Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tennis Club Apparel Orders

Howdy Ags!

If you ordered some Tennis Club apparel and haven't picked it up yet, please shoot me an email at or call me at 915-526-4250.  I still have a lot of people's stuff and I want to get it to ya'll before we leave for Christmas Break!  I will be here until Saturday, December 18th so just get in touch with me and we will work out a time to meet up!  

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Great Semester

Howdy Ags!!

Unfortunately, we are done with practice for the semester so that y'all can study (hopefully) for finals. Thank you to everyone for a great semester! 

Practice will get started first thing next semester, and there is still a lot to look forward to.  We hope to see everyone back next semester when we start getting ready for sectionals. 

Look forward to seeing everyone next semester.  Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Howdy Ags!!
Make sure to come out to practice on Wednesday so that y'all can work off that Thanksgiving food. 
Look forward to seeing y'all there!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 27, 2010

No Practice Sunday

Howdy Ags!!
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.
There won't be practice tomorrow, but enjoy the rest of your break!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fwd: Lessons

Howdy Ags!

A teaching opportunity came up (see below). Anyone interested? practice tomorrow or Sunday

Gig 'Em!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eric and Patricia Culp <>
Date: Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 3:10 PM
Subject: Lessons

Dear Jonathan,
We are seeking a very experienced tennis player who has the skills to teach serve and refine the volley skills of a freshman in hopes of making high school tennis team. Could do Saturdays or possibly Friday nights or Sun afternoons.  If he makes team....lessons would continue into summer and fall of 2012.  I realize you are graduating... but you could start with him perhaps, then hand him off to someone compatible. If  it helps...he is top of his class....should be very coachable.  If  someone would be willing to take him on...we can afford  $25 cash for the 2 hours of playing.
Rather than spend $400 a week for camp... we would rather see a college student put the money to good use AND have fun while doing it! Also smaller lessons rather than 8 hours a day would suit him better. We would rather commit to $400 over 4 months than a weeks worth.
Please let us know if anyone is interested.
Trish Culp


Netscape.  Just the Net You Need.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Last Reed Clean Up on Monday

Howdy Tennis Club!

It's gameday in College Station!  If anyone wants to play tennis anywhere in Bryan/College Station around 7 tonight, I don't think you're going to have any problem finding an open court.  For those that are going to the game, y'all can come to practice tomorrow from 4-7 at the intramural courts.
Monday is the last scheduled Reed clean up.  Please come out and help tennis club beat the hell outta the leftovers of messy sports fans at 10 P.M. down by the loading docks again.  The more people we have there helping out, the faster it will go so y'all bring all your friends to help out.  Here's the Facebook page for reference:!/event.php?eid=170915309594262.  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for.
Let's beat the hell outta Nebraska tonight!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"The Sweater that Lost its Way"

Attention fellow tennis clubbers,

   At the Reed Arena clean up last night I put my sweater (a gray Columbia fleece) in the stands just before we took our picture at center court. When I came back to pick it up before heading back was GONE! But, for real, I left my sweater there and I'm sure someone just mistakenly grabbed it thinking it was theirs on the way out. So if you have a L gray Columbia fleece that you thought was yours, but after checking... isn't yours... bring it to club tonight por favor :). Thanks!

-Neil Grobler-

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Reed Clean Up Tonight at 10

Howdy Tennis Club!

Hope your Tuesday is going well, and make sure to come to practice tomorrow from 8-11 at the intramural courts.  All apparel is in, so y'all can come pick up anything that y'all ordered.
We have a Reed Arena clean up tonight at 10 P.M., so meet by the loading docks behind Reed and come on in to beat the hell outta spilt popcorn!!!  This is one of two opportunities left to get sectionals paid for, so this is a good chance to get started if you haven't come to a clean up yet.  Here's the Facebook event if you need reference:!/event.php?eid=156279341080505.  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
Remember that we have a Reed clean up next Monday as well, so keep the date open.
Thanks and gig 'em!!
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Reed Clean Up on Tuesday

Howdy Tennis Club!

Happy Saturday afternoon, and I hope that everyone decides to come out to practice tomorrow from 4-7 out at the intramural courts.  All apparel is in, so y'all can come pick up anything that y'all ordered.

Don't forget to plan for the Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd at 10 P.M.  A Facebook event has been created for the clean up on the 16th:!/event.php?eid=156279341080505.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
Thanks and gig 'em!

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

All Apparel Is In

Howdy Ags!
This is your friendly Tuesday morning reminder to come to practice tomorrow from 8-11 out at the intramural courts.  Due to the fact that we didn't have practice last Wednesday, the theme is going to be 'Murrica night again.  Come show off your red, white, and blue in the most patriotic way you can.  The guys uniform shirts are finally in so y'all can come pick up everything that you ordered.

Don't forget to plan for the Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd.  A Facebook event has been created for the clean up on the 16th:!/event.php?eid=156279341080505.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
Alright, come pick up your apparel and show off that American regalia tomorrow night.
Thanks and gig 'em!

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tennis Club is Awesome

Howdy Ags!

We would like to apologize if you came out to practice on Wednesday.  The rec thought the courts would be wet and did not send a worker out to open the courts.  However, we are still having practice tomorrow at the intramural courts from 4-7.  Remember to come out and pick up your tennis club apparel at practice!

Thank you to everyone who came out and cleaned up Reed Arena on Tuesday.  There will be two more Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd as well, and a Facebook event has been created for the clean up on the 16th:!/event.php?eid=156279341080505.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!

Well, that's all for now....

Let's beat the hell outta OU tonight!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reed clean up tonight at 10

Howdy Ags!

Remember to come out to practice tomorrow from 8-11 at the intramural courts.  The theme will be 'Murrica night, so come in a patriotic mood and dressed in the most American red, white, and blue attire you have.  While you're there, pick up your apparel at practice so you can rep tennis club.  Everything is in except for the guys uniform shirts.

The first Reed Arena clean up will be TODAY at 10 P.M. down by the loading docks behind Reed Arena.  There was a facebook event sent out from this event page:!/event.php?eid=127355660651920
There will be two more Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd as well, and Facebook event invites will be sent out for them soon.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
We look forward to seeing y'all tonight at Reed and tomorrow at practice where you can pick up your apparel.  Don't forget to sport those USA colors tomorrow!!
Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pick Up Apparel and Clean Up Reed

Howdy Ags!

Remember to come out to practice tomorrow from 4-7 at the intramural courts.  If you need any more motivation to come to practice, the tennis club apparel is in!!!  Come by at practice and pick up your new duds so you can rep tennis club on campus or on court.  The only thing that isn't in yet is the guys uniform shirt, but it should be in no later than next Friday. 

