Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ladies fleece sizes - important!!!

Hi girls!

I know many of you might have been unsure about what size to order for the fleece jackets. I fit a Large nicely (with a fitted t shirt under), and could get by with an XL if i wanted it slightly bigger. (if it shrinks, the XL will be safe) I hope this gives you an idea. These fleeces do run small. It goes from XS-3XL. If you want, there is the option of ordering the men's fleeces starting from S-3XL but they won't have the cut that goes in at the waist.

I need all of you who ordered one to reply to THIS E-MAIL with your NEW jacket size. If you have any other questions, reply to this e-mail or facebook me.

thanks a bunch, and have a wonderful holiday season! be safe driving in the snow/sleet!

Terry Chang (:

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Howdy Ags!
Remember, tomorrow will be the last day you can turn in your orders for the uniforms.  Contact any of the officers on Facebook or by phone if you have any questions.  Hope finals are going well for everybody.  Have a good break.
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "does anybody else find that womanizer song just a lil catchy?" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Howdy Ags!

No official practice tomorrow.  Remember, we're still collecting orders for the team uniforms, hoodies, and fleeces until Wednesday.  Just remember you HAVE to turn in your money with your order form.  Just contact any of the officers if you need to turn in your order.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "Wham-bam-shalla-bam" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Practice, Unis, Fleeces

Howdy Ags!

At last, football season is over and we can avoid all the talk of how awful our team is and what it's like to be in the cellar of the Big 12 South.  It was just a bad, bad, BAD year to be a young team with a new coach in the South division.  But hey, now we just get to talk about "all the promise and expectations of next year."  I mean it can only get better...right?  (btw, Oklahoma was the right choice, I mean Sam Bradford lights up the scoreboard and makes the girls wanna LA LA...but Tim Tebow and his ALL-THAT-IS-MAN-ness will take it all, cuz pretty-boy John Parker Wilson and the Tide are gonna get their lunch money stolen this weekend)


Last practice of the semester tomorrow from 8-11pm :-(.  Remember, we are taking orders for uniforms until the 10th.  I am re-sending the order form in case anyone lost it.  I will have samples of the hoodie, guy's shirt, girl's top, and girl's skirt tomorrow at practice if anyone wants to check them out.  Also, for the girls, Terry has arranged to order some Tennis Club fleeces for $28.  If anyone wants to order one of those, just write it on your order form.

Also, for anyone still interested in that tourney this weekend: registration is due by noon on Wed and must be delivered to Vicki at that time.

And one last bit of wisdom:  "Show me a man with his two feet planted firmly in the ground, and I'll show you a man that can't take his pants off."  So don't be stubborn, take a chance, and take that first step.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "disappointed at the fact that the Jonas Brothers held up my Thanksgiving" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, December 1, 2008

Local Tournament This Weekend

Howdy everyone,
This weekend the BCS tennis association will be hosting a doubles tournament at Aerofit in Bryan.  This is a qualifying tournament for the team indoor championship held in Houston in the spring.  All the information is on the flyer attached to this email.  If you want to play you can either take the form to Aerofit yourself or email back all the information on the entry and I'll drop it off Wednesday afternoon (you HAVE to give me money by this weekend though).  
Jensen "not witty enough to think of something funny to put here" Yancey 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Practice, Unis

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow from 4-7pm.  Remember, we got all the uniform information out.  We will be collecting the forms until the last Wednesday before Christmas break.  I will have the samples of the shirts and hoodie if you wanna check them out.  Also, don't forget to circulate that fundraising letter amongst your family and friends.  Also girls: Terry is getting some suuuuuuuuper cuuuute fleeces for the gals in club if you wanna order one.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "THE" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

lost and found

Howdy everyone,
We had a few people leave some sweatshirts and sweatpants at practice on Wednesday, I'll be sure to bring it all with me to practice on sunday but it would be nice if you could email me back and let me know if you can stop by and pick it up.  Right now I have:
2 maroon A&M sweatshirts, one has a white stripe going down the side
a Dark gray pair of pants with a light blue stripe on the side
a navy pair of sweatpants
a navy and baby blue windbreaker (this got left a while ago but I have yet to have anyone claim it)

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, November 21, 2008

ladies' fleeces!


this e-mail is for all the ladies in tennis club! :)

so, we're getting some super cute tennis club fleece jackets! They are going to be black, half zip lightweight fleece pull overs with embroidered tennis rackets and "Texas A&M Tennis Club" on them. Each fleece will be $28.00. This is a REALLY good deal and they look really cute! If you would like to order one, please reply to this e-mail with your first and last name and jacket size (XS-3XL). THE DEADLINE IS BEFORE CHRISTMAS BREAK! payment can be given to any of the officers along with the rest of the uniform/hoodie orders, and I will check off names to those who replied to this e-mail. If you have any questions, please let me know!

Thanks and have a happy Thanksgiving!
terry chang

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Texas Renaissance Festival - Event Canceled

Hi Everyone!

the Renaissance Festival social has been canceled because we don't have enough people going to make it worth while. thanks for those who planned on attending. have a happy thanksgiving and we'll see you soon!

terry chang

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Uniforms, attachments, fundraising, practice tomorrow, attachments, temperature, more subjects...

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm.  We finally got all the information together for the uniforms.  I am attaching images of all the options for uniforms.  You can order any of the items that you would like.  We will be offering tops and bottoms for both guys and gals, as well as some freaking awesome Tennis Club hoodies.  The prices break down as follows (sorry, but tennis club is unable to pick up much of the costs):


Top: $ 25
Bottom: $ 45


Shirt: $ 30
Shorts: $ 30


I am also attaching the order forms, and you can turn them in anytime before the Christmas break.  You cannot turn in the forms without also turning in your money.  We should have the uniforms ordered and printed by the start of next semester.

The girl's top will be white with maroon accents, and the skirt will be white.  The guys shirt will be the maroon one, and you can order either black or white shorts.  We will have samples of the girl's top and the guy's shirt at practice tomorrow so you can decide what size you want.  As for the skirt and shorts, I'm sure all of you tennis players have had a Nike skirt or pair of shorts that you can judge for yourself what size you want.  I am also attaching the design that we will be printing on the shorts, shirt, top, and skirt (it's the tballaTm file).

