Friday, November 30, 2018

End of Semester Updates

Howdy Ags!

I know many of you are busy with upcoming tests, projects, presentations, etc.. However we did want to update everyone on a few things.

First of all, practices have come to their completion for this Fall semester. We will be starting them back up right around the first or second week of Spring classes so make sure to stay tuned for updates.

We are finishing up with the designs for the t-shirts so hopefully we will have them ordered and in by the end of Winter break.

One thing everyone should keep in mind is that we will be having our annual white elephant Christmas party on Saturday, December 8th at 6 PM. The party will be at Michelle Cho's house. Her address is 2045 Jones Butler Rd, Apt. 19-1B. Make sure to RSVP on our facebook page and bring a small gift if you can!!

Good luck to everyone on their tests and make sure to BTHO finals!!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Howdy Ags!

Hope you guys are staying healthy with all this nasty weather we've been having. Our yearly friendsgiving event is being held tonight at our social officer Michelle's house! Come by to hang out and eat some good food with friends! Make sure to bring something if you guys can as it will be a pot roast! All the event information can be found on our facebook page.

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Howdy Ag's,

Hope everyone is having a great week and staying healthy! We are still planning on having practice tonight as the weather appears to be finally holding off so come get some hitting in before this weekend! That being said, I've heard from a reliable source (Jacob) that there is a cold front coming in so make sure to bundle up!

Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Practice Cancelled (Due to Spooky Conditions)


Unfortunately practice is cancelled again due to some scary weather! Stay inside and stay dry!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Challenge Matches/Practice

Howdy Ags,

In case you guys did not already know, we have established a new email for our members to use specifically for challenge matches. The address is It should be noted that from here on out all challenge related emails which do not use this address may be considered void so please make sure to email the correct one!! That being said, any and all emails which do not apply to challenge matches should continue to utilize our address.

On another note, practice is still scheduled to take place tonight but may be cancelled if rain persists. We will be in touch so make sure to check our facebook page before heading to the courts! Hope to see you all out there!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, October 29, 2018

Profit Share RSVP's

Howdy Ags!

I hope everyone had fun at our Halloween social last night! Our next order of business is the profit share we have coming up tonight at Jason's Deli. We still need a few more rsvp's so please make sure to rsvp going on our Facebook event even if you're not sure you will make it!! That being said, I hope to see you all out there!!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Howdy Ags!

Just a quick reminder that we're about to have our annual Halloween social!! Hope you guys can make it and make sure to dress up for a chance to win best costume!!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Howdy Friends!

On the topic of weather, it appears that we will have to again cancel practice due to the ongoing rain we've been experiencing. Sorry guys. Fingers crossed tomorrow will be better!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 21, 2018

TOC Waco

Howdy Ags!

Just wanted to remind you guys (especially you girls) that there's still a few minutes before we make the draws if you guys want to sign up. If you haven't played a tournament yet or don't have anything holding you back I would highly recommend signing up! The link as always is on our facebook page!

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 19, 2018

Austin TOC

Howdy Ags!

In case you guys haven't heard already, our Austin TOC has unfortunately been cancelled due to inclement weather! That being said, the sign-up for our Waco tournament is now open so make sure to go ahead and RSVP!

Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 17, 2018



Practice is canceled due to the rain. See y'all tomorrow!

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Last Call for Austin TOC

Howdy Ags!

Thank you all for everyone that participated or is still participating in our ranking tournament that we have had the blessing of hosting this weekend! That being said, we are still accepting members who want to sign up for the upcoming Austin TOC tournament this weekend. This is largely due to the fact that we have had an abnormally low amount of girls sign up to play. If any one of you knows of female players who have joined our club but have not participated in any of our tournaments make sure to let them know they can still participate this weekend! Our tournaments are the best possible way to get to know our club family and play some tennis in a fun and competitive atmosphere! If anyone is unsure about how to sign up or has any other questions about our tournaments feel free to ask us!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 12, 2018

Ranking Tournament Day!

Howdy Ags!

