Monday, September 3, 2018

Informationals and Such

Howdy Ag's!

I wanted to share with you guys some information about this week's activities with regard to tennis club. Firstly, to those of you who do not know or are new members, we will be having two informationals this week on Monday and Wednesday beginning at 5:30 P.M.. These will take place in Rudder Plaza RM 701. I encourage everyone to come out to at least one of these as they will be a great opportunity for all of our officers to answer any questions you might have as well as get to know everyone better! Practices will also be starting this week. The times are set to be 7-9 P.M. on Wednesday and Thursday. Make sure to bring your ID as you will need this to check in with our pro shop attendant before playing. Nonmembers do not need to have paid their dues before coming to practice as we want to make sure everyone has a chance to play and get to know everyone before doing so. That being said, for those who do want to pay dues, we will be running a small booth at practice where you can pay by card or cash. Finally, we will also be having our first profit share this Thursday at Spoons Frozen Yogurt from 12-10 P.M.. This will be a great opportunity to help our club in the upcoming school year so feel free to come out and support! That being said, I hope to see you all tonight!

Your endearing Secretary,

Dylan Ritter

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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