Alright also, we're gonna have one more fundraising oppurtunity that we really need yalls help for (and this time you'll even get something back for it).  Socials, tournaments, balls, and uniforms can get pretty expensive and if you hadnt noticed our dues are pretty low compared to most sports clubs.  We've written up a fundraising letter to send out to parents, family friends, grandparents, or whoever you want to send one to asking for donations.  We'll have plenty of stuffed envelopes at practice until the end of the semester, and I've also attached a copy to this email incase you just want to do it yourself.  Also, for every donation you bring in over $100 you will receive a 10% discount on the uniforms and sweatshirts.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "what runs faster: hot or cold?" David "hot. everyone can catch a cold" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 15, 2008

No practice tom (Sun), no tu-beating this wknd


No practice tomorrow.

Also, if you haven't heard, our dual vs tu this coming weekend has been cut due to lack of courts. We will reschedule it for next year. If you are looking for other wild and crazy stuff on Sat, check out Terry's group to do the renfest festivities, or help Christine play with poor kids.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Howdy Ags!
We still need help this weekend.  Even if you can only work an hour, we still could use your help with the court monitoring.  The club is getting money for court monitoring, but we won't get it if we can't cover all the shirts.  Take a look and see if you can work any of the available shifts:
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "what kind of license does a refridgerator have?" David "a license to chill" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hey guys,

I forgot to announce this at practice, sorry.  My friend Meredith is an exec in Sports For Kids.  They are hosting Sports Fest on November 22nd from 12:30-4:30 at the Rec, and are wanting athletes to come help with the different stations.  She has asked me to recruit a few tennis club members to work a tennis station.  Kids from all over the Bryan/College Station area are invited to attend through their elementary schools, so it would be kids ranging from 6-12.  You pretty much play games with the kids for a couple of hours and you get a free t-shirt out of it. So if you don't want to go to the Renaissance Festival, volunteer for Sport Fest. It would be great if about 4 of you could volunteer to help out. I need to know by Wednesday, November 19th.  Thanks!!!


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Texas Renaissance Festival 2008

Hey Everyone!

we're going to have a tennis club social on Saturday, November 22nd and we're going to the Texas Renaissance Festival!!!

"The Texas Renaissance Festival is one of the nation's largest, most acclaimed renaissance theme parks where the sights, sounds, tastes and beauty of the 16th century come alive!"

If you've been before, i'm sure you'll want to go again, and if you've never been, it's a great experience! i promise, it's tons of fun!

Tickets cost $21.00 per person at the gate

A facebook event has been created so please RSVP [attending] ONLY if you're going for sure. Please try to avoid [maybe].

We also need people to drive, so please let us know if you're willing to drive! you'll be reimbursed for gas money and it's not very far away.

if you have any questions, you can always visit their website at



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Practice, Supers Tourney

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from permitting.  We REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need help this weekend with the Supers Tourney.  This is a really big fundraiser for our club and it will really help with paying for our hotel rooms for Sectionals.  We still have a lot of openings in the schedule (  If you can fill any of these gaps for us, let David Morin know on Facebook, at practice, or email the club.  WE REALLY NEED VOLUNTEERS....I CAN'T STRESS THAT ENOUGH.  Only girls can work the concessions tho...

Anyways, see ya'll tomorrow night.  I make it rain, but I'll try to resist tomorrow so we can have some practice.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "what's brown and rhymes with snoop?" David "Dr. Dre" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Supers Tournament

Howdy Ags!

Coming up next weekend is the 2008 Bryan/College Station Super Champ MZ. We need a lot of help to do court monitoring and concessions. We especially need some volunteers for court monitoring at the off campus sites. Also we are a bit lacking in volunteers for Sunday.This is a big opportunity for the club to make some money and we really need a lot of volunteers to sign up.

The link for the sign up is here so pick a time and place and let me know!

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

David "Confession: I copy Brower's email format" Morin
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow from 4-7pm.  We still need alot of people to volunteer for the Supers tournament next weekend.  Take a look at the Facebook event and let David Morin know if you can help out at all on either Saturday or Sunday.  This is a really important fundraiser for club, and we would really appreciate it if you would help us out some.  

Thanks and Gig 'Em!!!

-Jonathan "why did the skunk cross the road?" David "To get to the odor side" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Little Fightin' Texas Aggie Women's Tennis Action

Howdy Ags!
Tomorrow afternoon Hersh "Do It Big" Pise, David "Mr. Prez" Hoover, Soong "Hey" Hay Tam, and Kevin "lil bro, BIG game" Moran are gonna play a little dual match against the women's varsity team.  It's gonna be at 1:30pm at the varsity courts.  So if you wanna see what our women's team is all about and support Team Do It Big, come out to the courts and watch some awesome tennis.
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "no forehand" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Supers Tournament

Howdy Ags!

Coming up in two weeks is the Bryan/College Station Super Champ Major Zone Tournament (yes I know, a lot of adjectives). This is a tournament that provides us with a good opportunity to do some fund raising for the club. It is also a good time to watch some high quality tennis and help out with the local tennis scene. We will be running a concessions booth and court monitoring.

The tournament will be held November 14-17 at various sites. We will be helping out on Saturday from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM and on Sunday from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Attached in this email will be the sign up list for the different times and locations that you want. I hope that we can get a lot of volunteers to sign up to enjoy some great tennis and make a little money for the club! If you are interested in volunteering please reply to this email or say something to me at club.

Thanks and Gig 'em!

-David "the words in between Brower's quotation marks own mine" Morin

Texas A&M Tennis Club

We talkin' 'bout practice

Howdy Ags!
In response to Allen Iverson being traded this week..."we gonna talk 'bout practice"
Practice tonight from 8-11pm.  It's really not that crazy out there anymore and you can get some great dubs in.  I'm always looking to hit with people, so just ask if you wanna hit a little.  Derek is also always looking for new ways to lose, so if you feel like boosting your winner stats just talk with Derek (p.s. be careful, he plays OPEN).  Thanks for everyone that went to Houston this past weekend, it was a blast.  Congrats to Team Do It Big for keeping that undefeated record alive.  I hope everyone is going to the game this weekend to witness our miracle win over Oklahoma.
Thanks and Gig 'em!
-Jonathan "Why do elephants paint their toenails red?" Richard "to hide in cherry trees..." David "have you ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree?" Carrizal "then it worked!" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 31, 2008


Howdy Ags!
The plan for Saturday is to leave around 6am from the Albertson's parking lot on University.  All of the matches will be played at the Homer Ford Tennis Center: 5225 Calhoun Rd, Houston, TX‎.
Call me if you need help.
-Jonathan "915 526 4250" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Practice, Houston Teams

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm.  Bring a sweater and your "warm and fuzzy" personality.  We got the teams for Houston set up and I'm attaching the lineups.  Captains: get in touch with each of your team members and make sure they're still going with us.  We need more drivers...let me know if you can drive or if you're driving down on your own earlier.  This is our last tourney of the semester so have fun and beat the hell outta all the other Texas schools, esp. t.u.