The first Reed Arena clean up will be this Tuesday at 9 P.M. down by the loading docks behind Reed Arena.  We need at least 20 people for the clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  There was a facebook event sent out from this event page:!/event.php?eid=127355660651920.  Like the tournaments, please take the attending/maybe/not attending response seriously so that we know how many to expect.  Ok, so PLEASE sign up for a Reed Arena clean up on Tuesday, November 2nd and help out tennis club!!!

There will be two more Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd as well.
Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!

Alright, so pick up your apparel at practice and clean up Reed on Tuesday.

Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reed Clean Ups

Howdy Tennis Club!
This is your friendly Tuesday morning reminder to come out to practice on Wednesday dressed as a soccer hooligan.  In preparation for the 2014 world cup, tennis club will be dressing up in soccer jerseys/atire (this might include a vuvuzela).  So come out and show that you are a multisport athlete on Wednesday!
In Novemeber, there will be three Reed Arena clean ups where you can help raise money for tennis club.  The first clean up is Tuesday, November 2nd at 9 P.M. down by the loading docks, and there will be two more on November 16th and 22nd.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  There was a facebook event sent out from this event page:!/event.php?eid=127355660651920.  Like the tournaments, please take the attending/maybe/not attending response seriously so that we know how many to expect.  Ok, so PLEASE sign up for a Reed Arena clean up on Tuesday, November 2nd and help out tennis club!!!
Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals (all weekend tournament in the spring) fees will be waived!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
Well, that's all folks...
Thanks and gig 'em

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Did It Big

Howdy Ags!!

Thank you to everyone who came out to the tournament today.  We all did it big and beat the hell outta the rest of Texas!  Also, thanks to everyone who went to Fuddrucker's on Friday for the profit share!

Because we did it so big at the tournament yesterday, there will be no practice on Sunday so we can recover and get some studying done......or not.  The courts will still be open, so y'all can still get your tennis fix for the day.  If that isn't enough, the varsity ITA will still be going on from 8 AM to 5 PM out at the varsity courts, so y'all can still come and watch some legit tennis. 

Thanks and gig 'em......and how bout them Rangers!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fuddrucker's Fundraiser on Friday

Howdy Ags!
As usual, we have practice this week at the intramural courts on Wednesday from 8-11 P.M.  This week's theme will be Primary Colors Night.   That's right, Primary Colors Night.  For those of you that didn't pay attention in second grade, primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.  You don't want to be the fool that shows up in secondary colors, so sport those primary colors with pride!
Get pumped about the College Station Regional this weekend!!  As always, your captain should be getting in touch with you before the end of the week, and they should tell you to arrive at the tournament at 7:30 A.M.  You can find out what team you're on right here.  For the tournament, we are wearing all black, so make sure to get the all black tennis club shirt so you look legit. Don't forget about the Fuddrucker's fundraiser this Friday before the tournament.  Tennis club gets 15% of every sales receipt placed in the tennis club basket that day, so make sure to put the receipt in the basket and get some $ for club while you enjoy a fine dining experience. 
Y'all can start getting pumped about the San Antonio Regional on the 30th too (our last tournament for the fall)!  The problem is we need two things to happen in order for this tournament to take place: 
1)  WE NEED GIRLS:  please sign up, I promise you'll have fun  
2)  If someone in the San Antonio area is willing to allow some tennis club members to stay at their place/mom and dad's place/uncle's place/friend's place/boss's place/ex's place, or whatever....we would ask you to let us stay there for one night on that Friday the 29th.  If someone would please allow us to do this, it would be much appreciated.

Finally, there will be no practice on Sunday because of a varsity ITA tournament going on at the courts.  The varsity program does, however, need some people from club to volunteer at their tournament desk on Sunday.  We need to have at least 2 people at the desk from 8AM-5PM.  If you can work the desk for any period of time, email us back ASAP!  This is great opportunity to hang out with the varsity guys and watch some great tennis.
So:  primary colors on Wednesday, Fuddrucker's on Friday, wear all black Saturday, girls sign up for San Antonio tourney any day.
Thanks and gig 'em!!
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tournaments and Fundraisers

Howdy Ags!

Well, the football team didn't Do It Big today, so here's an email to brighten your day!  First of all, remember to come out to practice tomorrow at the intramural courts. 

Remember that the College Station Regional is this upcoming weekend, so make sure to sign up by practice Sunday if you want to play!  If you haven't caught the drift yet, we are always in need of girls to play so we really want all you girls out there to come have fun next weekend at the tournament!  All of club is attending the tournament murdered out in all black, so make sure to buy your all black tennis club t shirt for 5 dollars at practice.

Before the tournament gets going, there will be a profit share at Fuddrucker's on Friday the 22nd.  Sign up for the Facebook event here:!/event.php?eid=167667179917353.  This is a great way for your team to hang out and get to know each other before the tournament, so make sure to put your sales receipts in the Tennis Club basket at Fuddrucker's so we get 15% of the sale!!  We love tennis, but we like money too. 

Looking into the future a bit, the San Antonio Regional will take place on October 30th, and we want to know if anyone from the San Antonio area is willing to offer your house for the night of Friday the 29th.  Please check with your parents to see if some tennis club members could crash on the floor/couches for a night.  This would be much appreciated!!

So: get all black t shirt, go to Fuddrucker's fundraiser.  Done.

Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Houston and College Station Tournament

Howdy Tennis Club!

The theme for this week's practice will be NBA appreciation night, so come out and rep your favorite team.....or the 2011 NBA champion Dallas Mavericks.  As usual, we'll be out on the intramural courts from 8-11 P.M.  on Wednesday. 

If y'all are in town on the weekend of the 23rd, make sure to sign up for the College Station Regional on the Facebook group page.  All of club is going to be blacking out the tournament by wearing all black just like last week's theme.  Make sure to buy the all black Tennis Club t-shirt in order to play in style with the rest of club. 

Also, the Houston tourney is this weekend and the usual applies as captains should be getting in touch with y'all before the end of the week.  The list of teams can be found here:    If any girls still want to go to the tourney, y'all are more than welcome to play so just email back and we'll get you situated. 

Remember to come to practice on Wednesday and buy the black tennis club shirt to be prepared for the black out tournament.

Yup, that just happened...

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 9, 2010

No Practice, Houston Tourney, College Station Tourney

Howdy Ags!

No practice tomorrow.  There's a champs tourney going on this weekend at the courts and there won't be any courts available for us to use.

