draws tonight.  Most matches will not change, but some will be affected.  Thanks for yall's help and understanding.

Soong Hay

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Round 3

Hey Guys,

Sorry for the delay of this round.  I threw it together last night and I hope it all works out.  However, in the event that I accidentally placed you with an opponent that you have already played, please let me know and I'll get that fixed.  So when you get this email, please verify that you have a new match for this week.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.  Good luck and have fun with this.  These matches are due Saturday night.

Soong Hay Tam
Competition Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 21, 2007

club 4-7

Howdy Ags!!,
Ok so this weekend was a great tournament!!! We had our Team one place first!!!!  And everyone had a great time. We have club tonight at 4-7 like usual. And also we have to have all of our matches finished. So today would be a great day to do so. So come out to club tonight from 4-7. \

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 19, 2007

Austin Regional Tournament

I hope that everyone is ready for an exciting weekend of tennis.  It is time to get your game faces on and A games ready.  Here is the important information regarding the tournament this weekend.
We are leaving at 6:15 a.m. Saturday morning, so be there at 6:05.  I know that Austin is only about an hour and a half away but ive had it take longer and shorter and I want to give everyone the chance to warm-up.  If we get there really early we will grab some breakfast.  The reason we need to warm up is because there is only a 3 minute warmup before playing, therefore it is imperative that we are warm before match play starts.
We will eat lunch probably at the tennis courts but just in case bring money for lunch and dinner and possibly breakfast.  Also bring 10 dollars and give it to whoever is driving before you set out towards Austin.  We will again provide water, gatorade and snacks.
Weather- high of 90, 10% chance of rain, wind 10-15 mph.
Captains- I need you to call all your players and tell me who can drive, who is going by themselves, and thats it.  Feel free to set up a practice tonight, there are other teams hitting around 8 so there will probably be balls out there.
We will play throughout the day, we will be done at hopefully 6:30.  We will then eat dinner and head back to college station.
For those of you that think that you are on the wrong team, do not worry these teams are for FUN.  There will be a ladder in place once we have finnished the competition matches.  Aslo matches are due tomorrow night and there will be no more extensions therefore if you fail to play your match you will suffer a default or loss.
Once again, Nov 17 tournament in Dallas is cancelled but replaced with an exciting innerclub tournament.
If you have any questions call 432-634-1588


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Teams this weekend, updated


Here are the teams updated for some more girls that will be joining us for this weekend and some shifting on the guys side.

We are still in need to drivers. Please respond to an email and let us know if you can drive.

Captains- Please give everybody on your team a call to make sure everything is good to go, set up lunch/dinner on fri?,and to recruit and report drivers.

Looking Ahead: This will be our last WTT tournament this fall, we will go to several more this spring. We will hosting our own tournament on the Nov 17 weekend instead of going to Dallas, so keep your schedule open. Also mark in your calendars the very important tu match on Dec 1 that will be in town.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Howdy Ags, As you know the teams are out, we need girls.  if you are a girl and can play for us, no matter what your skill level is, contact us by tonight.  These tournaments are for fun and we have a blast at them and we would love for all girls who can go to call 432-634-1588 which is my cell so that we can get you in.
Practice tonight 8-11

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Teams for this weekend

Howdy Fellow Ags,
We are going to be playing another regional tournament which will be located in Austin at the U.T. intramural tenniscenter.  For those of you who have never been there, it is a lot of tennis courts.  We will leave at approximately 6:00 a.m. Saturday Morning and return that night after taking home the W.  We need drivers, so if you can drive REPLY to this email.  We will again provide snacks and drinks. 
Now, as for the teams.  Our tennis club is unique in that there are no tryouts and that we take as many as we can.  In this case we could not take everyone that wanted to go.  These teams were selected based on challenge matches and attendance and those of you who were not selected are on a waiting list. 
Another matter, the intraclub tournament on November 3rd is hereby cancelled due to conflicting schedules with USTA.  However we are currently working on rescheduling and will have a new date soon.
Practice tomorrow,
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Round 2 Match Deadline Extension

To:  Texas A&M Tennis Club -Competitive Members
From: Soong Hay Tam
Date: 10/16/07
Subject:  Round 2 Match Deadline Extension

Hey Guys,

I am extending the deadline for Round 2 matches till this Saturday.  As of right now, I believe we have an abnormally low turn-out on completed matches.  In fact, there have only been a few reported matches.  As a reminder, following the completion of your match, please go to our website, and report the winner, loser, score, and match number.  If your opponent defaults, please report "default" as the score.  I cannot stress the importance enough to complete these matches, as these help us place you on the appropriate team for tournaments.  Although this is the second time we have extended the matches, this will probably be the last so we can finish this on time.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend this weekend's tournament at t.u.  Nevertheless, I wish you guys the best of luck, and BTHO t.u.,  Hope to see you guys at practice on Wednesday as "good results come from great efforts on the practice court."

