Thursday, October 11, 2007


Ladies and Gentlemen!  It's time for the main event! LLLLLLLLLets get ready to rumble!!!!

That's right; the H-town tournament is here! Now, for those of you who could not attend last night's meeting or have forgotten everything, allow me to inform you:

1)      BE AT THE INTRAMURAL TENNIS COURTS AT 6:15 AM ON SATURDAY MORNING (10/13/07)! This doesn't mean "leave your apartment/dorm at 6:15 am" it means be rolling into the parking lot in front of the intramural tennis courts at 6:15 am. We don't want to leave anyone, but we have done it before, so BE ON TIME!

2)      IF YOU HAVE NOT FILLED OUT AN ASSUMPTION OF RISK FORM, FILL ONE OUT AND BRING IT SATURDAY MORNING! I have attached the form to this email, so please don't forget! We will have a few extras, but if you do not fill out one of these forms, you can't travel with us.

3)      DRIVERS:   Do not leave without a full car! We have something like 3 open spaces in cars, so fit as many people as you can (comfortably).  Also COME WITH A FULL TANK OF GAS!

4)      THOSE OF YOU NOT DRIVING:   You will be sorted into cars Saturday morning.

5)      THOSE OF YOU DRIVING YOURSELVES ON FRIDAY:   Be at Lee LeClear Tennis Center by 8:00 am on Saturday morning!


7)      KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING!   I have attached directions, so drivers, make sure you print them out! If you would like a map, go to and type in Lee LeClear Tennis Center Houston, TX.  It is on Gessner and HW 59.

8)      BRING MONEY! I don't know about everyone else, but Soong and I are planning on hitting up Taste of Texas (Whoop!)

9)      THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO ALCOHOL ON THIS TRIP! You are representing Texas A&M, and we have an excellent reputation to uphold.

10)  FOR THOSE OF YOU UNFAMILIAR WITH WORLD TEAM TENNIS: Go to and click on the World Team Tennis Rules and Regulations Link. Team captains should familiarize themselves with these items as soon as possible.

Concerning the teams, I will email them out tomorrow morning. I encourage the captains to get in touch with their team members and meet on Friday night to hang out and work out a game plan for Saturday.   I recommend friending your teammates on Facebook, and then getting everyone's number.  On this trip, teams are expected to remain together at all times.   Each team's captain is responsible for his or her team members, as in making sure that the entire team is accounted for before traveling, eating together, etc.   MOST IMPORTANTLY, HAVE FUN!!!! These tournaments are meant to be an enjoyable experience for everyone!

If you have any questions or concerns, my number is 832-715-8316, Soong's is 281-387-7713, and Billy's is 830-387-6174.


Brad Burgess

Fundraising Officer   

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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