We have two tournaments coming up in the next couple of weeks:

Oct. 16th
  • We only have enough girls right now to make 2 teams, so we definitely need some girls to sign up!
  • We would like to apologize in advance if we have to cut any guys due to a lack of girls.  We will do our best to get as many guys on teams as possible based on the Ladder, but there is a chance that not everyone will be put on a team.
  • The deadline to mark "Attending" for this event is tomorrow at 7PM!
Oct. 23rd
  • We are going to go to this tournament murdered out!  That means wear all black so that we look SUPER intimidating at the tournament.
  • If you don't have a black shirt yet, you can buy one of our "old school" black shirts for only $5 at practice! (see attached picture)
  • The deadline to mark "Attending" for this tournament is Oct. 17th at 7PM
Remember for both tournaments that we will only put you on a team if and only if you mark "Attending" on the Facebook event and have paid membership dues by the deadline. All "maybes" will not be considered. Also, if you mark attending please keep to your commitment, your team and Texas A&M Tennis Club is depending on you.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Two Tournaments and a Black Out

Howdy Ags!!
The theme for this week's practice will be "murdered out" night, so make sure to wear ALL BLACK and blend into the night on Wednesday from 8-11 at the intramural courts.
The teams for the Austin tournament are available at  Just like the College Station tourney, your team captain should be contacting you about when to meet on really early Saturday morning to drive down to Austin with your team.  We can always use girls for the tournament though, so we still have a spot if y'all still want to play.
Next weekend is the Houston Regional tournament, so make sure to sign up on the Facebook event at  Just a reminder to reply with "attending" if you want to have a spot, and please only reply attending if you really plan on playing.
Well, that's all folks
Thanks and gig 'em

--Patrick Haines 
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Girls, Please Sign Up for the Tournament

Howdy Ags!

So we suffered our first loss of the season in football on Thursday and campus is now in a deep state of depression, but that just means you need to come out to practice from 4-7 out at the intramural courts on Sunday to feel better! (Just go with it)
Today and Sunday until 7 PM are the last days that you will be able to sign up for the Austin Regional tournament on the Facebook page at  WE REALLY NEED GIRLS TO GO!!  If you are a girl and a) need something to do on October 9th  b) like tennis  c) want to visit friends in Austin  d) want to get away for a day  e) whatever reason you need.......if any of these apply to you, then you should sign up for the Austin Regional Tournament on Facebook!
The teams for the tournament will be finalized and sent out Monday morning, so you can check to see who is on your team then.
Remember to come out to practice on Sunday, and you stay classy tennis club....
Thanks and gig 'em!

--Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tennis Club

Howdy Ags!

We going to have our usual practice on Wednesday from 8-11 out at the intramural courts, so come out to hit and play some clean winner.  The theme for this week is "Dress Like the Pros", so make sure to wear your fanciest tennis attire to practice.  If you can't play like Federer or Nadal, at least you can look like them. 

Once again, make sure that you sign up for the tournament in Austin on October 9th through the Facebook event titled Austin Regional Tournament at  We REALLY need girls to sign up so we can make sure to bring as many teams as possible.  So if you are a lady and aren't doing anything on the weekend of the 9th, sign up to play some tennis!!  Remeber that you must respond 'attending' for the Facebook event in order to be considered to play.  If you respond with 'maybe' you will not be considered for the tournament. 

We have the official tennis club challenge ladder up on the tennis club website or by following the link below  You may start challenging right now, so go ahead and start moving up teams!!

One more time, please understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be able to accurately judge the skill level of all the players in club.  If you are unhappy with your team, the best way to change it is to use the challenge system.  The challenge system rules can be found on the tennis club website or here, so make sure to check those out if you are challenging or are getting challenged.  Teams 1 and 2, make sure to check out the new rules that involve a singles and doubles 'title' to your team.  If anyone has any questions, just contact an officer.

That's all I have for now, but I'll see you at practice tomorrow from 8-11 at the intramural courts.
Thanks and gig 'em!!

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Did It Big

Howdy Ags!

Way to do it big at the tournament earlier today and beatin' the hell outta the rest of Texas!!!  Even though it was shortened by rain, I think its safe to say that everyone else had a good time, so let's keep the good times rolling tomorrow at practice from 4-7 out at the intramural courts.

After practice, make sure that you sign up for the tournament in Austin on October 9th through the Facebook event titled Austin Regional Tournament.  Make sure to head down to Austin to saw those horns off.  Don't worry, I'll text you score updates of the Arkansas-A&M game while you're there.  Remeber that you must respond 'attending' for the Facebook event in order to be considered to play.  If you respond with 'maybe' you will not be considered for the tournament. 

We have the official tennis club challenge ladder up for the tennis club website or by following the link below

Please understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be able to accurately judge the skill level of all the players in club.  If you are unhappy with your team, the best way to change it is to use the challenge system.  The challenge system rules can be found on the tennis club website, so make sure to check those out if you are challenging or are getting challenged.  Teams 1 and 2, make sure to check out the new rules that involve a singles and doubles 'title' to your team.  If anyone has any questions, just contact an officer.

That's about it for now, but make sure to come out to practice on Sunday from 4-7 at the intramural courts!!!

Thanks and gig 'em!!

-Patrick Haines

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 23, 2010

CStat Regional

Howdy Ags!

If you're a girl and if....
  1. You have paid dues
  2. You are free this weekend
  3. You want to play some tennis this weekend
  4. You feel the desire to be a part of something bigger than yourself, like...say the best tennis club in the nation!
Then email us back ASAP!  We have the minimum number of girls for this weekend's tournament and we can always use more!

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Practice/Tourney Info

Howdy Ags!

Thanks to those of y'all that braved the rain delay and came out to practice on Sunday, and make sure to come out to practice this Wednesday from 8-11 at the intramural courts!  The theme for this Wednesday's practice is High School Hero.  We will be reminiscing the good ole high school days by wearing a shirt or uniform from high school, so wear one because you know you still have one somewhere in the back of your closet!
For those of y'all that are playing in the tournament this weekend, we have the most up to date listing of teams right here:  Your team captain should be getting in contact with you before the end of the week to make sure y'all all meet up as a team on the day of the tournament or to set up a possible team practice toward the end of the week.  As for the day of, you get to sleep in before we meet at 7:30 A.M. out at the intramural courts.  Yup, that's 7:30 A.M. at the courts.  The official tennis club ladder will be posted by the end of this week, so you can start challenging and moving up teams if you are unhappy with your position on the team. 
Unfortunately, it turns out there is no tournament in Dallas next weekend. We're sorry for the cancelation, but it is out of our hands.  Once again, no tournament in Dallas on the 2nd. 
On a side note, if anyone is interested in purchasing a nice Babolat tennis bag, contact Hersh Pise at 281-772-8152.
On a separate side note, there is an opportunity for getting paid to coach some tennis in the Bryan/College Station area for the coming spring if anyone is interested.  A private school in Bryan is in need of a coach in the spring for their tennis team that had two state qualifiers last year.  It would be a few hours a day with a few tournaments and will pay $1000 for the semester.  If anyone is interested, contact Blake Evans at 979-822-1061.
Okay, remember to come out to practice on Wednesday with your high school duds on!
Thanks and gig 'em!
-Patrick Haines

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 19, 2010

College Station Regional Teams

Howdy Ags!