Thanks, Gig'em, and Have A Great Rest Of The Week,

Soong Hay Tam
Competition Officer
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, October 15, 2007

Important Information

The rules have changed again, now i need ALL players to submit either their USTA numbers or their addresses on our website.  Go to our website, then either select USTA number, if you have one. If not fill out this form ASAP.  These two hyperlinks are located on the right side of our website.  It is imperative that this be done immediately as it could limit our clubs ability to play in tournaments.
Also when you are doing this, we need to know who is playing in the tournament this weeked.  It will be at t.u. and we want as many as we can get.  So sign up for it ASAP.
Deadline for this weekend is tonight at 11:45 p.m.
It will be the same style as the last, meaning we will leave early in the morning and get back later at night.  I hope yall have a great week.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Competitive Matches, round 2, update 2

Updated guys matches: 127, 135, 136, 139, 140.

No change for the ladies.



Texas A&M Tennis Club


Hey guys,
All right so we have lots to talk about.  This weekend was amazing for the TAMU TENNIS CLUB TEAMS!!! and not so for the football team. Once again our  gilded record was shown and we got creamed in football, but thats  OK because the TAMU TENNIS CLUB TEAMS did amazing. So to recap  we had 3 teams place in the top 4!!! so that's pretty sweet.  Everyone put in a lot of effort and had a great time. A&M maroon dominated in style annihilating t.u and happened to have Brad's sister in the mix. Sorry Brad. I want to thank Brad and Soong and the other officers for  getting this tournament organized, ya'll did an amazing job, there is a lot of stuff that needs to get done that the officers have to do before we can go to each tournament so thanx alot .It  was great start for a great year. Lets see what else... hmm oh I regret eating the random Pizza with Kyle on the bleachers, because I got really sick last night. Hooters was awesome!!  Next thing is really important. If you are going to the  t.u  tournament let us know!!! You can go SIGN up on the website and do so. Next thing Soulja Boy was ....hmmm...yeah...umm...yeah.  Hope to see ya out there!!
Practice from 4--7
Domination in Houston
Our football team is crappy
So is Soulja Boy
SIGN UP FOR t.u tourney
Deuce it,

Friday, October 12, 2007


Hey everyone!
The moment of truth is here!  Attached are the teams for the Houston tournament.  Remember they are not permanent!
TEAM CAPTAINS:  You are now responsible for your teams!  This means that it is your responsibility to see that all of your members make it to Houston and back.  You are also responsible for your team throughout the tournament, so make sure to take care of everyone!
TEAM MEMBERS:  Your captain is the person to talk to concerning travel, food, etc.  Make sure they know where you are at all times!
I recommend that team captains call their team members, and get to know them.  A team lunch or dinner would today would be an excellent way to get to know your teams!  I am looking forward to seeing all of you Saturday, and BTHO tu!
Brad Burgess
Fundraising Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Round 2, updated

Changes only on match numbers 76,77,128.



Texas A&M Tennis Club


Ladies and Gentlemen!  It's time for the main event! LLLLLLLLLets get ready to rumble!!!!

That's right; the H-town tournament is here! Now, for those of you who could not attend last night's meeting or have forgotten everything, allow me to inform you:

1)      BE AT THE INTRAMURAL TENNIS COURTS AT 6:15 AM ON SATURDAY MORNING (10/13/07)! This doesn't mean "leave your apartment/dorm at 6:15 am" it means be rolling into the parking lot in front of the intramural tennis courts at 6:15 am. We don't want to leave anyone, but we have done it before, so BE ON TIME!

2)      IF YOU HAVE NOT FILLED OUT AN ASSUMPTION OF RISK FORM, FILL ONE OUT AND BRING IT SATURDAY MORNING! I have attached the form to this email, so please don't forget! We will have a few extras, but if you do not fill out one of these forms, you can't travel with us.

3)      DRIVERS:   Do not leave without a full car! We have something like 3 open spaces in cars, so fit as many people as you can (comfortably).  Also COME WITH A FULL TANK OF GAS!

4)      THOSE OF YOU NOT DRIVING:   You will be sorted into cars Saturday morning.

5)      THOSE OF YOU DRIVING YOURSELVES ON FRIDAY:   Be at Lee LeClear Tennis Center by 8:00 am on Saturday morning!


7)      KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING!   I have attached directions, so drivers, make sure you print them out! If you would like a map, go to and type in Lee LeClear Tennis Center Houston, TX.  It is on Gessner and HW 59.