Stay classy

-Jonathan "chuck the deuce" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Practice, Houston, Cubism

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow from 4-7pm.  I hope a few of yall got to go check out the tourney they got going on over at the varsity courts.  There's some really high quality tennis going on out there and they appreciate our help.  If you didn't check it out today, I recommend stopping by, watching some awesome tennis, and helping out a little bit.  Also, next weekend we got our tourney in Houston.  The deadline to sign up for guys is Sunday night.  You can either sign up on the Facebook event or you can just send us an email.  For girls, your deadline is really whenever, but it'd be great if you could let us know ASAP whether or not you can play.  We ALWAYS need girls.

I'm in charge of figuring out the carpool situation. so let me know if you can drive to Houston on Saturday morning.  Also, let me know if you are going home to Houston early, and/or are just gonna meet us there on Saturday morning.  The tourney is going to be a blast, and we can assert our dominance over the state of Texas.

Also, did you know that this is the day that Pablo Picasso was born?  Well now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Thanks and Gig 'Em

-Jonathan "I'm not fig plucker, nor a fig plucker's son, but I'll pluck figs until the fig pluckers come" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Practice, Houston, High School Hero

Howdy Ags!

Well congrats to all the teams that went to Dallas. I heard we had a good showing and team 1 continued its tour of rampage across Texas. We got a tourney in Houston next weekend as well. We will again be carpooling down there on Saturday morning. I have created an event on the Book, so if you plan on going sign up there. Also let me know if you'd be willing to drive.

We also are looking for a little more help for the varsity tourney that we gotta volunteer at this weekend. Here is a link to the spreadsheet of people we have signed up so far: Let us know if you can fill any of the available time slots. It wouldn't be too much work and you will get to see some awesome tennis.

Finally, we will be having practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm. It will be our second themed practice of the year. We will be going with a "High School Hero" theme. I want everyone to rep their high school tennis apparel and show where your tennis roots came from. We're all Aggies but before we all came from different schools with different tennis traditions and mascots. Before we were Aggies, we were lions, mustangs, fightin' Irish, bears, unicorns, eagles, and rams.  Whether you were a state champ or the laughing stock of your district, everyone was a high school tennis hero back home.  So renew the old high school spirit and show everyone where you initially made your name on the court (or in Derek's case: where you realized that you'll never be good enough to play open).

So remember:

-Sign up for Houston tourney on the Book

-Volunteer to help us this weekend

-Rep your high school tomorrow night

-Smile for a day, it confuses people


Thanks and Gig 'Em!


-Jonathan "my backhand is so HUGE right now" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Howdy Ags!

Well, even though we lost to Tech we looked a lot better than we have in the past few games.  I mean who really expected us to be up at halftime?  I honestly thought it would be a lot worse, but we actually moved the ball quite a bit with Jerrod Johnson and Goodson.  Hopefully we can take care of business up at Iowa St. and BTHO Colorado.

So we got practice tomorrow from 4-7pm.  Take a study break and come out to hit a little bit with us.  Stay classy.

-Jonathan "for the win" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dallas Team Corrections

Hersh messed up, gave me the wrong line-ups.

Here are the CORRECT ones.

-Jonathan "i love making mistakes" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Practice, Dallas Tourney, Volunteering-ism

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm, so be there and be on your game.  We got our tourney in Dallas this weekend and I've attached the teams to this email.  In terms of housing and rides for Friday, David is taking care of all that, so if you have a place that some fellow teammates can stay at on Friday night, let David know.  The tourney should be a ton of fun, and team 1 should continue their run of dominance.

Also, we have been asked (told) by the people from varsity tennis that they need us to work a tourney for them the weekend of Oct. 25th and 26th.  We need to have two people there to run errands and stuff for them.  We have to cover shifts from 8am-6pm on Saturday and Sunday.  If you can help at all with this and work a shift, let us know by either writing on the wall of the Tennis Club Facebook Group or email us.  The shifts really shouldn't be that bad, and you'll get to watch some really awesome tennis.  We would really appreciate it if you could help.  :)

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "I hope there are no mistakes" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, October 13, 2008

new tournament sign up deadline

Hey guys,
Sorry about all the corrections we've had to send out lately but SOMEBODY got the date of the deadline mixed up and as a result were going to have to cut sign ups off at midnight tonight (Monday).  Again, I'm really sorry about all the confusion and promise it wont happen again..... or atleast for a week.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dallas tournament sign up deadline

Howdy everyone,
Incase you didnt know, we have another tournament this coming weekend that we will be playing in dallas.  Now, I know we have a football game that weekend, but will it really be that much fun watching tech set a record for most points scored in a game?   We'll be driving down sometime friday afternoon/evening and staying in houses and heading back to college station after the tournament.  If you want to come we need to know by 6:00 PM on tuesday and you can sign up by either replying to this email or getting on to the facebook event.
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 10, 2008

houston tournament correction.... again

Howdy everyone,
Alright, so hopefully all of your captains have talked to you about this already but just to eliminate any confusion, we are NOT meeting in the albertsons parking lot and caravaning down to the tournament.  Since we all have different start times and locations it just wouldnt make sense for everyone to leave together.  Its your captain's responsibility to make sure everyone has a ride and knows where to meet on saturday morning, so if you havnt heard from him yet be sure to give him a call. 

Jensen "brower is 0 for 3 on emails this week" Yancey
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Houston Tourney Drivers

Howdy Ags!

Alright so the plan for Saturday morning is to meet Jensen in the Albertson's parking on University and leave by about 6.  The tourney starts at 8 and the captains meeting is at 7:30.  There have been a couple changes to the playing locations.  Teams 3 (White) and 4 (Reveille) will be playing at Lee LeClear.  Teams 1 (Do It Big), 2 (BAMFS), and 5 (Drop Shot) will be playing at Rice University.  

The address for Lee LeClear is 9506 S Gessner DrHoustonTX.

The address for Rice University is 5620 Greenbriar StHoustonTX, and the tennis courts are right by the baseball stadium, so look for that.