We've finalized the College Station Regional teams.  Please let us know ASAP if you won't be able to attend.  We did our best to get everyone in, but we had a shortage of girls which restricted us a little bit.  We have registered the 13 teams, and we will find out from the USTA if they have room for us (they always do, but if the tourney is really packed we might have to cut a couple of teams).

Please remember: Our competition officers spent a lot of time working on these teams to make them as fair as possible.  Given the size of our club, it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to evaluate everyone's talent level and know exactly where everyone should be on the ladder.  If you are unhappy with your team, please be patient and understand that we will be starting the ladder very soon, and you can work your way up through that.

Team Captains: We will be in contact with you very soon, so stay in touch.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tournament Reminder

Howdy Ags!

Here is your friendly reminder that you should come out to practice with the Texas A&M Tennis Club on Sunday from 4-7 out at the intramural courts!

Once again, we will be having our first tournament on September 25th in College Station!! In order to be placed on a team for this tournament, you will need to do two things.  First, make sure to pay dues and become an official member of the Texas A&M Tennis Club, then join the 'Texas A&M Tennis Club' Facebook group at!/group.php?gid=2208256948&ref=ts and reply to the event invitation titled 'College Station Regional Tournament'. This Sunday during practice will be the deadline to have these two things done in order to play in the tournament, so make sure to take care of business soon if you want to play!  An invite has been sent out through the Facebook group, and you will only be placed on a team if you have marked "attending". If you reply with "maybe" you WILL NOT be put on a team. I know that Facebook events are a great place to reply "attending" and then wait til the day of the event to decide whether or not you actually want to go, but we would like to ask you to be sure that you are going to play if you reply "attending".

We do not want anyone missing out on a tournament just because they didn't get an invite, so once again, join the Facebook group if you want to play tournaments. If you join after this email, make sure to find the 'College Station Regional Tournament' event on the Facebook group page.

If you happen to read this email before game time on Saturday, then you should come on out, get some FREE FOOD, and relax with the tennis club at the Texas A&M Tennis Club Tailgate. We will be located on the corner of John Kimbrough and Olsen Blvd in between Reed Arena and West Campus parking garage. If you're still confused, see the attached aerial view of the tailgate location.

Also, remember that order forms (with money) for apparel and uniforms are due by September 19th which is this Sunday, so don't miss out because all the apparel is legit!  We have plenty of shirts, shorts, skirts, hats, and towels for the warm weather.  Then we have long sleeve shirts, hoodies, and slick Columbia Tennis Club fleeces for those winter tournaments.  Pictures of apparel and the actual order form is attached to this email.

Remember, come out to practice on Sunday!!!

Thanks and gig 'em

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tennis Club Apparel!

Howdy Ags!

Just a friendly reminder that ALL uniform orders (with money) are due at the next practice this Sunday!  Be sure to check out what we have to offer (everything you need is attached to this email).  This we be the only order we will be placing this semester, so don't miss out!

We have some awesome hoodies that people love to rock at our tourneys when it starts to get cold, as well as full-zip, grey Columbia fleeces that look great on campus (plus you get to rep Tennis Club).  The uniforms are also some cool things to rock at our tournaments. 

So check out the Tennis Club apparel and be sure to bring your order form on Sunday!

Thanks and Gig 'em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Howdy Ags!

Once again, thank you to those of y'all that came out to practice.  We are very excited about the turnout so far, but we would still like to see you at practice this Wednesday from 8-11 P.M. at the intramural tennis courts!  Okay, this is a long email, so brace yourself and make sure to read all the way through because it has important info.

In tennis news, we will be having our first tournament on September 25th in College Station!!  In order to be placed on a team for this tournament, you will need to join the 'Texas A&M Tennis Club' Facebook group at!/group.php?gid=2208256948&ref=ts.  An invite has been sent out through the Facebook group, and you will only be placed on a team if you have marked "attending".  If you reply with "maybe" you WILL NOT be put on a team.  I know that Facebook events are a great place to reply attending and then wait til the day of the event to decide whether or not you actually want to go, but we would like to ask you to be sure that you are going to play if you reply "attending". 

We do not want anyone missing out on a tournament just because they didn't get an invite, so once again, JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP IF YOU WANT TO PLAY TOURNAMENTS.  If you join after this email, make sure to find the September 25th tournament event on the Facebook group page. 

Many of the future Wednesday practices will have a theme associated with it, and we will start this week with Wimbledon Wednesday.  This means wear all white when you come to practice so you can look and play like Federer when he wins Wimbledon (or when he loses to Nadal at Wimbledon...or Soderling).  Dressing in white is not mandatory, but let's get as many people to white out the courts as we can! 

Remember that the Texas A&M Tennis Club tailgate will happen this Saturday starting at 2 P.M. four hours before kickoff.  Come on out, get some FREE FOOD, and relax with the tennis club.  We will be located on the corner of John Kimbrough and Olsen Blvd in between Reed Arena and West Campus parking garage.  If you're still confused, see the attached aerial view of the tailgate location.  Also, remember that order forms for apparel and uniforms are due by September 19th which will be this Sunday, so don't miss out!  For apparel and uniforms, pictures as well as the actual order form is attached to this email.

Finally, come out to practice on Wednesday!!!

Thanks and gig 'em
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Good First Practice

Howdy ags!

Thank you for those of you that came to the first practice on Wednesday night!  We all had a good time, met some new friends, and played a lot of clean winner.  I would like to remind you that there will be practice tomorrow at the intramural courts from 4-7, so come out and play some tennis!

There are a few important things that you can do at tomorrow's practice.  Make sure to come and pay dues within the first week while they are still cheaper because this will be the last practice to pay at the lowest price of $50.  Remember that in order to play in any tournaments, you will have to pay dues.  Also, make sure to give us your sports pass if you plan to pull with us for next weekend's football game when we beat the hell outta Florida International.  We have to have your pass by tomorrow's practice because we are pulling on Monday as a group.  If you do not pull with us for next week's game, then you should still make sure to come to our tailgate next weekend before the game to get some food and have a good time with the tennis club! 