8)      BRING MONEY! I don't know about everyone else, but Soong and I are planning on hitting up Taste of Texas (Whoop!)

9)      THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO ALCOHOL ON THIS TRIP! You are representing Texas A&M, and we have an excellent reputation to uphold.

10)  FOR THOSE OF YOU UNFAMILIAR WITH WORLD TEAM TENNIS: Go to and click on the World Team Tennis Rules and Regulations Link. Team captains should familiarize themselves with these items as soon as possible.

Concerning the teams, I will email them out tomorrow morning. I encourage the captains to get in touch with their team members and meet on Friday night to hang out and work out a game plan for Saturday.   I recommend friending your teammates on Facebook, and then getting everyone's number.  On this trip, teams are expected to remain together at all times.   Each team's captain is responsible for his or her team members, as in making sure that the entire team is accounted for before traveling, eating together, etc.   MOST IMPORTANTLY, HAVE FUN!!!! These tournaments are meant to be an enjoyable experience for everyone!

If you have any questions or concerns, my number is 832-715-8316, Soong's is 281-387-7713, and Billy's is 830-387-6174.


Brad Burgess

Fundraising Officer   

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Competitive Matches, round 2


Ok, so, here's round 2. Same rules apply. This round will end on Wednesday, Oct 17 at 8p.

Matches this week, overall, will match players' skills more closely than last week.

Strong suggestion: Except for weather delays and injuries, after you come off the court from playing some, or all of your match, it is best to have a winner decided. Please play your match all at one time. Feel free to shorten your match by mutual agreement before starting to play no-add, tie-breaker for third, proset, start at 2-2, or just flip a coin, if you have limited time to play. Partially completed matches will be considered finished on the due date.

Please report the correct match reference number beside your name submitting your score. As you can see, with our amount matches to record, finding lost matches will be increasingly difficult without your match number.

We hope everybody is having fun with these matches.

Good luck this weekend.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tennis on Campus Fall Newsletter

More maroon...

Online version:


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tennis on Campus Nationals Video

Check out all the maroon in this Campus Championship 2007 video, with a tribute to your reigning champions at the end.

Part 1:

Part 2:
My favorite quote from the video, from Kent Blumenthol, Exec Dir of NIRSA, "When we get different genders together, uh, you know its a good thing."


PS: These were put together by Justin Street of

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Hey guys,
Ok so Brad sends some badass emails, i taught him everything i know. Anyways here some important things to know for today!!!

1. USTA officials meeting at the varsity courts at 6 p.m tonight. Be there free odd and you can learn some interesting things.
2.GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS. We need girls for our tournament this weekend. So if your interested contact one the officers ASAP.. I Will even let y'all ride with me down to H-TOWN. I know  I KNOW what a treat.!!!! Chica chica get to ride with BIlly!!!!! Definitely worth it now.
3.And practice tonight, and if you are going to the tourney make sure you come by. Or get a hold of an officer prior to.
Love ya guys

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Houston Tournament Itinerary

To: Competitors in Houston Tournament - Texas A&M Tennis Club
From:  Soong Hay Tam
Date: October 10, 2007
Subject: Saturday, October 13, 2007:  Itinerary for Houston Tournament
Hey Guys,
Here is the tentative schedule for all you that plan on leaving on Saturday with myself and Billy for the Houston Tournament.
Departure: 6:30am, please be prompt!
Arrive @ Lee LeClear Tennis Center (Houston): 8:00am
Warm-Up: 8:00am - 9:00am --- Captains will also be meeting during this time
Tournament Commencement: 9:00am
Lunch: ~12:00
When we receive our medals: ~6:00pm
Dinner (Taste of Texas? - great steak): ~6:30pm
Return to College Station: ~10:00pm
Reminder: Tonight's Practice is mandatory for all those that are playing the tournament.  Also, if you have a toll tag that works in Houston, we would really appreciate that you be a driver.
This is our FIRST tournament and it WILL be good one!!!
Good Luck, Have Fun, and Have a Great Rest of the Week,
Soong Hay Tam
Competition Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, October 8, 2007

I can't send emails properly

Sorry, I suck at sending emails.  That one got sent a little prematurely.  For those of you who don't know, the teams are composed of five guys and five girls, with two being the minimum number of guys or girls needed.  IF WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH GIRLS, WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE EVERYONE!  So please sign up if you can go!  We are also always in need of drivers, so if you can take people LET US KNOW!
Brad Burgess,
Fundraising Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday Practice

