Sunday, October 7, 2007


Howdy Ags,
All right so I was pretty happy with our team yesterday, but Fran still sucks. Its amazing what happens when we have more than three plays huh. Its called passing I'm glad Fran learned that in the second half. But anyways practice is today Sunday from 4-7 and make sure you are playing yalls practice matches. And here is a funny story that happened to me yesterday. 
Ok so I was driving back to College Station yesterday from Tx State, it was my buddies Birthday. So anyways I get pulled over for a Missing front license plate. Yeah... And the State trooper comes up and than ask me to Step out of the car and walk backwards with my hands on my head. I was like, are you serious is this necessary!! And so he tells me to put my hands on the hood and they search me, which is pretty damn  wierd. And I said is this a standard procedure for a missing license plate.  Than he asked If I had any illegal substances in my system, and i said no, wondering why he would  ask that. Than he asked if I have been arrested I said no, cuz I haven't. And than he said  "he asked all these questions because he could smell marijuana coming from my car!! " And I was dumb founded and was like that's impossible I don't smoke. So he asked if they could search my car. And I told them, legally they cant with out my consent, but i said I had nothing to hide so go ahead no problem. And they made me sit in the back of a car for 30 min while they searched my truck!!!  Of course they didn't find anything and they were like,  our bad its procedure and then I got to leave with some warnings. Why are cops so bored it College Station!!
So see you guys there today.
Duece It
Texas A&M Tennis Club

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