If you still want tennis club apparel or uniforms (not mandatory), the deadline to turn in the order forms is September 19th, which is next Sunday's practice.  Remember that you can check out the uniforms and apparel on our website at

Another important thing to do if you plan to go to tournaments is to join our Facebook group by searching for Texas A&M Tennis Club or following this link!/group.php?gid=2208256948&ref=ts   AGAIN, IF YOU PLAN TO PLAY TOURNAMENTS, MAKE SURE TO JOIN THIS GROUP!!  We send invites to tournaments through a Facebook event sent through this group.

Remember to come out to practice this Sunday from 4-7 at the intramural courts.  Hope to see you there!

Thanks and gig 'em.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Practice Wednesday 8-11

Howdy Ags!
Thank you to everyone that showed up to the informational yesterday!  We were glad that so many of you were interested, but we apologize for the crowdedness and the power point issues.  To make up for this, I'll attach the power point to this email so you can see things such as a map to the courts and our Tennis Club apparel that you can order at practice.  Also, check out our straight ballin' promo video on this link that we were not able to show you last night:
Now that y'all are informed about club, it is time to come to the first tennis club practice of the year on Wednesday from 8-11 P.M. out at the intramural tennis courts!!  Come out and hit or play some clean winner with the rest of club.  When you arrive, you have the chance to become an official member of the club by paying dues to an officer.  Remember that dues are ONLY $50 dollars if you pay in the first week and you will get a tennis club shirt with your membership.  If it happens to be raining tomorrow during practice, you can still come pay dues, get your t shirt, and meet all of your tennis club officers. 
Even though we have not had a practice yet, our first social is approaching as we are pulling for the Florida International football game on the 18th together.  Make sure to hand your sports passes to us at practice or as soon as you can because we will have to have passes by Sunday the 12th for a group pull.  At practice, you can also order tennis club apparel so you can be playing in style at practice.  We have t shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and fleeces available for order.  If you want to look really good, we have tennis club uniforms available (not mandatory) that will intimidate your opponent.  These are lightweight shirts, shorts, and skirts from Nike and Adidas that you can view and print order forms on our website:   Make sure to check out our website for useful information such as a calandar, officer contact info, FAQs, challenge ladder rules, and more. 
Make sure to join our Facebook group as well by searching for "Texas A&M Tennis Club" and get other important updates and event invitations for tournaments.  Joining this group is very important if you are planning to play in tournaments with the club.
Remember to come pay dues (cheaper in first week) at your first fightin' Texas Aggie Tennis Club practice this Wednesday from 8-11 P.M. out at the intrmural tennis courts.
Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, September 6, 2010

Promo Video

Here's our promo video for 2010-2011.  Sorry to those of you that showed up at the Informational and didn't get to see this on the big screen!!!


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Welcome/Informational at 9:45 Rudder 401

Howdy Ags!

For many of y'all, welcome to your first Texas A&M Tennis Club listserv email!  We are glad that you are interested in what the tennis club has to offer.  For those of you that don't know me, my name is Patrick Haines and y'all will be receiving emails from me throughout the year with information that y'all will need to know about tennis club. 

First of all, if you still have ANY questions or if there is ANYTHING else that you want to know about the tennis club, remember that we are having an informational at 9:45 P.M. in Rudder 401 on Monday the 6th.  Come meet all of the officers and learn more about the greatest tennis club in the country. 

Also, for those few brave souls that cleaned up Reed Arena and set it up after MSC open house, thank you.  We beat the hell outta all of Reed Arena this time!  There will be more opportunities to do this in November.

If y'all cannot make it to the informational on Monday, make sure to come to the first practice on Wednesday from 8-11 P.M. at the intramural courts behind Reed Arena.  Hope to see y'all tomorrow.

Thanks and gig 'em!

Patrick Haines
2010-2011 Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Reed Arena Clean Up

Howdy Ags!

For those of you that took part in the Reed Arena clean up on Wednesday night, thank you for coming and beatin' the hell outta cleaning.  Y'all did a great job!

Now that we are done with this clean up, there is another opportunity to help the tennis club earn some cash in a Reed Arena clean up this Sunday from 5-9 P.M.  We will meet at the loading dock in the back like Wednesday.  Once again, if we could ask y'all to respond to the club email at if you plan to attend.  Please include your name, phone number, and email address.  The clean up on Wednesday was not that bad, so come out and support the tennis club.  Remember, if you participate in two of the five scheduled Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived in the spring. 

A reminder for those of you that are new to tennis club or want to be in tennis club, we will have a booth set up at the MSC open house at Reed Arena on Sunday from 1-5 P.M. where you can meet some officers and ask questions about club.  Then on Monday, we will have an informational at 9:45 in Rudder 401 where you can meet all of the officers and learn anything you need to know about club.  Finally, we will have our first practice at 8 P.M. on September 8th at the intramural courts.

Thanks y'all, and please RSVP for the Reed Arena clean up taking place on Sunday from 5-9.  Invite anyone you know who will be willing to help clean because it will go faster if we have more people there.

Thanks and gig 'em!

Patrick Haines
2010-2011 Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Reed Clean Up Tonight at 9 PM!!!

Howdy Ags!

Come up us clean up Reed Arena tonight at 9PM (meet by the loading docks in the back).  This is a fundraiser for Tennis Club, and we need all the help we can get!!!  Remember the new Tennis Club policy:


See ya'll out there!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Welcome back/Reed Arena cleanup

Howdy Ags!

Welcome back to the Texas A&M Tennis Club Listserv.  My name is Patrick Haines and I am your Tennis Club secretary for the 2010-2011 school year, so that means y'all will be getting several emails from me throughout the year about anything and everything y'all need to know about tennis club. 

For anyone who wants to help out at a club fundraiser before practices even get started, there is an opportunity to participate in a Reed Arena clean up after the Fightin' Texas Aggie volleyball game this Wednesday night (Sept. 1rst).  Just meet at Reed Arena by 9:00 P.M. in order to be ready to clean.  We need 20 people to help out, so please respond to the club email address at with your name, phone number, and email address if you would like to help. 

Also, if you help with the Reed Arena clean up this Wednesday, you will not have to pay any fees to travel to sectionals with the club in the spring.  This is a new system for this year that will apply to any tennis club fundraiser, so participate in a fundraiser and get your sectionals fees waived for the spring.  This Wednesday would be a great opportunity to take advantage of this because classes have not become too involved yet, so keep that in mind.