Howdy all of you tennis enthusiasts!
As most of you know we have practice this Wednesday, October 10 at the intramural tennis courts.  Given that we have a tournament in Houston rapidly approaching, we are making this practice manditory for all of you who are attending this tournament as of midnight tonight.  We plan to go over several important items such as the itinerary, travel, and teams, and need everyone who is going there so that we can get as organized as possible.  If for some reason (ie the world is coming to an end and kangaroos are stampeding through College Station) you cannot make this practice please email either Soong, Billy, or me so that we can make sure that you get all of the information.  Given the short amount of time we have before Houston, Soong, Billy, Matt, David, Jonathan, Jill, and I are going to form the teams for this tournament tomorrow so that we will be able to tell everyone which team they are on during Wednesday's meeting.  We will base our selection on the first round matches, your USTA standings (if you are a member), and our own knowledge of how you play.  If for some reason you don't agree with our placement, fear not!  These teams will not be set in stone, and will most likely change after more competative matches have been played.  Remember the main goal of these tournaments is to have FUN!
If you have not signed up yet, but want to go, please go to and click on the link called "which tournaments."  WE ARE ALWAYS IN NEED OF MORE PLAYERS (ESPECIALLY GIRLS), AND WANT TO TAKE AS MANY TEAMS AS WE CAN!   

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Wanna be a USTA official, or free food?


Free food for the USTA to tell you about all the benefits of becoming an official, and, if you want, they will get you started with a provisional exam, and a voucher for one of those cool multi-colored USTA official shirts.

Happening 6-8p before club on Wednesday, location tbd, but probably around the courts somewhere.

Please RSVP by replying to this email.



Texas A&M Tennis Club


Howdy Ags,
All right so I was pretty happy with our team yesterday, but Fran still sucks. Its amazing what happens when we have more than three plays huh. Its called passing I'm glad Fran learned that in the second half. But anyways practice is today Sunday from 4-7 and make sure you are playing yalls practice matches. And here is a funny story that happened to me yesterday. 
Ok so I was driving back to College Station yesterday from Tx State, it was my buddies Birthday. So anyways I get pulled over for a Missing front license plate. Yeah... And the State trooper comes up and than ask me to Step out of the car and walk backwards with my hands on my head. I was like, are you serious is this necessary!! And so he tells me to put my hands on the hood and they search me, which is pretty damn  wierd. And I said is this a standard procedure for a missing license plate.  Than he asked If I had any illegal substances in my system, and i said no, wondering why he would  ask that. Than he asked if I have been arrested I said no, cuz I haven't. And than he said  "he asked all these questions because he could smell marijuana coming from my car!! " And I was dumb founded and was like that's impossible I don't smoke. So he asked if they could search my car. And I told them, legally they cant with out my consent, but i said I had nothing to hide so go ahead no problem. And they made me sit in the back of a car for 30 min while they searched my truck!!!  Of course they didn't find anything and they were like,  our bad its procedure and then I got to leave with some warnings. Why are cops so bored it College Station!!
So see you guys there today.
Duece It
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tournament, addendum

A few more things about this coming weekend:

The tournament on Saturday, like most of the other ones we will be traveling to, will run from about 9a to 6p so we will be driving there and returning all one day. We anticipate other teams to be from tu, baylor, tech, smu, tjc, etc...

Attached are the list of players that have signed up for this weekend as of noon today. We would love to take as many teams as we can make. We always have a blast at these tournaments, especially when we beat tu...

Later guys-


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tournament on October 13 in Houston

Hey everyone!
How bout those Aggies!  I don't know about you guys, but I think J-train would make an excellent QB! WHOOP! 
As you all know, we have a tournament in H-town (represent!) on October 13th, which is this coming Saturday.  We have set up a link on our website so that everyone can tell us which tournaments they are attending (it is called "which tournaments" on the right side of the webpage).  Several items need to be addressed concerning this tournament:
1.  THE SIGNUP DEADLINE FOR THIS TOURNAMENT IS MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 AT MIDNIGHT.  We only have two club meetings between now and the tournament, so we are on a tight schedule.  If you do not sign up for this tournament by this time, you will not be allowed to attend. 
2.  Soong, Billy, and I are the only officers attending this tournament.
3.  We are planning on leaving Saturday morning (I believe the tournament starts at 8 am but I could be wrong).  The tournament is at Lee LeClear Tennis Center.
4.  WE NEED DRIVERS, especially those of you who have EZ tags and know your way around Houston cuz we want to avoid another Dallas incident (SOONG).  If you can drive please tell us under the "comment" part of of the tournament signup.  Also tell us how many can fit in your car, so we can start assigning people to cars.  If you plan on going down on friday by yourself tell us!
5.  We are going to try to provide water, gatorade, etc. for the team, but I can't promise anything at this time.
6.  Attached is an assumption of risk form.  Everyone that is planning on going needs to fill this form out and bring it to club on Wednesday, October 10.
As always keep checking your email for updates, especially during this coming week, because we will be sending updates throughout.  REMEMBER THE DEADLINE IS MONDAY!
Brad Burgess
Fundraising Officer   
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 5, 2007