Captains: make sure all your teammates know where they are going and whatnot.
For drivers I have down:

-Ryan H.
-Andy S.
-Jonathan Burkes
-Jeffrey Davis
-David Morin

Since we are going to two separate locations make sure that whoever you are getting a ride with is going to the same location as you.  Also, I am NOT going, so DON'T call me at 6 in the morning when you're Jensen, he's in charge for the weekend.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "don't call me at 6am tomorrow" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Houston Teams

Howdy Ags!
Here are the team line-ups for the Houston tourney.  Captains: get a hold of each of your team members and confirm that they are coming, and ask if they need a ride (and get back to me on that).  Jensen is planning on meeting those driving/those who need a ride to meet in the Albertson's parking lot on University at 6am.  The drive will take about 1 hour and 45 minutes.  The tourney will be at the Lee LeClear Tennis Center.  I am still working on the rides, so bear with me.  Stay classy.
-Jonathan "so much better than Billy at secretary" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pool play week 3

Howdy Ags!

Here's the next set of pool play, due by next monday night.  Don't worry about where you are or who you're playing...just win and everything will turn out great :)

-Jonathan "don't forget your tennis whites tomorrow" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club


Dallas Tourney is the 18th, not the 25th

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wimbledon Wednesday

Howdy Ags!

So, that Fightin' Texas Aggie Football is lookin' more and more like just Texas Aggie Football...hopefully we can start playing as well during the important parts of the game as we do when we're already losing by 3 touchdowns.  All I gotta say is we gotta stay with Jerrod Johnson, that guy is a beast.  I just hope we play well against Kansas State and don't get owned too bad by Tech.  But you never know what could happen with these Ags...gotta be optimistic.

Anyways, practice tomorrow night from 8-11, and it's gonna be our first themed practice.  We're having a Wimbledon theme, new school and old school.  But what it basically boils down to is gettin' out your tennis whites and rocking the ANTI-Derek Bruner/David Morin outfit: all white.  Ya'll can be creative and rock some old school tennis whites (pants or short shorts, headband, etc.) or just go with a nice white ensemble.  Just remember, at Wimbledon the dress code is 95% white, so rock it.

Also, a couple more notes:

-Houston Tourney: deadline to sign-up is Wed. night either on the Facebook event or by sending us an email.  We also need drivers for this tourney.  Let me know either by way of the 'Book, by phone (9155264250), or by email ( if you can provide a ride for some fellow clubbers.  We will be meeting at the Albertson's on University before we head out.  I promise it won't be as crazy as last time getting out of CS.

-Dallas Tourney: This is Oct. 25th. We will be staying in Dallas on Friday night.  Sign up for this tourney is up on a Facebook event, or shoot us an email.  We need drivers and places to stay.  Let me know ('book, phone, or email) if you can drive and/or provide some beds for Friday night in Dallas.  We promise to put the toilet seat back down and not snore too loudly.

I hope to see all of ya'll out there tomorrow night and remember to bust out those tennis whites.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "what do you call the ghost of your mom and dad?" David "transparents" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dallas Regional Redeux

So, I goofed...the tourney is the 18th...which is a football weekend, but ya'll should still come.  We still need rides and beds.  Let me know.

-Jonathan "maybe I'm not really that organized" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Dallas Regional

Howdy Ags!

So the weekend of the 24th and 25th of October we will be going to Dallas for a tourney.  We are looking for places to stay on Friday night before the tourney.  Please let us know if you can assist us in any way. We can have people sleeping on couches, the floor, ottomans, dog beds, lazyboys, desks, and pretty much anywhere else you can lay your head down on.  I have made an event on the 'Book, so if you plan on going to this tourney either join the event or send us an email.  We also need to find some rides.  Ya'll should most definately come to this tourney, especially since it's FINALLY not a football weekend.  We especially need girls so that we can take as many teams as possible.

So quick recap:
-Tourney in Dallas Oct. 25th
-we need beds
-we need rides

Let me know either through the 'Book or by email if you can provide either of these.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "more organized than Jensen" David "and that's why this is my job" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 3, 2008

Draws for this weekend

Attached are the draws for this weekend. We will be playing primarily at the Varsity courts. Players with non-adidas black-soled tennis shoes will need to play on the back 6 intramural courts for all matches. Updated versions of the draw will be posted on our website.

Call me if ya got problems about the draws/times.

See ya this weekend.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, October 2, 2008

doubles/mixed tournament prizes!

Howdy Ags!

Here's something exciting for those of you that signed up to play in the doubles/mixed tournament this weekend! we'll be giving away some really cool prizes! one will go the team that's the best/most creatively dressed! so get in touch with your partner and start coming up with ideas. we'll also have a raffle for a prize winner to a team in the men's/women's doubles draw and another prize to a team in the mixed draw! have fun and see you all this weekend!

Terry Chang

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Howdy Ags!
Practice tomorrow night from 8-11 out at the intramural tennis courts.  I hope that everyone who went with us to Austin this weekend had a blast.  The tournament was a lot of fun and the only thing that could have made it better would have been beating the hell outta t.u., but those bros couldn't get their act together enough to even make a full team.  We had some great results from our teams with Team 1 taking home first place, naturally.  I also wanna congratulate Team 3 on their upset of Team 2.  
Well, this weekend we got our INTRA-club doubles and mixed doubles tourney.  The deadline to register for that is Thursday on our website,  Even if you don't have a partner at the time, you can just sign up and we'll match you up with someone.  Remember, joining the 'Book event saying that you're attending the tournament is not enough.  You also need to register on our website.
The weekend of October 11th we will be going to another regional tournament in Houston.  It will be just like the tournament in Austin, and should be a blast as well.  It is a football weekend again, but if you feel like playing some tennis you should come with us.  An event has been created on the 'Book, so if you plan on attending this tournament either RSVP through the 'Book or send us an email.  We'd especially love for some more girls to come out to this tournament because last weekend we had to cut some guys because we didn't have enough girls to make more teams.

Also, any one that hasn't paid dues or hasn't gotten their shirt should settle that up with Andy at practice tomorrow.  Keep up on your challenge matches.  I am attaching the second round of pool play, which will be due by next Monday.  This initial pool play is really important so that we can establish a fair ladder system for our teams.  Remember we got bowling tonight at 8pm at Grand Station.  Hope to see a bunch of ya'll out there.
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "front tuck and a fist pump" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Practice tomorrow, 4-7p. There may be limited little clean winner time, since everyone... ok, maybe just me... will be kinda tired tomorrow from our roadtrip to Austin today.

  • The first round of pool play is due on Mon night. No worries if you either weren't on our first week, or were not able to play this week, cause everybody will have round 2 of matches sent out on Tues.
  • Bowling social on Tues. Check out fb for details.
  • Intra-club tourni tournament this weekend. Sign up online by Thurs night. Free for members.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 25, 2008

t.u. tourney

Howdy Ags, 

Alright so on Saturday morning we are going to try to meet up in the parking lot by the courts and leave for Austin by 6:30am.  For drivers I have the following people down:

-David Hoover
-Julian Bailey
-Soong Hay
-Rita Kartunov
-Lorin Whitehead
-Andy Stevens
-David Morin
-Doug Cady
-Brad Burgess
-Matt Thuesen (courtesy of Jensen)
-Terry Chang? can you?