Hope to see all of y'all at the first practice on September 8th from 8-11 P.M.

Thanks and gig 'em

Patrick Haines
2010-2011 Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Racquet Stringer for Sale

Howdy Ags!

A buddy of mine is selling his Gamma stringer for $300.  It is a manual spring tension, 6-point mount machine with a floor stand and cover included.  It's in really good shape and should be well worth the price.  Let me know if you're interested by sending me a Facebook message or emailing me at:

Thanks and Gig 'em!

-Jonathan Brower '11
Texas A&M Tennis Club, President 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Summer Coaches Needed

Junior Team Tennis Coaches needed:
Anyone interested in coaching this summer, the Brazos Valley Tennis Association will be running Junior Team Tennis.
The matches are on Sunday afternoons, from 2-5:30pm.
The BVTA will pay you $60, to coach 4 Sundays.  The dates are: 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11
If you are interested in helping please let Martha Schroeder know as soon as possible.  Either email or call, info below.
I need coaches for 12 & Under beginners, 14 & Under Intermediates, and 18 & Under Intermediates.
Let me know what your preference is.  Thanks!
Martha Schroeder
League Coordinator

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yet another year in the books...

Howdy Ags!

The 2009-2010 Texas A&M Tennis Club Season is officially over.  We had a great End-of-Year Tournament yesterday, and we sent one of our most dedicated seniors, Gracie Jeanson, out a winner in both singles and doubles!  The results from the tournament are attached for anyone interested.  This was a very successful year for the club as a whole with us having 3 teams finish in the top 5 at the Sectionals Tournament (2nd, 3rd, and 5th).  We also finished in 11th place at the National Tennis on Campus Championship.  The Texas A&M Tennis Club also set a record by bringing 13 teams to the 2009 College Station Regional last semester, which was also the largest Tennis on Campus Regional Tournament in Texas outside of the Sectional Tournament.  The club's members completed over 200 hours of community service coaching junior team tennis teams, coaching at local schools, and helping out the Bryan/College Station community at the Big Event.  

We look forward to building upon all of these great accomplishments to be an even GREATER club next year.  I have loved every moment of being your President this year.  I have learned A LOT through this entire experience, and I look forward to leading this club next year as the 2010-2011 President.  I am always open to comments, criticisms, and questions so please don't hesitate to voice your opinion to make our club better!  

Next year, we are going to have a GREAT officer class, and I think this club will be in good hands.  Here's the 2010-2011 officer line-up:
  • Hersh Pise - Vice President
  • Ana Sanchez - Treasurer
  • Patrick Haines - Secretary
  • Alex Tajonar - Competition Officer
  • Scott Motl - Competition Officer
  • Neil Grobler - Social/Baskeball Tourney Chair
  • Brent Hametner - Social Officer
  • Mandy Branscome - Social Officer
  • Nadine Hulleman - Recruitment Officer
  • Rudy Contreras - Recruitment Officer
  • Ben Naovaret - Fundraising Officer
  • Mary DeForke - Fundraising Officer
  • Austin Holst - Fundraising Officer
  • Rita Kartunov - Historian
  • Erin Mitchell - Historian
Our website ( is updated with all of our tournaments and practices for the fall, so be sure to check that out to be up-to-date with everything!  We will be hosting two Tennis On Campus Regional Tournaments next year here in College Station, and we look forward to seeing each and every one of y'all at the first practice next year on September 8th!  Spread the word about Texas A&M Tennis Club to all your high school tennis buddies back home who are considering A&M, and remember to keep practicing hard!

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "only 128 more days until Tennis Club '10-'11!!!" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Tourney

Howdy Ags!

The tournament draws are posted online at!  Just click on the link on the right hand side of the page.  The draws are also attached to this email.  Remember, all matches will be played on Saturday on the BACK ROW of the Intramural Courts.  The front gate won't be open, but if you walk along the fence to the back gate, we will have those courts open!  See ya out there!

Thanks and Gig Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tennis Club

Howdy Ags!
As the semester is winding down, I hope all of you are getting your grades up and studying hard.
Good luck on your finals!!

Practice will be held, for the LAST time this semester, tomorrow from 8pm to 11pm at the intramural courts.
Please pick up your fleece if you haven't done so already.

Also, the draws for the tournament this weekend will be posted and emailed shortly!

-- Gig'em
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Practice, Tourney

Howdy Ags!

Tomorrow night is the deadline to sign up for next weekend's tourney.  Sign up on the club website.

Also, practice tomorrow afternoon from 4-7pm.  See ya there.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tennis Club

Howdy Ags!

There will be no pracitce this Wedensday due to Muster.

Please sign up for tourney if you have not already done so here:

-- Gig'em
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tennis Club

Hey guys,

Practice is today from 4pm to 7pm at the intramural courts!
Hopefully the courts will be dry by then!
Your Tennis Club fleeces are in, so please come pick them up today.

Here are the Election Results:

VP: Hersh
Treasurer: Ana
Secretary: Patrick

Congrats to the 2010-2011 officers!
We'll be contacting people about the other officer positions in the next couple of weeks.

Don't forget to sign up for tourney on the club website!
It will be held May 1st and 2nd. There will be awesome prizes!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tennis Club

Howdy Ag's!
I hope ya'll are having a great week! Good luck on those exams/papers/projects!

Practice is tomorrow from 8pm to 11pm at the intramural courts.
Come out and hit with your members.
Also, NATIONALS is this weekend!!
So be sure to give your moral support to those who are going to represent TAMU Tennis Club!!

Your Tennis Club fleeces are in, so please come pick them up tomorrow night.

Our intraclub tourney registration is open.
The tourney will be May 1st and 2nd.
If you would like to register please do so here:

Finally, tomorrow night is the last night of elections!
We need everyone of ya'll to vote...