Updated Competition Matches/Deadline Extension

To: Texas A&M Tennis Club
From: Soong Hay Tam
Subject: Updated Competition Matches/Deadline Extension

Hey Guys,

Attached is the updated version of the 1st Round Matches.  This version does not affect any matches that have been previously assigned.  I have only added new matches, namely match #s 64, 65, 66.  The President and Vice-President have granted us a few extra days to complete these matches, so the new deadline is no longer Saturday night, but before practice on Wednesday!  If you have reported a default and can now complete the match before the new deadline, please contact your opponent and still try to play the match.  After the completion of the match, still report the scores to  Good Luck and Have Fun with your matches!  =]  If you have any questions, feel free to reply.

As always, I remain very truly yours,

Soong Hay Tam

P.S. - On a side note, this was the FIRST email I have sent to the club, WOOHOO!!!  OH, and please let us know if you are going to the Houston tournament next weekend, ASAP!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Online form updated

Sorry about that guys-

The form should be good to go now.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Upcoming Tournaments


We have our first tournament next weekend.  It is Houston and it will last all day on Saturday.  We will carpool down there leaving early in the morning and returning late at night.  However wants to go needs to register.  To register go to out website  Underneath Get In Touch, at the bottom there is a hyperlink called "which tournaments".  Use this to sign up for all the tournaments that you want to go to.

Be sure to play your matches they are due Saturday night.  For those of you that are new, we are working on it.

If you havent filled in your USTA number or address that is necessary for anyone wanting to play tournaments.

One last thing, im sorry to say this again but tennis club is not free, it is for members only.  Even if you plan on "just hitting" then you need  to join. 

I hope yall have a great night.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Howdy, to all of you planning on playing ANY tournaments this year we need you to fill out one of the following forms:

If you have a USTA number input it into our link at under "Get in Touch"

If you do not have a USTA number we need your address and date of birth, you can input this underneath the link for USTA number, it will be under "this form"

This is mandatory and we need it as soon as you can or we may not be able to allow you to play the USTA team tennis. 

Also practice tomorrow from 8-11 you know the place.  Remember to play your competitive matches, remember the first round is due Sunday morning  at 3 a.m. unless you contact us.

Jonathan, David, Jill

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, October 1, 2007

Competitive, Updated


The competitive matches have been updated. The changes affect only the following match numbers: 30, 39, 61, 62, 63

Also, I have posted the draws online, in addition to the pdf attachment.

(you can toggle between the guys and ladies draws at the top of the page)



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fall Competitive Play, Practice Tomorrow


Practice tomorrow, 4-7.

If you haven't yet joined the best tennis club in the nation, we will be around tomorrow if you have any questions, collect some dues, or get you signed up to play competitively with us.

We need your USTA numbers, if you are a USTA member. Its real easy to retrieve your number by calling them up if you don't have it memorized or tattooed somewhere. Link to the entry form is on the right side of the website.

Competitive Stuff:

So its looking like we will be traveling to 3 away team tournaments this semester (Houston, Austin, and Dallas), the first of which on Oct 13. We also have scheduled a dual match vs tu (to be played at home) and we will be hosting a singles tournament of our own. The team tournaments are played with 6-10 people per team, in a WTT format. Initial placement on our teams are primarily based our Intra-club competitive matches in the fall, and challenge matches in the spring. Last year we were able to take 5 teams to some of the tournaments.

This fall we will be playing a win-lose type setup, similar to Vicki's tennis class, where you will play people with similar won/lost ratios. For example, on the third week, if you have won 2 and lost 1 match, you will be playing against someone else who has also won 2 and lost 1. We will post the entire setup online soon, but for now, the first round matches are attached.

From here on out, these matches are your responsibility to get in touch with your opponent and get your match played, either during our Sunday practices or in your own time. We are allowing 1 week per match, starting tonight and ending a week from now ( 2 out of 3 sets, regular scoring ). Please let us know if there are any problems getting in touch or finding a suitable playing time.

Score Reporting: check out the "Report a score" button on the right side of our website, where you will enter winner's and loser's name, match number, and your score.

Thats all for now,


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Upcoming Tennis

First and foremost I want to welcome all the new tennis club members and say thanks to those who have been faithful members over the years.  Our Competitive Play will begin within the week so for all you that signed up for competitive play be prepared to play one to two matches a week.  Next, I'm sorry for the ceaseless annoyance of dues but for all of those wanting to play competitively dues are due.  For those that are not playing competitively dues are also due.  There will be no more "free" practices.  The reason being that this is a club and it is for members only.  If you have not joined and want to play competitively please reply to this email with your phone number and we will contact you.  As always first timers are not required to pay dues but, as i said it is a club so please do not take advantage of that.