Let's not forget that TODAY is our ranking tournament!! Boy's singles will begin at 4:30 and girls singles at 6:30. Matches will be held at the intramural courts where we normally practice so make sure to get out there around 4:00 to warm up some before we begin! If you guys have any other questions feel free to email us or ask a question on our Facebook page. Hope to see you all out there!

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Upcoming Events

Howdy Ags!

Just a few important updates for this week:

First, we will be having our yearly ranking tournament this weekend! We are still ironing out ideal times to begin matches but plan on being out there mid/late afternoon. We will begin with singles matches and continue through mid-day on Saturday before beginning doubles and mixed. Hopefully we won't have to deal with anymore rain!

On another note, we will soon be posting the sign-up link for our upcoming Austin TOC tournament next weekend so make sure you clear your calendars and sign up through our Facebook page!

Practices are still slotted for tonight and tomorrow for those of us who want to get some hitting in before matches begin Friday.

Finally, we have our next profit share at Jason's Deli coming up on the 29th so make sure to RSVP!!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Ranking Tournament Registration

Howdy Ags! I hope that everyone has had a good start to the year, but to make it even better, here is the Sign-up for the 2018-2019 Tennis Club ranking tournament that will be held October 12,13, and 14! This tournament is our primary method of ranking members and is especially important if you are a new member! The tournament will have singles, doubles, and mixed, but for the purposes of ranking, singles is the most important! Also, you are only allowed to sign up for a maximum of two events, for example, you could sign up for doubles and mixed or singles and doubles. This year the tournament will start on Friday night! We may play a round or two of singles on Friday depending on how many people sign up! Attached below is the sign-up link for this tournament! Please fill it out to the best of your ability; if you do not have a doubles partner, but would like to play, mark that you would like to play doubles and we will do our best to find a partner for you. Our primary site for this tournament will be the intramural courts, but we may go to the high school some of the days. Lastly, this tournament is for paid club members only (it is included in your dues)! Sorry for such a long post but we hope to see you out there! The deadline to signup for the tournament will be Oct. 7th at 2 pm, so don't miss out!!!

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Challenge Matches

Howdy everyone!

Just wanted to update you guys since there has been some confusion with challenge matches (including myself). Currently we will not be allowing challenges to take place until after the conclusion of the ranking tournament. We want to make sure everyone receives their spots before we make any changes to the challenge ladder. Hope you guys have a great week!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

SA Tournament!!

Howdy Ags!

Just a quick update on our San Antonio tournament for this weekend.

Tournament draws are out! Our captains should be communicating to you guys where and when you will be playing. Make sure to keep checking Facebook Messenger as this is our primary form of contacting you guys!

There is currently a decent chance that it will rain. Tournament directors are still monitoring this but fingers crossed we will still play!

For any and everyone who has not done so. Make sure you have paid dues because nonmembers will not be able to attend if this has not been done.

On another note, it looks like we will be getting hotel rooms for some of our teams. If you do not have a place to stay for this weekend be sure to let your captains know so we can make note of it!

That being said, I hope you all are having a great week and I will see you all this weekend!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan R.
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, September 21, 2018


Howdy Ag's!

Unfortunately our HTC tournament this weekend has been canceled due to the amount of rain Houston is expected to get over the next few days. I know everyone was really hoping to get some playing in but I guess we'll have to wait until next weekend. Hope you guys have a good weekend and watch TAMU BHTO Alabama!


Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday Practice

Howdy Guys!

Practice is cancelled today due to the incoming storm and possible lightning. Y'all be safe and have a good rest of your day!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

HTC This Weekend

Howdy Y'all!

Hope everyone is having a great week! As I'm sure you all are aware, this weekend we are having our first tournament in Houston. Everyone in attendance should make sure to have plans for where you're going to stay/how you will make it to the site. If they haven't already done so, your captains should be in touch with you soon about where and when your team will be playing. Let's BTHO everyone this weekend!

On another note, the event page for our next tournament in San Antonio is now open so I would highly encourage you all to go ahead and sign up (especially you girls!). The sooner we can find out who all is going, the sooner we can make arrangements for housing. Don't forget the deadline to sign up is Friday night!

