Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Upcoming Events

Howdy Ags!

Just a few important updates for this week:

First, we will be having our yearly ranking tournament this weekend! We are still ironing out ideal times to begin matches but plan on being out there mid/late afternoon. We will begin with singles matches and continue through mid-day on Saturday before beginning doubles and mixed. Hopefully we won't have to deal with anymore rain!

On another note, we will soon be posting the sign-up link for our upcoming Austin TOC tournament next weekend so make sure you clear your calendars and sign up through our Facebook page!

Practices are still slotted for tonight and tomorrow for those of us who want to get some hitting in before matches begin Friday.

Finally, we have our next profit share at Jason's Deli coming up on the 29th so make sure to RSVP!!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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