Friday, October 5, 2007

Updated Competition Matches/Deadline Extension

To: Texas A&M Tennis Club
From: Soong Hay Tam
Subject: Updated Competition Matches/Deadline Extension

Hey Guys,

Attached is the updated version of the 1st Round Matches.  This version does not affect any matches that have been previously assigned.  I have only added new matches, namely match #s 64, 65, 66.  The President and Vice-President have granted us a few extra days to complete these matches, so the new deadline is no longer Saturday night, but before practice on Wednesday!  If you have reported a default and can now complete the match before the new deadline, please contact your opponent and still try to play the match.  After the completion of the match, still report the scores to  Good Luck and Have Fun with your matches!  =]  If you have any questions, feel free to reply.

As always, I remain very truly yours,

Soong Hay Tam

P.S. - On a side note, this was the FIRST email I have sent to the club, WOOHOO!!!  OH, and please let us know if you are going to the Houston tournament next weekend, ASAP!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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