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Practice Cancelled

Howdy Ag's!

If you have not already checked the facebook group, practice is CANCELLED for today due to the ongoing rain we've been having. Also, if you received my email about the tournament sign-up, members will actually need to be signed up by tomorrow night (Friday at midnight) so that our officers will have time to make and send off the teams. Hope everyone is having a great week!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan Ritter

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

HTC Tournament

Howdy Ags!

A few things we need to keep in mind this week:

1. Our first tournament is next weekend in Houston. The sign up link has been posted on our facebook page so if you have not joined or do not have a facebook I would highly recommend doing so. You can make one with fake info if you would like we just need to know your name. The deadline to sign up is Sunday night so don't forget!

2. Due to the high chance of rain over the next few days practices may be cancelled. As of right now, practice will still be held at normal times but make sure to check the facebook page before you come out!

3. Our next profit share will be taking place at Chick-Fil-A off Texas Avenue on September 27th!

Hope everyone is staying dry!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan Ritter

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Quick Update on Dues

Howdy Ag's!

Due to the fact that some students are having issues navigating to our dues portal, I have included a direct link to it: 

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Dues and Such

Howdy Ag's!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend and staying out of the rain! Let's all not forget that TODAY is the LAST DAY you can pay dues without any additional fees. So if you are still considering joining the club and have not, I would highly recommend utilizing our website at to do so!

Also, this week we are still planning to have our normal practice times on Wednesday and Thursday but due to the high chance of rain these may be subject to change.

Finally, let's keep in mind that our first tournament is coming up on the 22nd and will be in Houston. Everyone that has not done so should consider joining our facebook group as this is where members will be signing up for our tournaments. If anyone has any other questions feel free to ask!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan Ritter

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Howdy Ag's,

Let's not forget that today we will be having our second informational in Rudder 701 at 5:30! If you haven't attended an informational yet and are able to make it then I highly recommend stopping by to get some information about our club. Also, our first practice begins today at 7:00. This is open to all students so don't sweat it if you haven't paid your dues. Hope to see you all out there!

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Dylan Ritter

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, September 3, 2018

Informationals and Such

Howdy Ag's!

I wanted to share with you guys some information about this week's activities with regard to tennis club. Firstly, to those of you who do not know or are new members, we will be having two informationals this week on Monday and Wednesday beginning at 5:30 P.M.. These will take place in Rudder Plaza RM 701. I encourage everyone to come out to at least one of these as they will be a great opportunity for all of our officers to answer any questions you might have as well as get to know everyone better! Practices will also be starting this week. The times are set to be 7-9 P.M. on Wednesday and Thursday. Make sure to bring your ID as you will need this to check in with our pro shop attendant before playing. Nonmembers do not need to have paid their dues before coming to practice as we want to make sure everyone has a chance to play and get to know everyone before doing so. That being said, for those who do want to pay dues, we will be running a small booth at practice where you can pay by card or cash. Finally, we will also be having our first profit share this Thursday at Spoons Frozen Yogurt from 12-10 P.M.. This will be a great opportunity to help our club in the upcoming school year so feel free to come out and support! That being said, I hope to see you all tonight!

Your endearing Secretary,

Dylan Ritter

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, April 26, 2018

TENNIS CLUB: The Last Practice

Howdy Ags,

I hope your week has been productive and good! This will be my last email (probably) for the semester. I know, very sad!

Today is the last practice for the semester. Let's do it big here and make it the best. 

This Saturday is our tennis formal! Make sure you come out and eat, reminisce, and have a good time. We will be announcing the results for our officer positions, too!

Although practice is over, we will still have the balls available for you all to hit with. There are some stressful weeks for some of you so feel free to hit during a break or a breather. 

Lastly, thank you all for a great year! I loved  every bit of tennis club and I enjoyed serving as your Secretary. I hope the next officer team does a great job and keeps every member in mind! 

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Sergio Ramirez

Tennis Club Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, April 16, 2018


Howdy Ags,

I hope your day is going great!

Just a reminder that voting ends at 11:59 and votes will be counted at noon! Make sure you vote by then.

