Monday, September 10, 2007

Pete Sampras vs Robby Ginepri

Howdy Fellow Tennis Ags

As I mentioned in practice we have a lot of cool events planned this year.  The first thing that we are going to do as a club is go and watch Pete Sampras play Robby Ginepri.  As all of you know These are two great tennis players.  At 7:00 p.m. on Saturday September 22 these two are going to play at the Dr Pepper Star Center in Frisco Texas which is north Dallas.  These tickets will cost $30 each and is only open to club members.  We are planning on driving down saturday afternoon and leaving Sunday around noon.  As of right now we have three houses for people to stay in so space is limited and will be based on a first come first serve.  If however some of you live in that area and would be willing to offer your house for us that would be greatly appreciated and would allow more people to go.  So check your schedule, see if you can go then reply to this email.

Thanks everyone,


Texas A&M Tennis Club

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