Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Round 2 Match Deadline Extension

To:  Texas A&M Tennis Club -Competitive Members
From: Soong Hay Tam
Date: 10/16/07
Subject:  Round 2 Match Deadline Extension

Hey Guys,

I am extending the deadline for Round 2 matches till this Saturday.  As of right now, I believe we have an abnormally low turn-out on completed matches.  In fact, there have only been a few reported matches.  As a reminder, following the completion of your match, please go to our website, tennisclub.tamu.edu and report the winner, loser, score, and match number.  If your opponent defaults, please report "default" as the score.  I cannot stress the importance enough to complete these matches, as these help us place you on the appropriate team for tournaments.  Although this is the second time we have extended the matches, this will probably be the last so we can finish this on time.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend this weekend's tournament at t.u.  Nevertheless, I wish you guys the best of luck, and BTHO t.u.,  Hope to see you guys at practice on Wednesday as "good results come from great efforts on the practice court."

Thanks, Gig'em, and Have A Great Rest Of The Week,

Soong Hay Tam
Competition Officer
Texas A&M Tennis Club

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