Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reed clean up tonight at 10

Howdy Ags!

Remember to come out to practice tomorrow from 8-11 at the intramural courts.  The theme will be 'Murrica night, so come in a patriotic mood and dressed in the most American red, white, and blue attire you have.  While you're there, pick up your apparel at practice so you can rep tennis club.  Everything is in except for the guys uniform shirts.

The first Reed Arena clean up will be TODAY at 10 P.M. down by the loading docks behind Reed Arena.  There was a facebook event sent out from this event page: http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages#!/event.php?eid=127355660651920
There will be two more Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd as well, and Facebook event invites will be sent out for them soon.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
We look forward to seeing y'all tonight at Reed and tomorrow at practice where you can pick up your apparel.  Don't forget to sport those USA colors tomorrow!!
Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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