It is important that all of ya'll show up with your cars so that we have enough room.  I was thinking we could have each rider pitch in like 10 or 15 bucks, but just discuss that among all the people tagging along with you.  We also had a few changes on the teams with the girls, so I am attaching a revised list of the teams.
Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

bowling 09/30 @ 8pm

Howdy Ags!

get excited because we're having another tennis club social next Tuesday, and we're going bowling this time!!

Bowling on Tuesday, Sept. 30th @ 8:00pm
Grand Station Entertainment | 2400 Earl Rudder Freeway South | College Station, Texas 77840 |

unfortunately, tennis club will not be able to cover the costs, so please keep this in mind.

$3.00 / Shoe rental
$4.20 / per game

there will be a facebook event sent out, so please RSVP!

let us know if you have any questions, and i hope to see you all out there!

P.S. Ben & Jerry's ice cream afterward! :)

Thanks and Gig 'Em!
Terry Chang

Texas A&M Tennis Club


sorry guys i meant practice tomorrow night, not tonight :)

-Jonathan "not smooth" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Practice, t.u. tournament, pool play, dubs tournament, dues, cheetahs

Howdy Ags
So we got practice tonight from 8-11pm out at the intramural courts.  So come out and get some practice in for this weekend.  I am attaching the line-ups for the tournament in Austin this weekend.  We had to cut some of the guys short because we simply did not have enough girls to go around to make enough teams.  I'm sorry that we had to do this, but hopefully in the future we have more girls come out when we have a tourney that isn't on a football weekend.  We have made a list of alternates and we may call you up if some others drop out.  It is important that you at least contact your team captain and let them know that you are going and whatnot.  If at all possible come to club tomorrow night for at least a little while so that we can let you know of any more information we have/need.  This tournament should be a lot of fun and we're gonna beat the ever-livin' hell outta t.u.  I hope that everyone goes out there at gives 110%.  Unfortunately, Jenna, I will not be on Team Sexy but the name will continue to live on, so represent us well.  We are also in the progress of figuring out the carpooling situation to Austin.  I have gotten a few responses from some of you on the 'Book, but we still need more rides.  If you can give some fellow clubbers a ride talk to me at practice tomorrow and I will have a list.
Also, we just sent out the pool play information yesterday.  I attached another (easier to read) copy of the pool play to this email as well.  Start to contact your first match-up and set up a time to play.  Once again, due to limited court space don't play your match during the designated club practice.
Also remember guys, we got that doubles and mixed doubles (or singles with an obstacle for guys) tournament coming up the weekend of Oct. 4th and 5th.  The entries from the Ike'd tournament DID NOT carry over, so if you want to play in the tournament you have to re-register at our website (  And remember, tennis club members get to play for FREE.  We got lots of great prizes for the winners, and everybody knows doubles is pretty much the funnest thing you can do with four people.
Dues, dues, dues: we are really REALLY collecting dues now.  So if you haven't settled that yet, talk with Andy in the fuzzy white hat.  One more note: for the time being bowling has been cancelled due to scheduling issues with Grand Station, but sit tight we're working on it.
-Jonathan "why should you never play poker in the jungle?" David "cuz there are cheetahs" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, September 22, 2008

Pool Play

Hey guys, it's that time of the year when we start pool play.  These matches will help us determine where people will be placed on the ladder and on the teams that we take to tournaments.  We will play one match per week and the time frame for each round of matches will be from Tuesday morning to Monday night the week after. 
We will be sending out updated draws every week because in this system, no one gets eliminated and we match people up with same win-loss records. So if you lose your first round match, and win the next 2 matches, you will play against people who have won 2 matches and lost one. In the draws that we will be sending out, each player's phone number and email will be given so it will be the players' responsibility to get hold of their opponent and schedule a time and place for the match. Each match will also have their own specific match number.
Due to the crowd and limited number of courts on Wednesday nights, do not play your pool play match during Wednesday practices.  The format for the matches will be 2 out of 3 sets, with ad scoring.  When you are finished with your match, go to the A&M club tennis website,, and report your score on the right side of the page.  Make sure to fill in winner, loser, score, and match number when reporting the score. 
If you are not in the pools and would like to get in, email us and we will put you in the pools for the next week.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tennis Club ROX!

Howdy Ags!


We got A&M-barrassed today, and that's all I really have to say about that.  Practice is tomorrow from 4-7pm out at the intramural courts.  So, come out tomorrow and take a break from studying.  We got that tournament over at t.u. coming up this next weekend, so if you plan on going grab a partner and get some real hitting in (unless of course you wanna stay on the Clean Winner court and hit clean winners on Derek).  Also about that tournament: GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS…we need girls! So if any of you gals are free next weekend and haven't signed up on the Facebook event or sent us an email you should get on that.  Seriously gals, I know it's a football weekend, but the tournaments are a lot of fun and I don't know how much of our football team I can take.  Once again, we will be leaving EARLY on Saturday morning and getting back sometime later that night.  Start thinking about whether or not you can help us carpool out there by taking some other clubbers with you.


Also, coming up on Friday we will be having our bowling social over at Grand Station off of Highway 6.  Ya'll should most definitely come out for that, cuz it should be a blast.  From what I hear though, don't challenge Soong to a "friendly bet" because he will hustle you.  But come out, bowl a couple games, and bond with your fellow teammates before our tournament.


Also, if any of ya'll see David, Johnny, or Brad congratulate them on getting their rings over the weekend.  Hope to see all of ya'll out there tomorrow and remember to keep on keepin' on.


Thanks and Gig 'Em!


-Jonathan "my socks may match my shirt" David "but Derek is no match for me" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Practice, Practice, Practice

Howdy Ags!

So I hope all of ya'll and your families are safe and OK after the events of the weekend.  Now this weekend we get the chance to literally BTHO the Hurricanes.  Seriously, I really hope we can pull it together for this game and redeem ourselves after losing so terribly in Miami last year.

