Sunday, October 7, 2007

Tournament on October 13 in Houston

Hey everyone!
How bout those Aggies!  I don't know about you guys, but I think J-train would make an excellent QB! WHOOP! 
As you all know, we have a tournament in H-town (represent!) on October 13th, which is this coming Saturday.  We have set up a link on our website so that everyone can tell us which tournaments they are attending (it is called "which tournaments" on the right side of the webpage).  Several items need to be addressed concerning this tournament:
1.  THE SIGNUP DEADLINE FOR THIS TOURNAMENT IS MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 AT MIDNIGHT.  We only have two club meetings between now and the tournament, so we are on a tight schedule.  If you do not sign up for this tournament by this time, you will not be allowed to attend. 
2.  Soong, Billy, and I are the only officers attending this tournament.
3.  We are planning on leaving Saturday morning (I believe the tournament starts at 8 am but I could be wrong).  The tournament is at Lee LeClear Tennis Center.
4.  WE NEED DRIVERS, especially those of you who have EZ tags and know your way around Houston cuz we want to avoid another Dallas incident (SOONG).  If you can drive please tell us under the "comment" part of of the tournament signup.  Also tell us how many can fit in your car, so we can start assigning people to cars.  If you plan on going down on friday by yourself tell us!
5.  We are going to try to provide water, gatorade, etc. for the team, but I can't promise anything at this time.
6.  Attached is an assumption of risk form.  Everyone that is planning on going needs to fill this form out and bring it to club on Wednesday, October 10.
As always keep checking your email for updates, especially during this coming week, because we will be sending updates throughout.  REMEMBER THE DEADLINE IS MONDAY!
Brad Burgess
Fundraising Officer   
Texas A&M Tennis Club

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