Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Uniforms, attachments, fundraising, practice tomorrow, attachments, temperature, more subjects...

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm.  We finally got all the information together for the uniforms.  I am attaching images of all the options for uniforms.  You can order any of the items that you would like.  We will be offering tops and bottoms for both guys and gals, as well as some freaking awesome Tennis Club hoodies.  The prices break down as follows (sorry, but tennis club is unable to pick up much of the costs):


Top: $ 25
Bottom: $ 45


Shirt: $ 30
Shorts: $ 30


I am also attaching the order forms, and you can turn them in anytime before the Christmas break.  You cannot turn in the forms without also turning in your money.  We should have the uniforms ordered and printed by the start of next semester.

The girl's top will be white with maroon accents, and the skirt will be white.  The guys shirt will be the maroon one, and you can order either black or white shorts.  We will have samples of the girl's top and the guy's shirt at practice tomorrow so you can decide what size you want.  As for the skirt and shorts, I'm sure all of you tennis players have had a Nike skirt or pair of shorts that you can judge for yourself what size you want.  I am also attaching the design that we will be printing on the shorts, shirt, top, and skirt (it's the tballaTm file).

Alright also, we're gonna have one more fundraising oppurtunity that we really need yalls help for (and this time you'll even get something back for it).  Socials, tournaments, balls, and uniforms can get pretty expensive and if you hadnt noticed our dues are pretty low compared to most sports clubs.  We've written up a fundraising letter to send out to parents, family friends, grandparents, or whoever you want to send one to asking for donations.  We'll have plenty of stuffed envelopes at practice until the end of the semester, and I've also attached a copy to this email incase you just want to do it yourself.  Also, for every donation you bring in over $100 you will receive a 10% discount on the uniforms and sweatshirts.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "what runs faster: hot or cold?" David "hot. everyone can catch a cold" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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