Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Houston and College Station Tournament

Howdy Tennis Club!

The theme for this week's practice will be NBA appreciation night, so come out and rep your favorite team.....or the 2011 NBA champion Dallas Mavericks.  As usual, we'll be out on the intramural courts from 8-11 P.M.  on Wednesday. 

If y'all are in town on the weekend of the 23rd, make sure to sign up for the College Station Regional on the Facebook group page.  All of club is going to be blacking out the tournament by wearing all black just like last week's theme.  Make sure to buy the all black Tennis Club t-shirt in order to play in style with the rest of club. 

Also, the Houston tourney is this weekend and the usual applies as captains should be getting in touch with y'all before the end of the week.  The list of teams can be found here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdDFaT1Z1NC1TYjltYU91VkJMSm5lNEE&hl=en&pli=1#gid=0    If any girls still want to go to the tourney, y'all are more than welcome to play so just email back and we'll get you situated. 

Remember to come to practice on Wednesday and buy the black tennis club shirt to be prepared for the black out tournament.

Yup, that just happened...

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

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