Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Howdy Ags!
I hope everyone had a very eventful Spring Break. Good luck with all of your exams, papers, and quizzes that are coming up this week.
Practice will be held tomorrow at the intramural courts from 8pm to 11pm.
All the fleece orders are in. So, please come pick them up!
Also, we are still selling T-shirts for $5.00.
Elections for the 2010-2011 Officer positions will be coming up the first week of April. Texas A&M Tennis Club is a student organization run by four executive officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. There are also several non-executive officers that contribute to the governance of this club. The four executive officers are elected by popular vote, while the non-executive officers are appointed by the executive officers. For the time being, we will start accepting requests to be added to the ballot.  A full description of each officer position's duties can be found here: http://docs.google.com/View?id=d33jckr_29dx62hxdb

If you are interested in running for any of the executive officer positions or want to be considered for one of the non-executive officer positions, please reply to this email.  We will stop accepting election ballot requests on Sunday March 28th at 11:59PM.  Your response should be in the following form:


Being a club officer comes with a lot of responsibility, but it can also be extremely rewarding to see the club grow and develop under YOUR guidance.  Please consider being an officer for next year, whether it be an executive or non-executive position.  Also, do not be discouraged if you are "ONLY a Freshman (or Sophomore)."  We need younger members, more than ever, to step up and lead this club.  Please feel free to ask any of the current officers about being an officer and their experience with it. We look forward to an excellent group of officers for the 2010-2011 school year.
This weekend the Aggie Men's team starts Big 12 Conference play with OU and OSU.
The team could really use the 12th Man there to support them!
Come out this weekend!!
- Friday 6pm vs. OU
- Sunday 1pm vs. OSU

-- Thanks
Texas A&M Tennis Club

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