Next order of business.  Our first "Team Tournament" is on October 13, also our calendar is on our website for those that want to plan ahead (  Be thinking as to whether or not you can go to this.

Also for everyone, if you are a USTA member we need your number.  David has created a cool program that makes this easy for everyone.  Go to

All you do is pick your name and type the number.

Now why are we doing this?  Well USTA wants to know which college has the highest percentage of USTA members.  Therefore once y'all enter in the numbers we will report to them.  This also in a way depicts how much money they give in grants which help us pay for travel expenses, tournaments, etc.  If you are not a member you do not have to do this, so do not worry about it if you are not.  If you do not remember your number contact membership services of the USTA.

Soda paid his dues!!!!  

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Howdy Ags,
Ok so check this out; 1. Our football team is terrible once again, well actually just Fran... he sucks. 2. All dues are payed so I will never ask again....haha yeah right Pay your dues!!!!!!!!!!! . 3. Practice tonight  8-11, at the courts. 4. Dallas is the most confusing place ever!!,  Let me tell ya a storey Ags, Ok so we all wanted to get ice cream after the match on Sat, so we left to go there. Soong calls and says he is  lost 20 miles away in downtown Dallas. We were in Fresco. So David and I go and rescue him, and then we go get some Whataburger,  and some how we get lost for another couple hours in the ghetto and Ive never seen Highways just end before but they do in Dallas!!! It was awful!!! So thanks Soong. Even though ya did buy me a strawberry Shake. And last but not least... SODA pay your dues.

-- Billy
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fwd: Practice time

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Hoover <>
Date: Sep 23, 2007 11:39 AM
Subject: Practice time
To: "" <>

Howdy aggs!!
Ok so this is crazy  I am actualy sending this email on davids
iphone!  Bc we are coming back from the Sampras match. It was awsome.
Ok so we have club at 4-7 at the tennis courts. Make sure that you pay
dues .  All right guys I hope to see ya there.


David Hoover '09

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Howdy Ags, Im sorry for the late notice but i was hoping that the storms would clear off.  The REC which opens the courts has said that there is lightning in the area therefore we cannot risk practicing.  Also if you are planning on attending the Sampras Match I need to talk to yall, I need yall to sign a paper and need to know who can drive there.  Reply to this email if you can dirve.
See all of you on Sunday,  Jonathan 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Practice 8-11

Hey Guys
All right so tonight yall know what time it is..... practice from 8-11 at the courts.  Dues are due for all members meaning, Competitive and non competitive players, as well as prior members. So if your in the club pay your dues. And if you are going to the Sampras match make sure you see Johny or Matt.  So hope to see you guys there tonight!!!
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Stop the emails

If you have decided that the tennis club is not for you, or you are one of the lucky ones that has graduated and moved on into the real world and are tired of getting our inspirational emails, follow the following instructions to remove your email from our listserv:

To remove yourself from a list, send an email to with the following command as a single line in the body of your message:


Your email must come from the account you used when you subscribed to the list.

Having trouble? Feel free to email us about it.


Hey Guys,
Sorry for the late email but most of yall know the drill.  Practice from 4-7 at the courts Dont wanna be a stickler, but make sure you have paid your dues, and If ya wanna go to the Sampras match amke sure you pay Johny and let him know that you are interested. Hey guess what our football team doesnt suck as bad as I thought, haha just kidding. we actualy passed the ball this game crazy how that works. Ok so hope to see all of yalll out there!!!
Time 4-7
Where: Da Courts
What to do......Pay DUES!!!!!!!!!!! jk have some fun its only 95 today so its a lil cooler

Later Billy
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Last Chance to see Sampras

Im sorry guys for such a quick notice but I need to order the tickets tomorrow.  My cell is 432-634-1588 so call me if you still want to go.  A little recap, the match is Saturday night at 7:00 in Frisco Tx Sept. 22.  We will be staying at peoples houses so that will not be an expense.  We will also carpool down there.  This is a great chance to get to know other people and your officers as well, so if you are interested give me a call, the tickets are only $30.
Thanks, Jonathan

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Whats up yall,
Ok guys tonight at 8-11  we are having tennis club!!! Yeah chicka chicka tennis club. Alright some things to go over real quick. One dues!!!! We gotta start collecting dues especially from you returning club members. We are pushing dues so hard because we  cant  get the competition teams organized yet until we get all our members squared away. So its only $40 dollars, pay now or i will hunt you down!!! 2. Let Johny know about the Sampras match as well. Ok guys hope to see yall out there tonight 8-11 at the tennis courts. Laters