TAMU TENNIS CLUB ELECTIONS are running until April 14th.
Hersh Pise
Alex Tajonar
Nadine Hulleman

Ben Naovaret
Ana Sanchez
Brent Hametner

Scott Motl
Patrick Haines

If you would like to learn more about each candidate you can see their Election Bios on the Tennis Club website ( Once you have made your decision, please submit your ballot in the following format to

Vice President Vote:_______________
Treasurer Vote:___________________
Secretary Vote:___________________

It is important to remember that you MUST email your ballot to

-- Gig'em
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Practice, Fleeces, Tournament

Practice today from 4-7pm at the intramural courts.
The new fleeces are in, so come pick those up!
Also, we are selling t-shirts for $5.
The intra-club tournament has been set for May 1st and 2nd.
Tournament registration is available here:
***FREE for members***
TAMU TENNIS CLUB ELECTIONS are running until April 14th.
Hersh Pise
Alex Tajonar
Nadine Hulleman

Ben Naovaret
Ana Sanchez
Brent Hametner

Scott Motl
Patrick Haines

If you would like to learn more about each candidate you can see their Election Bios on the Tennis Club website ( Once you have made your decision, please submit your ballot in the following format to

Vice President Vote:_______________
Treasurer Vote:___________________
Secretary Vote:___________________

It is important to remember that you MUST email your ballot to

Thanks and Gig 'Em!
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Howdy Ags,
I hope ya'll are getting the week started off right! Good luck on the third round of exams coming up.
So you know,
Practice will be held tomorrow at the intramural courts from 8pm to 11pm.
The new fleeces are in, so come pick those up!
Also, we are selling t-shirts for $5.
The intra-club tournament has been set for May 1st and 2nd.
Tournament registration is available here:
TAMU TENNIS CLUB ELECTIONS are running until April 14th.
Hersh Pise
Alex Tajonar
Nadine Hulleman

Ben Naovaret
Ana Sanchez
Brent Hametner

Scott Motl
Patrick Haines

If you would like to learn more about each candidate you can see their Election Bios on the Tennis Club website ( Once you have made your decision, please submit your ballot in the following format to

Vice President Vote:_______________
Treasurer Vote:___________________
Secretary Vote:___________________

It is important to remember that you MUST email your ballot to
Also, there is a volunteering opportunity this weekend!!
The Special Olympics needs help this Saturday at A&M Consolidated High School from 10 - 4pm.  We could use help from 10 - 1pm and 1 - 4pm. 
If you are interested please contact us.
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, April 3, 2010

No Practice, Elections

Howdy Ags!!!

No practice tomorrow due to Easter.  We'll see you out on the courts on Wednesday night.  For those of you that ordered fleeces, they are in and you can pick them up at any practice.

Here is the ballot for the 2010-2011 Executive Officers:

Jonathan Brower ran unopposed and will serve as YOUR 2010-2011 Tennis Club President

Hersh Pise
Alex Tajonar
Nadine Hulleman

Ben Naovaret
Ana Sanchez
Brent Hametner

Scott Motl
Patrick Haines

If you would like to learn more about each candidate you can see their Election Bios on the Tennis Club website ( or click HERE.  Once you have made your decision, please submit your ballot in the following format

Vice President Vote:_______________
Treasurer Vote:___________________
Secretary Vote:___________________

It is important to remember that you MUST email your ballot to

Elections will be open until April 14th at 11:59PM.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tennis Club Elections

Howdy Ags!

We are set to start up the 2010 Texas A&M Tennis Club Executive Officer Elections.  Here is the ballot for the 2010-2011 Executive Officers:

Jonathan Brower ran unopposed and will serve as YOUR 2010-2011 Tennis Club President

Hersh Pise
Alex Tajonar
Nadine Hulleman

Ben Naovaret
Ana Sanchez
Brent Hametner

Scott Motl
Patrick Haines

If you would like to learn more about each candidate you can see their Election Bios on the Tennis Club website ( or click HERE.  Once you have made your decision, please submit your ballot in the following format to

Vice President Vote:_______________
Treasurer Vote:___________________
Secretary Vote:___________________

It is important to remember that you MUST email your ballot to

Elections will be open until April 14th at 11:59PM.

Thanks and Gig 'em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Howdy AGs!
How is everyone doing? I hope you are ready for some tennis this week! If you do not already know, the university is closed Friday, WHOOP! So enjoy the extended weekend at the tennis courts!

So you know...

Practice is tomorrow from 8PM to 11PM at the intramural courts.
We will be having theme night tomorrow: NBA APPRECIATION
Wear any NBA team's shirt, jersey, socks, hat or etc.. Bonus points for repping them Houston Rockets!!
P.S. shirts are still for sale at $5 a pop.

Thanks for everyone who applied for an officer position.
We will be starting elections at the end of this week.

This is a friendly reminder that Tennis Club will be holding a tournament at the end of April.
More information will be coming shortly, so start practicing.
There WILL be prizes!!

-- gig'em
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tennis Club!

Howdy Ags!
Practice will be held tomorrow at the intramural courts from 4pm to 7pm.
All the fleece orders are in. So, please come pick them up!
Also, we are still selling T-shirts for $5.00.
Elections for the 2010-2011 Officer positions will be coming up the first week of April. Texas A&M Tennis Club is a student organization run by four executive officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. There are also several non-executive officers that contribute to the governance of this club. The four executive officers are elected by popular vote, while the non-executive officers are appointed by the executive officers. For the time being, we will start accepting requests to be added to the ballot.  A full description of each officer position's duties can be found here:

If you are interested in running for any of the executive officer positions or want to be considered for one of the non-executive officer positions, please reply to this email.  We will stop accepting election ballot requests on Sunday March 28th at 11:59PM.  Your response should be in the following form:


Being a club officer comes with a lot of responsibility, but it can also be extremely rewarding to see the club grow and develop under YOUR guidance.  Please consider being an officer for next year, whether it be an executive or non-executive position.  Also, do not be discouraged if you are "ONLY a Freshman (or Sophomore)."  We need younger members, more than ever, to step up and lead this club.  Please feel free to ask any of the current officers about being an officer and their experience with it. We look forward to an excellent group of officers for the 2010-2011 school year.
- Thanks
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Community Service Opportunity

Howdy Ags!

Vicki Markowsky, our faculty advisor, is teaching a tennis clinic at Johnson Elementary this Friday and she could use a couple of extra tennis people to help coach some 3rd-5th graders.  They  would need people from 8:30-11:30 and 12:30 to 3:15.  If you are interested in helping her out, shoot her an email at

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Howdy Ags!
I hope everyone had a very eventful Spring Break. Good luck with all of your exams, papers, and quizzes that are coming up this week.
Practice will be held tomorrow at the intramural courts from 8pm to 11pm.
All the fleece orders are in. So, please come pick them up!
Also, we are still selling T-shirts for $5.00.
Elections for the 2010-2011 Officer positions will be coming up the first week of April. Texas A&M Tennis Club is a student organization run by four executive officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. There are also several non-executive officers that contribute to the governance of this club. The four executive officers are elected by popular vote, while the non-executive officers are appointed by the executive officers. For the time being, we will start accepting requests to be added to the ballot.  A full description of each officer position's duties can be found here:

If you are interested in running for any of the executive officer positions or want to be considered for one of the non-executive officer positions, please reply to this email.  We will stop accepting election ballot requests on Sunday March 28th at 11:59PM.  Your response should be in the following form:


Being a club officer comes with a lot of responsibility, but it can also be extremely rewarding to see the club grow and develop under YOUR guidance.  Please consider being an officer for next year, whether it be an executive or non-executive position.  Also, do not be discouraged if you are "ONLY a Freshman (or Sophomore)."  We need younger members, more than ever, to step up and lead this club.  Please feel free to ask any of the current officers about being an officer and their experience with it. We look forward to an excellent group of officers for the 2010-2011 school year.
This weekend the Aggie Men's team starts Big 12 Conference play with OU and OSU.
The team could really use the 12th Man there to support them!
Come out this weekend!!
- Friday 6pm vs. OU
- Sunday 1pm vs. OSU

-- Thanks
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tennis Club Elections

Howdy Ags!