Well, as of ya'll I'm sure noticed we had to postpone the tourney until the weekend of Oct. 3 and 4.  It is important to note that the entries from this past weekend WILL NOT carry over for this tourney.  You will need to re-register you and your partner on the Tennis Club website.  Since we had to re-schedule the tournament we will also be having a mixed doubles draw for all of you guys that wanna swoon the girls with your game.  Weather permitting, this should be an awesome tournament, and should be twice as fun with the mixed doubles. (Just a little personal note ladies...i need a partner)

Also, not this weekend, but next weekend we will be going to a tournament at t.u.  If you want to play in this tournament join the Facebook event (or you can send us an email, those of you that aren't connected on the 'Book), and we will set up our teams for the weekend.  The tournament will be a one day event on Saturday.  We will be leaving CS early, early on Saturday morning and should return late that same day.  We will be carpooling up there, so let us know if you can take some people with you.  We will have more information on this later.

So, practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm. Be there, be square, beware? Ha, well get ready for some more awesome clean winner and some good hitting.  Also, if any of ya'll wanna get some more hitting outside of club, just let any of us know...I'd be more than happy to hit with some of ya'll.  Also, for some of you new people: start making connections, meeting new people, and find some hitting partners.  Club is a great way to meet people to hit with, and you can only get so good playing clean winner.  Well, I look forward to seeing all of ya'll out there tomorrow. Stay classy.

Thanks and Gig 'em!

-Jonathan "fire it up" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, September 15, 2008

tailgate @ 12:30 pm


tailgate has been moved up to 12:30pm. see yall there!


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tailgate this Sat, Lot 50


Tailgate on Saturday, 4:00pm at Lot 50

Our first official tennis club social event is this up coming Saturday (09/20)! We will be having a club tailgate @ 4:00 PM before we BTHO Miami!!!

The tailgate will be in LOT 50 with snacks and drinks for everyone. After the tailgate, there will be a bus taking everyone to Kyle Field who plans on going to the game. For those living off-campus, you can just drive and park in LOT 50... which is really the quickest way to get to and from the game from off-campus.

If relevant, BYO chairs. Please RSVP for food on our FB Event.

We will also try to pull tickets for another game.

If you have any questions, just email us back. I hope to see everyone out there, it's going to be great!


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mandatory Practice Tomorrow

Juuuuust kidding.  Obviously no official practice tomorrow, but we'll be on for Wednesday.  So relax tomorrow, recover from all those "Hurricane Parties" ya'll threw, and enjoy a nice day off.

Remember, this is the time where we really start collecting dues, so talk with Andy to get that all settled.  (dues are $50 from here on out)

Stay classy, and tell your parents you love them.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "I make it rain" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tourni's been Iked

The doubs tournament this weekend has been canceled.

We will reschedule for Oct 4-5. We will also include Mixed into that tourni as well. Entry forms will not be carried over, and will need to be re-submitted.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Practice Tomorrow

Howdy Ags!

So how 'bout them Aggies? Finally Jerrod Johnson got his shot and what did he do? He throws three touchdowns and more poise than McGee has shown under Sherman.  And he did it against a much better defense in New Mexico, not ArkanWHO?!sas St.  And finally our defense got in the game a little with a couple picks.  If only Michael Bennet knew how to keep his balance while running down the sideline they would have had a fumble return for a touchdown along with that pick-six from Jordan Peterson.  I hope some of this success carries over into the Miami game, and I hope Sherman realizes what a weapon Jerrod Johnson is.  Other than that, I'm stoked about NFL football finally starting, and yes...Tom Brady broke my fantasy heart too Billy.

But anyway, on to the real order of business...we got practice tomorrow from 8-11pm and I want to remind everyone that tomorrow will be the last day y'all can pay your dues for the discounted price of $40. After tomorrow's practice it goes up to $50, so I recommend you get that done tomorrow.  Just talk with Andy and he'll get you'll at set with that and give you our FREAKING AWESOME NEW CLUB SHIRT!!  I look forward to seeing all of y'all out there tomorrow for some more tennis club fun.  Remember we will always have a couple courts of clean winner going, but you are also more than welcome to grab a partner (or three) and play some doubles or just hit some.  Also, we're starting a little pilot program tomorrow to see if anyone would be interested in some feeding drills just to get some extra practice in.  For the first hour of practice we will have one court feeding some drills for anyone that is interested.  If a lot of people like it we can expand it later.

Don't forgot about heading over to Shivers after club tomorrow night as well.  I promise we will really be going this time, I mean we do technically have a say in 15% of the decisions they make now.  Also, while we're on the social side of things: we have moved the bowling social to the night of Friday Sept. 26th.  It should be a ton of fun and all our teams can bond before heading out for our tourney in Austin that weekend.

Also, the deadline for our intra-club doubles tourney is going to be this Thursday night.  So find a partner and register for the tourney online at  We are looking forward to a good turnout at this tournament, and we are going to have some sweet prizes for all our winners.  And remember people, laughter can add up to 8 years to your life, so have fun at club.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan Brower "Power"

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Practice Tomorrow

Howdy Ags,


So we got practice tomorrow, and I wanna see everyone out there again.  We'll be hitting the courts from 4-7pm (which gives you just enough time to go to Shivers with club, shower, and catch the season 5 premier of Entourage at 9 (-:  )  Last Wednesday was an awesome turnout, and I'm sure all of y'all got to see how much fun we have at club (not to mention what an awesome game Clean Winner is).  Please remember: we will be collecting dues tomorrow from anyone that wants to join the greatest club tennis team in the nation.  Right now is the best time to pay your dues because you'll only have to pay $40, not to mention you'll be given your club t-shirt.  Just talk to Andy if you want to get that done.


Also, we got our intra-club doubles tournament coming up next weekend and the registration for it is on our website,  The tournament should be a blast and we will be handing out lots of prizes to our winners.  Terry has also set up our first few social events for club.  For the football game against Miami on September 20th we will be pulling tickets together for anyone that's lonely and wants to hang out with us.  We will also be having a tailgate before the game at Lot 50 with some drinks and snacks for everyone.  Another awesome social event we have that was a ton of fun last year is bowling.  We are planning on going on Tuesday, September 30th at 8pm at Grand Station down on Hwy. 6.


I look forward to seeing all of y'all out there, and if anyone needs a ride to practice feel free to contact any of the officers either through email, the Book (Face), or get one of our numbers.  Also call us if you get lost because as Yogi Berra once said, "You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there."  Basically what this means is that you have no excuse for NOT coming to practice.


Thanks and Gig 'Em!


-Jonathan "winner winner, chicken dinner" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Practice

Howdy Ags!