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, September 10, 2007

Pete Sampras vs Robby Ginepri

Howdy Fellow Tennis Ags

As I mentioned in practice we have a lot of cool events planned this year.  The first thing that we are going to do as a club is go and watch Pete Sampras play Robby Ginepri.  As all of you know These are two great tennis players.  At 7:00 p.m. on Saturday September 22 these two are going to play at the Dr Pepper Star Center in Frisco Texas which is north Dallas.  These tickets will cost $30 each and is only open to club members.  We are planning on driving down saturday afternoon and leaving Sunday around noon.  As of right now we have three houses for people to stay in so space is limited and will be based on a first come first serve.  If however some of you live in that area and would be willing to offer your house for us that would be greatly appreciated and would allow more people to go.  So check your schedule, see if you can go then reply to this email.

Thanks everyone,


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Inter-club Tournaments this Fall

We will be traveling to several inter-club tournaments this fall. These are lots of fun, great times to make friends and play a little tennis. They are all Saturday only events, so for the Houston and Austin ones, we will leave early and come back late. Check out our calendar for dates.

We will be taking as many teams, of 8-10 people per team, as we can make, hopefully. If you are not familiar with how we play the WTT format, check it out. We will have some, to be determined, type of competition to help us initially place you on teams before the first tournament.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Tennis Club vs Intramurals

So we were thinking what is the difference between intramural and tennis club, are they the same?

Well the truth is they are not. Intramural is an ongoing tournament throughout the semester. Although it is fun it only involves those who sign up and you will just play one another. Club Tennis will not only have a similar tournament to that of intramural but if gives the opportunity to play in WTT tournaments against other schools, play other colleges in dual matches and I'm not just talking about club teams. Last year we played an actual varsity team and had a convincing victory. We also do social things so that we can get to know another... and we get cool shirts.

Hope to see ya'll on Wednesday,


Saturday, September 8, 2007

Howdy AaaaGggggggSsss!!!!!!

Hey Ags!!!!
All right guys and girls, I know yall cant sleep tonight because of tennis club... cuz its so freaking sweet! Yes Its coming soon. Ok so its at 4-7 P.M. at the courts. I hope to see you guys there!!! Ok now things to recap: Our secondary on our football team sucks. But hey we won and its all good. Next those officials were shady... yep shady. "it was a fumble" cough!!! Next I guess holding in Fresno State is legal. Ok now that I have that off my back lets talk tennis. So we have a special guest coming tomorrow...hmm maybe Roddick. Or our sponsor. So ya don't want to miss it. We will also introduce the officers and yall can find out some cool stuff about us. Im pretty amazing, I dont know how to put this, but... people know me. Yep. Ok so pay dues once again. Its free but ya have to pay for a $40 dollar T Shirt. And get ready for some amazing times. Yall give me a call if ya need anything.
club 4-7P.M
Where: Courts de Tennis
events: clean winner, dubs, speeches, and team singles
Pepes: All of the fightin Texas Aggie Tennis Club and our special guest.

Deuce it,
Cool quotes i heard
"As soon as your born you start dying, so ya might as well have a good time!"
" happiness is like peeing your pants only you can feel its warmth"

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Awsome first day!!!

Howdy Ags!!,

OK Guys so the first day of club is over.... God it was freakin saweeet!! I hope all of yall had an amazing time!!!! I know I ball feeder ever!!! I know clean winner can get a lil repetitive, but with the numbers we had its hard to get a lot of things going at a constant pace... Clean winner is a good way to meet the tennis chicks and dudes. So guys, play it smooth!!! Don't hit at the girls at 100 MPH not too cool......hmmm Robert. Yes Robert has been crowned last year's woman slayer, so who's up for the task this year. Kelly once again being the creepy old person has once again shown off her matching styles. Pretty lame if you ask me, but if some one can out do her please do so. But back on track. Remember guys dues!!!!!!!!!!!! Please as soon as you can pay your dues. The sooner (<--lame!!) ha-ha get It., you pay your dues the sooner we can get you in our pool play and you can start competing. YAY for competing. And plus that nifty sweet tennis shirt!!! For free or for $40. Depends on how ya look at it. Another thing, last year's club was amazing! our club members were really close and have become great friends. We hang out together every day. Let's shoot for the same goals this year. Our next club practice is Sunday at 4-7 P.M. at the tennis courts. Now if you can only hit for a lil bit no worries. There is no time line of when you have to get there or leave. Preferably at the start but when ever is cool. OK guys I hope yall have an amazing rest of the week, and if ya need anything or want to hit give me or some of your fellow club members a call.

