Thursday, September 2, 2010

Reed Arena Clean Up

Howdy Ags!

For those of you that took part in the Reed Arena clean up on Wednesday night, thank you for coming and beatin' the hell outta cleaning.  Y'all did a great job!

Now that we are done with this clean up, there is another opportunity to help the tennis club earn some cash in a Reed Arena clean up this Sunday from 5-9 P.M.  We will meet at the loading dock in the back like Wednesday.  Once again, if we could ask y'all to respond to the club email at if you plan to attend.  Please include your name, phone number, and email address.  The clean up on Wednesday was not that bad, so come out and support the tennis club.  Remember, if you participate in two of the five scheduled Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived in the spring. 

A reminder for those of you that are new to tennis club or want to be in tennis club, we will have a booth set up at the MSC open house at Reed Arena on Sunday from 1-5 P.M. where you can meet some officers and ask questions about club.  Then on Monday, we will have an informational at 9:45 in Rudder 401 where you can meet all of the officers and learn anything you need to know about club.  Finally, we will have our first practice at 8 P.M. on September 8th at the intramural courts.

Thanks y'all, and please RSVP for the Reed Arena clean up taking place on Sunday from 5-9.  Invite anyone you know who will be willing to help clean because it will go faster if we have more people there.

Thanks and gig 'em!

Patrick Haines
2010-2011 Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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