Let's BTHO Arkansas St!...awkward silence...but seriously, what is up with Fightin' Texas Football?!?!  That was unbelievable on Saturday what happened.  If we keep on this pace Mike Goodson's back is gonna hurt from carrying the team.  Our pass defense looked as soft as ever and McGee looked as confused as Derek returning one of my serves at times.  I just hope the Shermanator shores up that O-line and gets our defense a lil more fired up.  It was definitely one of the more frustrating games I've watched, I mean we never really fell into a rhythm and how can we let Arkansas St....Arkansas STATE...walk all over us at home.  I mean this Arkansas St. team was picked to finish fourth in the lowly Sun Belt Conference. And the temporary loss of J-Train was painfully evident when we couldn't even punch the ball into the end zone from inside the 5...Hopefully, our kicker figures out how to put a foot on the pigskin, and we can get our act together to BTHO New Mexico and redeem ourselves against Miami after last year's nationally televised embarrassment.  But thinking about all this just depresses me...let's get to some Fightin' Texas Aggie Tennis Club...

So first practice is this Wednesday, September 3rd, from 8-11pm out at the intramural tennis courts.  I hope all of y'all are as excited about club this year as I am.  We're looking to build off of last year and be better than ever.  As always, we'll be expecting a big turnout and we want to get as many people as possible out there playing tennis (especially girls).  As a bonus to you girls, I'm sure at some point during the first couple of practices Billy will probably take off his shirt, ha.  For the first couple of practices will be just be getting to know everybody and will be playing A LOT of the greatest game in the world…clean winner.  Also, don't be scared about coming out to club no matter what your skill level.  We have a very wide variety of players that come out for club, from ex-varsity's to people who just play a little in HS to people who have never picked up a racquet before.

If you decide it's for you, and you want to be a part of the biggest and best tennis club in the nation, you can pay your dues.  And remember, our tournaments are free…FREE…***FREE*** for our members.  Did I mention our members get into tourneys for free? FREE.  There's no such thing as a free lunch, but we got free tourneys.  Y'all are also more than welcome to come out for the first couple of practices and see what we're all about (and how much fun we have).  We'll be collecting membership fees at practice, and we have a special early sign up offer.  If you can pay your membership dues before September 10th at 8pm, you'll only have to pay $40 for both semesters, which really is a good deal (it covers balls, uniforms, social events, REC court fees, entry fees, housing, and travel costs for intra- and inter-club tournaments in and around the state, and to nationals, and our freaking awesome new tennis club t-shirt...Tennis Club members also get 15% off at Tennis Warehouse).  Otherwise the dues will be $50 for both semesters or $30 for the fall semester only.  Our club shirts will be in by the first practice and you can pick yours up once you pay your dues.  Seriously guys, the shirts are flippin' awesome.  If ya'll really want to you can waive the membership dues and just pay $40 for the shirts…seriously they're that awesome.

We will be participating in a number of out-of-town tournaments throughout the semester and if you want to see our schedule laid out just go to and click on our "Google Calendar" link.  We will also be having a couple intra-club singles and doubles tournaments.  Our doubles tourney will be on September 13th and 14th and the intra-club singles tournament will be October 4th and 5th. So start scopin' the competition and find a good doubles partner.  We will be giving out a bunch of prizes and give-a-ways from local businesses, thanks to the efforts of Christine and Aubrie.  The out of town club tournaments are also a blast.  We get to play teams from all over the state, and most especially BEAT THE HELL OUTTA t.u.!  In order to determine our teams for the inter-club tournaments we will be using pool play (beginning in mid-September) and intra-club tourney results in the fall and a ladder system in the spring.

We will also have a couple social events coming up, including a tailgate before the September 20th game against Miami.  Terry will be organizing a few bowling socials and cookouts for everyone to mingle with all the sexy people tennis club is made up of.  Another awesome thing about tennis club is the freaking awesome hookup we got from Shivers Snow Cones down on Harvey.  If anyone goes down to Shivers and says they are supporters of the Texas A&M Tennis Club, we get 15% of the sale to help out our club.  So take your dates to Shivers. Take you mom, dad, uncle, rabbi, boyfriend, girlfriend(s), classmates, friends, enemies, co-workers, ex's, dogs, neighbor, cousin, priest, doctor, dentist, and profs to Shivers.  Walk in like you own the place, cuz technically we own 15% of it!

Also, I note for all you Blinners out there…Y'all are more than welcome to join our club and be part of the fun, just talk to David if you have any questions about starting your own club over at Blinn.

Remember if you have any more questions visit our website at or email us.  Also remember to join the Tennis Club Facebook Group.

Thanks and Gig 'em!

-Jonathan "my serve is still huger than Derek's" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

practice reminder

just a reminder for anyone who is planning on coming to club tonight, it will be from 8-10 at the intramural courts, not A&M consolidated. 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, May 17, 2008

summer practice

Howdy Everyone!

Alright, since I know all of yall are probably having withdrawals right now from not having any club in about a month, were going to be having club during the summer for all of you who are still in college station (or feel like driving up for some tennis).  The first one is gonna be at A&M consolidated from 8-10 on wednesday.  although, after that we will be using the intramural courts.  Its gonna be be BYOB (the B stands for balls, booze works too but that might make the tennis a bit harder) and I'll have a hopper there but I wont be feeding and trust me, you REALLY REALLY dont want to use those balls.

Directions to A&M consolidated

take texas to southwest parkway, head west on southwest, take a left on welsh and the courts will be on your right

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Unofficial Practice

Hey everyone,

We will have an official practice tonight, there will be no feeding and it will end at 10. There will be no practice on Sunday.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, April 28, 2008

staying in town this summer?

hey, so for everyone who is going to be staying in town this summer, we have a facebook group to make it easier to find people to hit with.  We will also use the group to send out information about any events happening in the area so be sure to join.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Varsity Girls play at 6

To all who have time or nothing to do, the varsity girls are playing t.u. at 6, they are looking for revenge

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Last Chance to RSVP for the Party!

Allright this is the last chance to RSVP for the party. I need to know who all is going.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, April 21, 2008

Party RSVP and no practice Wednesday!

Again another reminder, on Sunday April 27 from 4-7 we have Aggie Mountain rented. This is our end of the year party and we are going to have a blast. We will also be providing pizza so I need all of yall that plan to go to reply and RSVP. Pizza and drinks and probably some type of dessert will be provided. So I better here from all of yall soon.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, April 19, 2008

No practice tomorrow, 3rd in nation

Just a reminder there will be no practice tomorrow nor on Wednesday.
We got third in nationals
Party on the 27

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Howdy Yunz!!
As most of yunz probably know our FTA Women's tennis team is playing number 21 ranked tu TONIGHT AT 6PM! Come out and keep up the awesome support from out nat'l champ tennis club and represent the 12th man.  No sports pass, dont worry...anyone wearing MAROON gets in FREE.
womens tennis match against tu tonight at 6pm
thanks and gig 'em,
matt kravits

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Practice, Party and Information

To all of you loyal and patriotic tennis club members, there are only a few practices left. As always we will have practice tomorrow, Wednesday night. However there will be no club April 20 or April 23 (Sunday and Wednesday). But then on April 27 we are renting aggie mountain from 4-7, so whether you want to hit or you would like to sled down the mountain you can have your choice. Food and drinks and maybe other stuff will be provided. so consider it one huge end of the year party.
Important--if you happen to see anyone going to nationals wish them luck because we are going to bring home another title.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tourni this weekend, open to all players


The Bob Welch Tennis Tourni is at the intramural courts this weekend. This is the tourni of the year with the really cool prizes. Entry fees are $20/singles, $15/doubs. They usually have several draws for different skill levels.

