Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Practice, t.u. tournament, pool play, dubs tournament, dues, cheetahs

Howdy Ags
So we got practice tonight from 8-11pm out at the intramural courts.  So come out and get some practice in for this weekend.  I am attaching the line-ups for the tournament in Austin this weekend.  We had to cut some of the guys short because we simply did not have enough girls to go around to make enough teams.  I'm sorry that we had to do this, but hopefully in the future we have more girls come out when we have a tourney that isn't on a football weekend.  We have made a list of alternates and we may call you up if some others drop out.  It is important that you at least contact your team captain and let them know that you are going and whatnot.  If at all possible come to club tomorrow night for at least a little while so that we can let you know of any more information we have/need.  This tournament should be a lot of fun and we're gonna beat the ever-livin' hell outta t.u.  I hope that everyone goes out there at gives 110%.  Unfortunately, Jenna, I will not be on Team Sexy but the name will continue to live on, so represent us well.  We are also in the progress of figuring out the carpooling situation to Austin.  I have gotten a few responses from some of you on the 'Book, but we still need more rides.  If you can give some fellow clubbers a ride talk to me at practice tomorrow and I will have a list.
Also, we just sent out the pool play information yesterday.  I attached another (easier to read) copy of the pool play to this email as well.  Start to contact your first match-up and set up a time to play.  Once again, due to limited court space don't play your match during the designated club practice.
Also remember guys, we got that doubles and mixed doubles (or singles with an obstacle for guys) tournament coming up the weekend of Oct. 4th and 5th.  The entries from the Ike'd tournament DID NOT carry over, so if you want to play in the tournament you have to re-register at our website (tennisclub.tamu.edu).  And remember, tennis club members get to play for FREE.  We got lots of great prizes for the winners, and everybody knows doubles is pretty much the funnest thing you can do with four people.
Dues, dues, dues: we are really REALLY collecting dues now.  So if you haven't settled that yet, talk with Andy in the fuzzy white hat.  One more note: for the time being bowling has been cancelled due to scheduling issues with Grand Station, but sit tight we're working on it.
-Jonathan "why should you never play poker in the jungle?" David "cuz there are cheetahs" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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