We hope everyone had a fun, and safe, Spring Break.  No practice tomorrow afternoon, but we will start back up again on Wednesday.  For now, we have some other business to get to:

Elections for the 2010-2011 Officer positions will be coming up the first week of April.  Texas A&M Tennis Club is a student organization run by four executive officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.  There are also several non-executive officers that contribute to the governance of this club.  The four executive officers are elected by popular vote, while the non-executive officers are appointed by the executive officers.  For the time being, we will start accepting requests to be added to the ballot.  A full description of each officer position's duties can be found here.

If you are interested in running for any of the executive officer positions or want to be considered for one of the non-executive officer positions, please reply to this email.  We will stop accepting election ballot requests on Sunday March 28th at 11:59PM.  Your response should be in the following form:


Being a club officer comes with a lot of responsibility, but it can also be extremely rewarding to see the club grow and develop under YOUR guidance.  Please consider being an officer for next year, whether it be an executive or non-executive position.  Also, do not be discouraged if you are "ONLY a Freshman (or Sophomore)."  We need younger members, more than ever, to step up and lead this club.  Please feel free to ask any of the current officers about being an officer and their experience with it.  We look forward to an excellent group of officers for the 2010-2011 school year.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tennis Club!

Hey guys,

We will be having practice tomorrow from 8 to 11 at the intramural courts.
Come out and hit before Spring Break!

Tennis Club is selling T-shirts for $5.00.
There are some baller shirts! Get one if you can!

Also, Club will be accepting order forms for Official Tennis Club fleeces and towels.
Please bring the order form and the money tomorrow!

Have a great spring break!

-- Thanks
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rain, rain go away!!

Because of the rain ruining practice today, we are extending the fleece order deadline to Wednesday.  

Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Practice, Fleeces, T-shirts

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from 4-7PM out at the intramural courts.  Also, tomorrow is the last day to order one of the Tennis Club Fleeces.  We will also have old tennis club shirts available for sale for $5.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tennis Club

Hey guys!
I hope everyone is having an awesome week. Please make sure to congratulate Team 1 on making it to Nationals, as well as the other teams that played in Sectionals this past weekend.

We are going to have practice tomorrow from 8 to 11 at the intramural courts.
Remember that we will be selling T-shirts for $5.00 each tomorrow night. All sizes are available!

Also, if you have seen any of those baller fleeces and/or towels and are sad that you don't have one, then maybe its your lucky day!
We will be taking another round of orders for Tennis Club fleeces as well as Tennis Club towels.
Bring the order form and your money to practice tomorrow.
Spring order form:

-- Thanks
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sectionals, Fleeces

Howdy Ags!
Sectionals ended today with A&M having teams finish in 2nd, 3rd, and 6th place in the Gold Bracket.  Team 1 will now begin preparations for Nationals in April.
Some of you all were also interested in purchasing some fleeces after seeing how sweet they turned out.  We will be making one more round of orders for fleeces, but your money and your order form must be turned in by next Sunday, March 7th.  The fleeces are gray full-zips, cost $35, and are pretty ballin'.  You must turn your money in WITH the order form to Jonathan Brower.  The order form can also be found on the website (on the right hand side).
Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sectionals and Perfection

Howdy Ags!!!

I hope that everyone going to Sectionals is super pumped!  We're gonna go out there and b.t.h.o everyone else!  Anyways, we'll all be hitting the road soon, so we'll see in you in Austin and get ready for an awesome time.

No practice Sunday

Gig 'Em!

"Perfection is the goal, and I'm headed to the pylon"

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fleeces are in!!

Howdy Ags!

If you ordered a fleece, they are finally in!  Except for the smalls, they're on backorder (sorry Nadine =P)

They'll be available at practice tomorrow

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tennis Club!!

Howdy Tennis Club!!
I hope everyone is excited about sectionals this weekend!

So, we are having practice tomorrow at the intramural courts from 8pm to 11pm.
Please come out to this meeting, so you can get some practice in before this weekend!!

Big event sign ups will be available this Wednesday at practice.
Also, we will be selling tennis shirts for $5.00 tomorrow night!

If you need to get an excuse for class on Friday, please contact your team captains.
Remember that this letter is not considered a university excused absence!

Finally, we have sports for a couple of guys and girls on teams 6, 7, and 8.
Please contact JBrow if anyone is interested in playing on those teams!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Practice, Fleeces, Sectionals

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow afternoon from 4-7pm.  Fleeces should be in by practice on Wednesday (except for smalls, they're still on backorder :(....SORRY!).  If you're going to sectionals your team captain should be in contact with you, getting you up to date with everything that is going on.  We still have space for 2 or 3 more guys and two more girls on team 8 if anyone is interested.  Email the club ASAP if you wanna play!!!

Old club shirts will also be for sale for 5 bucks tomorrow.

Stay classy folks.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dual Match vs. t.u.

Howdy Ags!

Some of the top guys and gals in club will be throwin' it down against t.u. tomorrow afternoon at 2PM tomorrow out at the intramural courts. So come out and support your teammates, and watch us beat the hell outta t.u.!!!

Hope to see y'all out there, giving us a little home court advantage!


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tennis Club!

Howdy Ags!
I hope everyone is having a great week. Good luck on your first round of exams!

We will be having practice tomorrow from 8pm to 11pm at the intramural courts.
Remember, tomorrow is the deadline for challenge matches.

At tomorrow's practice, we will be having Big Event sign-ups.
For those that don't know what Big Event is...
It is a University wide volunteering/service day in the Bryan/College Station area.
(It is also an application booster!!)

Finally, we will also be selling tennis club shirts for $5.00 tomorrow!

-- Thanks and gig'em
Texas A&M Tennis Club