Thanks and Gig 'Em

Sergio Ramirez 
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Re: Tennis Club Votes

***TO VOTE**

Email with the name and position of who you are voting for. Thank you!

On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 11:30 AM, Texas A&M Tennis Club <> wrote:
Howdy Ags,

I hope your week has been good! It's that point in the semester so make sure you stay focused and finish strong! Here are a couple of announcements for you:

Today, April 5th, Voting has begun! Make sure you look here to see the candidates, what they're running for, and why they think they would be good for the job. Being an officer is more than just a resume builder, especially for an organisation as great as this one. With the members in mind, officers are in charge of ensuring the development of the Club. Read each paragraph carefully as you elect your Executive Officer team for the next year. 

Also today, April 5th, we are having our Blaze Profit Share. Between 8 and 10:30pm, come and support the best Tennis Club in the Nation! Make sure you show this flyer so that we earn that income. 

Coming up fast on April 28th, Tennis Club presents: The Annual Tennis Formal! Come on out with your best date and dress as you take a look back at the year and officer results. You're welcome to bring a guest but make sure to let us know ahead of time. Click here to RSVP. We need to know the amount of people ASAP so make sure you RSVP yourself and your guest. 

That's all for now folks, Thank you for your participation and if you have any questions or concers, feel free to ask away!

As always, Thanks and Gig 'Em, 

Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tennis Club Votes

Howdy Ags,

I hope your week has been good! It's that point in the semester so make sure you stay focused and finish strong! Here are a couple of announcements for you:

Today, April 5th, Voting has begun! Make sure you look here to see the candidates, what they're running for, and why they think they would be good for the job. Being an officer is more than just a resume builder, especially for an organisation as great as this one. With the members in mind, officers are in charge of ensuring the development of the Club. Read each paragraph carefully as you elect your Executive Officer team for the next year. 

Also today, April 5th, we are having our Blaze Profit Share. Between 8 and 10:30pm, come and support the best Tennis Club in the Nation! Make sure you show this flyer so that we earn that income. 

Coming up fast on April 28th, Tennis Club presents: The Annual Tennis Formal! Come on out with your best date and dress as you take a look back at the year and officer results. You're welcome to bring a guest but make sure to let us know ahead of time. Click here to RSVP. We need to know the amount of people ASAP so make sure you RSVP yourself and your guest. 

That's all for now folks, Thank you for your participation and if you have any questions or concers, feel free to ask away!

As always, Thanks and Gig 'Em, 

Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Officer Elections

Howdy Ags!

It's that time of the year again! We will be opening officer elections for the 2018-2019 school year. There are 4 executive positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. As well as 5 non-executive officers, who are selected by the executive officers: Competition, Fundraising, Social, Creative/Historian, and Recruitment.

Being an officer is a great honor, but it is also a BIG responsibility/time commitment, including the non-executive positions. I encourage each of you to think about the position you're running for and make sure you will have the time commitment to-do so. If y'all have any additional questions about the officer positions and what they do, please contact a current officer and ask.
To include your name on the ballot for the executive officer elections or include your name on the list of potential non-exec. officer appointees, reply to TAMU10SELECTION@GMAIL.COM by WEDNESDAY, April 4TH at 12PM with the following information:
A PARAGRAPH PERSUADING MEMBERS WHY THEY SHOULD ELECT YOU AS AN EXECUTIVE OFFICER: (Only if you are running for an executive officer position)
**You must have been a club member for a year in to run for a non-executive position. If you're running for an executive position, then you must have been a non-executive officer before OR have been an active member for 2 years.**
If you are running for an executive officer position, then include a non-executive officer position as well so that if you are not elected, you can still be appointed. If you only wish to run for a non-executive officer position, then don't put anything down for executive officer position.

Please remember to reply to TAMU10SELECTION@GMAIL.COM WEDNESDAY, April 4TH at 12 PM.
Election voting for the executive positions will start WEDNESDAY, April 4TH and will end WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11TH at 5pm. The new officers will be announced on Monday, April 16th. Again, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me or any of the current officers. Good luck to everyone who is running & BTHO midterms!!
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

TAMU Tennis Club is BACK!

