Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wimbledon Wednesday

Howdy Ags!

So, that Fightin' Texas Aggie Football is lookin' more and more like just Texas Aggie Football...hopefully we can start playing as well during the important parts of the game as we do when we're already losing by 3 touchdowns.  All I gotta say is we gotta stay with Jerrod Johnson, that guy is a beast.  I just hope we play well against Kansas State and don't get owned too bad by Tech.  But you never know what could happen with these Ags...gotta be optimistic.

Anyways, practice tomorrow night from 8-11, and it's gonna be our first themed practice.  We're having a Wimbledon theme, new school and old school.  But what it basically boils down to is gettin' out your tennis whites and rocking the ANTI-Derek Bruner/David Morin outfit: all white.  Ya'll can be creative and rock some old school tennis whites (pants or short shorts, headband, etc.) or just go with a nice white ensemble.  Just remember, at Wimbledon the dress code is 95% white, so rock it.

Also, a couple more notes:

-Houston Tourney: deadline to sign-up is Wed. night either on the Facebook event or by sending us an email.  We also need drivers for this tourney.  Let me know either by way of the 'Book, by phone (9155264250), or by email (jbrow7@gmail.com) if you can provide a ride for some fellow clubbers.  We will be meeting at the Albertson's on University before we head out.  I promise it won't be as crazy as last time getting out of CS.

-Dallas Tourney: This is Oct. 25th. We will be staying in Dallas on Friday night.  Sign up for this tourney is up on a Facebook event, or shoot us an email.  We need drivers and places to stay.  Let me know ('book, phone, or email) if you can drive and/or provide some beds for Friday night in Dallas.  We promise to put the toilet seat back down and not snore too loudly.

I hope to see all of ya'll out there tomorrow night and remember to bust out those tennis whites.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "what do you call the ghost of your mom and dad?" David "transparents" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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