Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reed Clean Ups

Howdy Tennis Club!
This is your friendly Tuesday morning reminder to come out to practice on Wednesday dressed as a soccer hooligan.  In preparation for the 2014 world cup, tennis club will be dressing up in soccer jerseys/atire (this might include a vuvuzela).  So come out and show that you are a multisport athlete on Wednesday!
In Novemeber, there will be three Reed Arena clean ups where you can help raise money for tennis club.  The first clean up is Tuesday, November 2nd at 9 P.M. down by the loading docks, and there will be two more on November 16th and 22nd.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  There was a facebook event sent out from this event page: http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages#!/event.php?eid=127355660651920.  Like the tournaments, please take the attending/maybe/not attending response seriously so that we know how many to expect.  Ok, so PLEASE sign up for a Reed Arena clean up on Tuesday, November 2nd and help out tennis club!!!
Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals (all weekend tournament in the spring) fees will be waived!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
Well, that's all folks...
Thanks and gig 'em

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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