Howdy Ags,

I hope your hump day is going swell and you all had a great Spring Break! Here are some events we have planned for you:

Practice is on this week! Be sure to come out and take a break from studying and procrastinating!

March 24th, TAMU is hosting its Big Event. We haven't gotten word from them regarding where we're meeting but once we get them, I'll be sure to inform everyone who is participating! Be sure to pack some water though and bring some sunscreen!

April 7-8th, TAMU Tennis Presents: The College Station Open Pt. II. The deadline to sign up is on April 1st. Everyone can play a max of 2 events and the entry fees are the same as usual.  Here is the link to sign up. 

April 7th, We are hosting another profit share at Blaze. Its from 8-10pm and I'm sure the food would taste 1000X better after playing a tournament ;D

April 28th, TAMU TENNIS CLUB FORMAL. Yes, we have a formal! It will be hosted at the Hilton and I look forward to seeing everyone there!

As the semester comes to an end, The Club will hold Officer Elections again to make the Executive and Non-Executive Officer team. They are coming soon so be sure to vote or run for the position you want!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know!

Thanks and Gig 'Em, 

Sergio Ramirez 
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Tennis Club Gets Cooking!

Howdy Ags, 

I hope you all had a great week and are having a great weekend! These past few days have had great weather for tennis and I hope yall have enjoyed them like I have.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Women's Tennis Team! I know they enjoyed the crowd and noise we brought! 

- Our fundraising officers are baking today and need some help! I know it's last minute for those who haven't been on the Facebook page but we are prepping for the Bake Sale today at 2pm at Cristina Prada's. its 1198 Jones Butler Rd, Apartment #1502. They are the Lakeridge Town Homes and she lives in the 15th building. Also today, at 4:30pm, Sujay Singh is hosting a bake prep at 101 Church Avenue, room 124. He lives at The Domain and recommends you call him once you arrive at 281-299-9740. 

March 6-7th, we are having the Bake Sale for Team 1 to be the EVER LIVIN, EVER LOVIN, COMPOUND, COMPLEX HELL OUTTA EVERYONE at Nationals! Spread the word and come try our goods! 

          - Tuesday, the 6th, we will be at Rudder Plaza from 11-3pm. 
          - Wednesday, the 7th, we will be at the MSC also from 11-3pm. 
Thank you for any support and we look forward to seeing you!

Tuesday March 6th
Silver Taps will be hosting its monthly ceremony. This month, we are remembering everyone from earlier in the year, including Marc Elizondo. A group of us are going and you are all welcome to come too! 

Practice should be on this week so I look forward to seeing you all there!

If you have any questions, please let us know!

Thanks and Gig 'Em, 

Sergio Ramirez
Texas A&M Tennis Club


Monday, February 19, 2018

TAMU Tennis

Howdy Ags!

I hope your week is off to a good start! I know exams are coming up or are already here, so good luck to all of you!

CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM 1 AND TEAM 3!!! Do it Big did it twice! they are back-to-back Sectionals Champs after beating the ever-living and everloving hell outta each t-sip in their draw. Additionally, Team Tree Harder also got first place in their bracket, representing our school and our spirit splendidly. 

There is expected rain for this week but practice is still on- as of now. I will update you if anything changes!

Friday, Feb. 23rd is our Schlotzsky's profit share. Bring your friends and endulge in a delicious meal, starting 4pm to 9pm! We are having a Sectionals reunion at 4pm and everyone is welcome!

Sunday, Feb. 25th TAMU's Women's Tennis Team has a match at noon against UCF. A group of us are going and its a great chance to bond and watch some great tennis! 

As always, thank you for your continuous support and devotion to tennis and The Club. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us!

Enjoy the rest of your week, Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Big Event

Howdy Ags,

Thank you to everyone who came out to the tournament and froze their hands playing! 

We are doing Big Event as a group this year and want as many people to sign up as they can. As some of you may know, Big Event helps our BCS community with volunteer work and is sponsored by many different companies. It's a commitment as Ags to our community and we would love to have a big group to represent TAMU Tennis Club! 