Register at or call Gordon (979.846.8925). ASAP


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tournament Day 1 Results, Practice Tom


We had a beautiful tourni day today, and we got in a lot of playing. Attached are the results of day 1. The finals and some semi's are still going to be wrapped up tom.

Practice tom, 4 until whenever the final matches finish (7ish?).

Hope everybody had a good time out in the sun today.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring 2008 Tournament Draws


Finally, the week is over and we could finally put together this weekend's tournament.  Attached are the draws for Mix, Guys/Girls Doubles.  Also, we will be eating somewhere at 8 on Saturday, restaurant TBD.

Good Luck and Have Fun,

Soong and David

Texas A&M Tennis Club


Howdy yunz!!!!
I know yunz are excited about playing doubles this weekend but hold of those last minute practice matches long enough to watch our FTA women's tennis team btho kansas st. today at 6pm.  Come out and help do what we do best, helping make aggie tennis the best in the nation.
Thanks and Gig 'Em,
Matt Kravits

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Final Election Results

Howdy tennis club enthusiast,
As you know, elections were finished about a week ago, then after that, the non-executive officer positions were chosen. And here are the results:
President: David
VP: Jensen Adair
Treasurer: Andy
Secretary: Jonathan (the other Jonathan)
Social Officer: Terry Chang
Competitive Officer: Hersh Pise
Membership Officer: David Morin
Historian: Rushi
Also important: if you plan to play in the doubles tournament this weekend register at
Also, we will be having an end of the year party, we are not sure where yet but it is going to happen so I encourage all of yall to be prepared to come.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Register for this weekend, Practice tonight

Registration for the tournament this weekend is tom night. Entry form is on our website.

Practicing up for some doubs tonight, 8-11p.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Practice Today, Register for next weekend


Ya, we will hanging out on our favorite piece of green concrete today, 4-7p.

Also, the registration, due Thurs, for our DOUBLES / MIXED TOURNAMENT for next weekend is online at our website:



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Elections and Tournament continued...

Email missfire

Howdy guys,

The election results are in and Jensen will be your new Vice President for 2008-2009.

Therefore here are your executive officers.

President: David Hoover
VP: Jensen Adair Yancey
Treasurer: Andy Stephens
Secretary: Jonathan Brower

The other officer positions will be appointed soon.

There is also a doubles and mixed doubles tournament this weekend. All of you that can participate i encourage it, because it will be a lot of fun. It is here in at A&M so there are no excuses for not playing. Also there is still a parents tournament going on so if you and your parents want to play than go ahead and sign up.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Election Results and Tournament Next Weekend

Howdy guys,

The election results are in and Jensen will be your new Vice President for 2008-2009.

Therefore here are your executive officers.

President: David Hoover
VP: Jensen Adair Yancey
Treasurer: Andy Stevens

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hey everyone, as we wrap up this year it is very important for all of you to participate in these elections. We hope to have another successful year for the club and hope to continue setting records for the nation on participation but we need yall to VOTE.
The vote is between Gary Chen and Jensen Yancey for vice-president. Please all of you who love tennis, take a portion of your time to send a quick email to We want all of yall to particpipate. The deadline for voting is tomorrow night (Friday) and the results will be sent out shortly after.


Also congratulations on our three future officers, David Hoover, Andy Stephens, and Jonathan Brower. These guys I'm sure will meet and exceed all of the expectations for the club next year.


Jonathan Burkes

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Howdy yunz!!!
how yunz be doin today. dahn at the g. mitch tennis center da mens tinnis team is playin da bayler bairs. come dahn and wear yunz tinnis club kellers and support our mens team n'at.
Ehem...Hello, fellow tennis club members.  This evening at 6 o'clock in the pm our fighting texas aggie men's tennis team faces off with the Baylor bears.  This is a very tough big 12 matchup for our ags so they need our support.  Come out with your nat'l champ shirts on and show those bears who the 12th man.
cya there and at practice tonight!!
thanks and gig 'em,
matt kravits

Texas A&M Tennis Club


Voting begins now, and polls will be open until Friday, Apr 4 at midnight. The 4 executive officer positions will be chosen by popular vote and rest will be selected by the newly-elected officers soon after. Congrats to the players who are running unopposed.

President: David Hoover
Vice-president: Gary Chen or Jensen Yancey
Treasurer: Andy Stephens
Secretary: Jonathan Brower

To vote, email, to:


My name:
My vote for VP:

The following players have applied for the non-exec positions:

Social: Terry Chang
Competitive: Jensen Yancey
Historian/Recruitment: Rushi Dave, David Morin, Jensen Yancey


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tournament Canceled

Hey guys.
So Chilifest... it's this weekend.  Apparently UT has an inordinant amount of players going, as do we.  Thus regretfully the tournament in Austin this weekend has been canceled.  Sorry to those who wanted to play, but not to worry because we still have a few tournaments left this semester.  See everyone Wednesday!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, March 31, 2008

Elections, results from Sat, tourni this Sat


Tourni this Sat, @t.u.
GIRLS NEEDED. Let us know if are up for the one day trip.

Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to run.

Results from Sat
We played Sam Houston's club team this past Sat, and took them down 11-2. There were lots of close matches, congrats to those who played. Attached is the score sheet.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, March 30, 2008

April 5 tournament sign up and deadline

Hey Everybody!
So far a whopping 4 people have replied to play the tournament this coming weekend.  This can mean one of two things.  Either I really am a looser with no friends, or everyone is waiting until the last minute.  Well the last minute is upon us!  Tomorrow (Monday, March 31, 2008) at exactly 11:59 pm cst is the last possible minute to sign up.  Remember all I need is an email with a subject line of "April 5 Tournament", your name, and the team you played on at sectionals.  We are trying to take as many teams as we can make, so as they say in Starsky and Hutch, "DO IT."

Texas A&M Tennis Club