Sunday, October 14, 2007


Hey guys,
All right so we have lots to talk about.  This weekend was amazing for the TAMU TENNIS CLUB TEAMS!!! and not so for the football team. Once again our  gilded record was shown and we got creamed in football, but thats  OK because the TAMU TENNIS CLUB TEAMS did amazing. So to recap  we had 3 teams place in the top 4!!! so that's pretty sweet.  Everyone put in a lot of effort and had a great time. A&M maroon dominated in style annihilating t.u and happened to have Brad's sister in the mix. Sorry Brad. I want to thank Brad and Soong and the other officers for  getting this tournament organized, ya'll did an amazing job, there is a lot of stuff that needs to get done that the officers have to do before we can go to each tournament so thanx alot .It  was great start for a great year. Lets see what else... hmm oh I regret eating the random Pizza with Kyle on the bleachers, because I got really sick last night. Hooters was awesome!!  Next thing is really important. If you are going to the  t.u  tournament let us know!!! You can go SIGN up on the website and do so. Next thing Soulja Boy was ....hmmm...yeah...umm...yeah.  Hope to see ya out there!!
Practice from 4--7
Domination in Houston
Our football team is crappy
So is Soulja Boy
SIGN UP FOR t.u tourney
Deuce it,

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