Here's the access code you'll need to sign into our group and the link to sign up: 


Deadline to sign up is this Friday I believe! 

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Sergio Ramirez 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Sectionals Sign-Up

Howdy Ags,

Just a quick reminder to sign up for sectionals. If you cant play friday, let us know and we will work with you! Deadline is tonight at midnight!

Have a great weekend, 

Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club


Monday, January 29, 2018

Re: TAMU Tennis Club

Excuse me, the dates are correct but the days are wrong. Jan 31st is a Wednesday not Tuesday, making Feb 1st a Thursday. I apologise but I hope you have a great day!

Thanks and Gig 'Em

On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 11:57 AM, Texas A&M Tennis Club <> wrote:
Howdy Ags, 

I hope your week is off to a good start! Here are a few reminders of upcoming tournaments and events. 

Tuesday, January 31st is the last day to initiate a challenge, making February 4th the last day to play a match. Make sure you email the club first at to make it an official challenge and send your scores as soon as you can after the match.

Wednesday February 1st we are having a profit share at Chik-fil-a at 1719 Texas Avenue. Come and bring your friends and eat mor chikin!

Saturday, February 3rd is the last day to register for Sectionals. Please make sure to sign up if you want to go. The tournament lasts three days but the main days we need you there are Saturday and Sunday, February 17th-18th. If you cannot make it on Friday, the 16th, let us know to make sure your team will have enough people to play that day and you may drive with a different group later that day. We will have notes for your professors but be aware this NOT a University Excused Absence. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask. 

Sunday, February 4th is the last day to register for the TAMU Tennis Club: Marc Elizondo Tournament. We are donating 100% of the proceeds to the Marc Elizondo Fund, which will be used to fund a scholarship for fellow and future Aggies The tournament is open to everyone, members or not, with a raised fee for non-members. You can play any two events. If you want to play doubles but need a partner, let us know via email or by saying so in the 'Partner Name' question. 

Saturday, February 10th is Marc Elizondo's tournament. Click here to sign up.

Friday, February 16th, we begin Sectionals. Sign up for Sectionals is here. Let us know if you want to play, but cannot make it on Friday because of classes. We are all students and we will work with you to get you there.

That is all I have for you at the moment. You can respond to this email if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thanks and Gig 'Em, 

Sergio Ramirez 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Texas A&M Tennis Club

TAMU Tennis Club

Howdy Ags, 

I hope your week is off to a good start! Here are a few reminders of upcoming tournaments and events. 

Tuesday, January 31st is the last day to initiate a challenge, making February 4th the last day to play a match. Make sure you email the club first at to make it an official challenge and send your scores as soon as you can after the match.

Wednesday February 1st we are having a profit share at Chik-fil-a at 1719 Texas Avenue. Come and bring your friends and eat mor chikin!

Saturday, February 3rd is the last day to register for Sectionals. Please make sure to sign up if you want to go. The tournament lasts three days but the main days we need you there are Saturday and Sunday, February 17th-18th. If you cannot make it on Friday, the 16th, let us know to make sure your team will have enough people to play that day and you may drive with a different group later that day. We will have notes for your professors but be aware this NOT a University Excused Absence. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask. 

Sunday, February 4th is the last day to register for the TAMU Tennis Club: Marc Elizondo Tournament. We are donating 100% of the proceeds to the Marc Elizondo Fund, which will be used to fund a scholarship for fellow and future Aggies The tournament is open to everyone, members or not, with a raised fee for non-members. You can play any two events. If you want to play doubles but need a partner, let us know via email or by saying so in the 'Partner Name' question. 

Saturday, February 10th is Marc Elizondo's tournament. Click here to sign up.

Friday, February 16th, we begin Sectionals. Sign up for Sectionals is here. Let us know if you want to play, but cannot make it on Friday because of classes. We are all students and we will work with you to get you there.

