Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Howdy Ags,
Ok so check this out; 1. Our football team is terrible once again, well actually just Fran... he sucks. 2. All dues are payed so I will never ask again....haha yeah right Pay your dues!!!!!!!!!!! . 3. Practice tonight  8-11, at the courts. 4. Dallas is the most confusing place ever!!,  Let me tell ya a storey Ags, Ok so we all wanted to get ice cream after the match on Sat, so we left to go there. Soong calls and says he is  lost 20 miles away in downtown Dallas. We were in Fresco. So David and I go and rescue him, and then we go get some Whataburger,  and some how we get lost for another couple hours in the ghetto and Ive never seen Highways just end before but they do in Dallas!!! It was awful!!! So thanks Soong. Even though ya did buy me a strawberry Shake. And last but not least... SODA pay your dues.

-- Billy
Texas A&M Tennis Club

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