Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Practice, Dallas Tourney, Volunteering-ism

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm, so be there and be on your game.  We got our tourney in Dallas this weekend and I've attached the teams to this email.  In terms of housing and rides for Friday, David is taking care of all that, so if you have a place that some fellow teammates can stay at on Friday night, let David know.  The tourney should be a ton of fun, and team 1 should continue their run of dominance.

Also, we have been asked (told) by the people from varsity tennis that they need us to work a tourney for them the weekend of Oct. 25th and 26th.  We need to have two people there to run errands and stuff for them.  We have to cover shifts from 8am-6pm on Saturday and Sunday.  If you can help at all with this and work a shift, let us know by either writing on the wall of the Tennis Club Facebook Group or email us.  The shifts really shouldn't be that bad, and you'll get to watch some really awesome tennis.  We would really appreciate it if you could help.  :)

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "I hope there are no mistakes" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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