That is all I have for you at the moment. You can respond to this email if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thanks and Gig 'Em, 

Sergio Ramirez 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Location Change

Ha-ha, sorry guys. The watxhing party will now be a top Hanna's house. It's Z-islander, down welbourn. Here is the address:

3803 Wellborn Rd. 

It's easier to turn left at every stop sign until you get to the 19th building. Hers is across it, third floor, first door on the right! 

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Sergio Ramirez
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Federer Wrecking Watching Party

Howdy Ags,

I hope your weekend is going swell! Today is the finals of the the Men's draw for the Australian Open where M. Cilic is facing the G.O.A.T. Roger Federer! 

As the name suggests, we are having a  watching party at Noah Jean's house tonight, for the tournament. Be aware the tournament is held in Australia and the match begins at 2:30am. 

Here is the address:

1408 Pecan Grove Court

and we hope to see you there at 11:45ish!

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Challenge Ladder Edits

Howdy Ags,

Just a quick email to let everyone know we've made some changes to the challenge ladder on the website. We had a few people graduate, leaving an opportunity for other people to move up. The Challenge Ladder Committee debated and has moved people up. You still have time to challenge if you feel like you need to challenge. Also, the changes were done only for the men's ladder, the women's ladder has only changed from challenges. 

As a reminder, January 31st  is the last day to initiate a challenge and February 3rd is the last day to play. 

Have a great day! Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Practice Today

Howdy Ags!

Practice will be held at the Omar courts like scheduled. The forecast is 36 degrees at 7-9pm but we are expecting lots of fun, tennis, and your club t-shirts to pick up! 

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Practice has Moved

For today and possibly tomorrow, practice has been moved to Consolidated High School. You can hit and pick up your shirt there. If you have any questions, let us know!

Thanks and Gig 'Em

Sergio Ivan
Texas A&M Tennis Club

New Year, New Semester

Howdy Ags!

Happy hump day! I hope you guys have had a great break and are ready to get the semester rolling. Here I have a few announcements and reminders for y'all: 

We do have practice today for anyone who wants to freeze their buns off. The hours are still the same, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7-9pm. We will also have shirts available, just come by and pick them up!

- At the beginning of today's practice, we will have a prayer circle at the courts in honor our fellow Aggie, Marc Elizondo. He was an exemplary Ag and his family is in our prayers. Our officer Bekah Storke will lead the circle and will also have a card for everyone to sign then send to his family. Everyone is welcome to be a part!

- This Saturday, January 20th, is our College Station TOC tournament. Teams have already been posted and your team captain will be getting in touch with their respective teams soon. 

- Don't forget to sign up for Sectionals!! Deadline to sign up is Saturday, February 3rd at midnight. It is a 3-day tournament starting Friday February 16th to the 18th. Make sure you can attend all 3 days in their entirety. We will have notes for professors for those of you who have class on Friday and will need a note. Please be aware this is NOT a University Excused Absence. HOWEVER, if we are all students and are aware not everyone will be able to play Friday. That is fine, we usually have groups of people who leave later Friday evening allowing everyone to be able to play Saturday and Sunday. To sign up, visit TOC Texas Sectionals Info and follow the form. 

- Saturday, February 10th-11th, is our TAMU Tennis Club Open. This tournament is open to everyone, members and nonmembers. You can sign up for doubles and singles, but no more than two events. Also, be aware this is not a TOC event but rather, a warm up tournament before sectionals. Deadline to sign up is February 4th. There is a $5 fee for members per event and for non-members, there is a $15 fee for singles and/or $10 for doubles and mixed. Both partners must register for the event and you can also edit the response after you submit if there are any changes. Click here to sign up.

- Friday, February 16th-18th we have Sectionals. For those who are new to Sectionals, this the end of the TOC tournaments as well as the final- and qualifying tournament- before Nationals. Good luck to us all!

- With that being said, the day to initiate challenge matches is January 31st as we have to submit teams by February 3rd.

We have lots of events planned, including Australian Open finals, A&M Men's and Women's tennis teams, as well as Ice Skating Socials and Profit Shares. I hope everyone has a good year and a good spring semester! If you have any questions, let us know!

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Sergio Ivan Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club