Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Hey guys,
Ok so Brad sends some badass emails, i taught him everything i know. Anyways here some important things to know for today!!!

1. USTA officials meeting at the varsity courts at 6 p.m tonight. Be there free odd and you can learn some interesting things.
2.GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS. We need girls for our tournament this weekend. So if your interested contact one the officers ASAP.. I Will even let y'all ride with me down to H-TOWN. I know  I KNOW what a treat.!!!! Chica chica get to ride with BIlly!!!!! Definitely worth it now.
3.And practice tonight, and if you are going to the tourney make sure you come by. Or get a hold of an officer prior to.
Love ya guys

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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