Monday, October 8, 2007

Wednesday Practice

Howdy all of you tennis enthusiasts!
As most of you know we have practice this Wednesday, October 10 at the intramural tennis courts.  Given that we have a tournament in Houston rapidly approaching, we are making this practice manditory for all of you who are attending this tournament as of midnight tonight.  We plan to go over several important items such as the itinerary, travel, and teams, and need everyone who is going there so that we can get as organized as possible.  If for some reason (ie the world is coming to an end and kangaroos are stampeding through College Station) you cannot make this practice please email either Soong, Billy, or me so that we can make sure that you get all of the information.  Given the short amount of time we have before Houston, Soong, Billy, Matt, David, Jonathan, Jill, and I are going to form the teams for this tournament tomorrow so that we will be able to tell everyone which team they are on during Wednesday's meeting.  We will base our selection on the first round matches, your USTA standings (if you are a member), and our own knowledge of how you play.  If for some reason you don't agree with our placement, fear not!  These teams will not be set in stone, and will most likely change after more competative matches have been played.  Remember the main goal of these tournaments is to have FUN!
If you have not signed up yet, but want to go, please go to and click on the link called "which tournaments."  WE ARE ALWAYS IN NEED OF MORE PLAYERS (ESPECIALLY GIRLS), AND WANT TO TAKE AS MANY TEAMS AS WE CAN!   

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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