Thursday, November 29, 2007

UT Dual Match / extra Practice

Hey guys,

As you guys are well aware that we are playing UT or t.u. this weekend,  we are now meeting at HIGH NOON or 12:00pm to warm-up and will begin play at 12:30 sharp.  Please be prompt as we want to be fully warm before we BTHO t.u.
On that note, We will be having an EXTRA practice tonight (thursday night) at 8:00pm for all the people that are playing the event.  I know a lot of you guys including myself are extremely busy this week but please try to get in as much hitting before this match =].  I look forward to seeing you guys tonight and good luck with tests and whatever else you have going on.

Have a Great Week and BTHO t.u.,

Soong Hay Tam
Competition Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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