Deuce it!
Billy Uran
P.s Facebook your officers

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Howdy from the Texas A&M Tennis Club

Howdy AGS!!!!,

Hey guys I hope y'all are excited about Wednesdays practice!! In case you didn't know its from 8-11 p.m. Located at the intramural tennis courts, Right next to the Varsity tennis courts. Things to get pumped up for!!!!; 1. Extreme Games of clean winner!!! a classic fun competitive game for all skill levels. 2. play some matches with new friends lots of courts for lots of tennis!!, 3. If your new to tennis club no worries, your gonna make a lot of friends really quick!!, lots of tennis Hotties!!!!(SODA HENG, and JENSON) chicka chicka tennis club!!, (<--Super Bad). 4. You can try tennis club for free!!, yes free!!!!! to see if you like it, and/or you can pay your dues then or next time. Dues are $40, yay t-shirt is included wow!!!, Now I know what your thinking a T-Shirt! oh yes...a Fightin Texas Aggie Tennis Club Shirt who have won nationals 6 times!!!!!!!!!! 5 in a row. Straight Ballin. All skills are welcome!!!, your always going to find some one your playing ability. There are going to be alot of people the first couple of days but thats ok, more friends and more hitting. Now what if your saying, "hey Billy I dont have a racqet or hey my strings are broken!! "Not a problem we have a demo racquets to borrow, and we have stringing service as well. So I cant wait to see you guys out there and get ready for an amazing year!!!


Wendsday 8-11 PM
Intramural Courts
Call if need directions
Bring sweet out fit!!! Impress the chcks
Have fun
P.s if it rains stay posted !! AKA Weather permitting.

Deuce it,
-- Billy

Friday, August 31, 2007

USTA Membership

Howdy to all.

You may not know it but right now is a great time to get a USTA membership. You may ask yourself why? Well to begin, membership will only cost 25$ (normally 40$) through this Friday, so if you register before this Friday then you can become the newest member of USTA and can take advantage of all its benefits. Also there is a competition between clubs to see which club can get the most memberships. If we do well, we could could be entitled financial help of which would benefit the club. So if you are interested in this then follow the following instructions.

New members can join by phoning 1-800-990-8782 or visiting the USTA website promotional code for the $25 fee is 4610.This offer expires on August 31 st!

Thanks everyone, seeya at Open House


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Getting Involved

We welcome both experienced and non-experienced players. We meet on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons for three hours. You are more than welcome to just come whenever. During those practice, we feed our favorite game, called 'clean winner', but you are welcome to grab some balls or pick up a doubles game. In addition to weekly practices, we travel to other colleges to play dual matches against other club teams and play in competitive club tournaments.

In spring 2009, we were able to take every member that wanted to play to several tournaments including Sectionals.

During the fall of each year, members are divided into smaller teams; and in the spring of each year, we send many of our small teams to a Sectionals Tournament. If we succeed at Sectionals, we send our top team to compete in the National Tournament against club teams from colleges across the nation. Since 2001, the TAMU Tennis Club has won the National Club Tournament six times.

Dues are $50/year or $30/sem which helps cover for balls, shirts, uniforms, social events, REC court fees, entry fees, housing, and travel costs for intra- and inter-club tournaments in and around the state, and to nationals, etc... Club members also receive up to 15% off Tennis Warehouse purchases.

Our main form of communication is through our List serve. If you would like to be added, let us know at Check out our Facebook group as well.


Our officers are elected by the member population to serve for an academic year. This year we are comprised of eleven student officer positions, and one mandatory faculty advisor.

Jonathan Brower '11

Hersh Pise '11

Ana Sanchez '12

Rushi Dave '11

Alyx Camacho '11

Ryan Hillestad '10
Competition Co-Chair

Neil Grobler '11
Competition Co-Chair

Sean Redmond '11
Social Co-Chair

Rita Kartunov '12
Social Co-Chair

Scott Motl '12
Recruitment Chair

Jensen Yancey '10
Fundraising Chair

Sign me up

We accept new players year-round.

We play twice a week, as indicated at the top of the page. Students, faculty, and others in the community are welcome to come and hit anytime. If you feel like this is an organization that you would like to be part of, dues are $50/year or $30/semester to be paid to the treasurer at one of our practices. We require members to be paid up before playing in any of our intraclub pools, in and out of town tournaments, dual or team matches.

USTA membership is encouraged, but not required. They often have sign up specials, so make sure you look into that before committing.

All of our club communications go out on this blog or through email on our listserv. To be added or removed from our to our mailing list contact us at

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Send us your pictures

We would love to add your pictures to our collection. Feel free to email us at with the pictures attached.
