Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fall Competitive Play, Practice Tomorrow


Practice tomorrow, 4-7.

If you haven't yet joined the best tennis club in the nation, we will be around tomorrow if you have any questions, collect some dues, or get you signed up to play competitively with us.

We need your USTA numbers, if you are a USTA member. Its real easy to retrieve your number by calling them up if you don't have it memorized or tattooed somewhere. Link to the entry form is on the right side of the website.

Competitive Stuff:

So its looking like we will be traveling to 3 away team tournaments this semester (Houston, Austin, and Dallas), the first of which on Oct 13. We also have scheduled a dual match vs tu (to be played at home) and we will be hosting a singles tournament of our own. The team tournaments are played with 6-10 people per team, in a WTT format. Initial placement on our teams are primarily based our Intra-club competitive matches in the fall, and challenge matches in the spring. Last year we were able to take 5 teams to some of the tournaments.

This fall we will be playing a win-lose type setup, similar to Vicki's tennis class, where you will play people with similar won/lost ratios. For example, on the third week, if you have won 2 and lost 1 match, you will be playing against someone else who has also won 2 and lost 1. We will post the entire setup online soon, but for now, the first round matches are attached.

From here on out, these matches are your responsibility to get in touch with your opponent and get your match played, either during our Sunday practices or in your own time. We are allowing 1 week per match, starting tonight and ending a week from now ( 2 out of 3 sets, regular scoring ). Please let us know if there are any problems getting in touch or finding a suitable playing time.

Score Reporting: check out the "Report a score" button on the right side of our website, where you will enter winner's and loser's name, match number, and your score.

Thats all for now,


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Upcoming Tennis

First and foremost I want to welcome all the new tennis club members and say thanks to those who have been faithful members over the years.  Our Competitive Play will begin within the week so for all you that signed up for competitive play be prepared to play one to two matches a week.  Next, I'm sorry for the ceaseless annoyance of dues but for all of those wanting to play competitively dues are due.  For those that are not playing competitively dues are also due.  There will be no more "free" practices.  The reason being that this is a club and it is for members only.  If you have not joined and want to play competitively please reply to this email with your phone number and we will contact you.  As always first timers are not required to pay dues but, as i said it is a club so please do not take advantage of that.

Next order of business.  Our first "Team Tournament" is on October 13, also our calendar is on our website for those that want to plan ahead (  Be thinking as to whether or not you can go to this.

Also for everyone, if you are a USTA member we need your number.  David has created a cool program that makes this easy for everyone.  Go to

All you do is pick your name and type the number.

Now why are we doing this?  Well USTA wants to know which college has the highest percentage of USTA members.  Therefore once y'all enter in the numbers we will report to them.  This also in a way depicts how much money they give in grants which help us pay for travel expenses, tournaments, etc.  If you are not a member you do not have to do this, so do not worry about it if you are not.  If you do not remember your number contact membership services of the USTA.

Soda paid his dues!!!!  

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Howdy Ags,
Ok so check this out; 1. Our football team is terrible once again, well actually just Fran... he sucks. 2. All dues are payed so I will never ask again....haha yeah right Pay your dues!!!!!!!!!!! . 3. Practice tonight  8-11, at the courts. 4. Dallas is the most confusing place ever!!,  Let me tell ya a storey Ags, Ok so we all wanted to get ice cream after the match on Sat, so we left to go there. Soong calls and says he is  lost 20 miles away in downtown Dallas. We were in Fresco. So David and I go and rescue him, and then we go get some Whataburger,  and some how we get lost for another couple hours in the ghetto and Ive never seen Highways just end before but they do in Dallas!!! It was awful!!! So thanks Soong. Even though ya did buy me a strawberry Shake. And last but not least... SODA pay your dues.

-- Billy
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fwd: Practice time

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Hoover <>
Date: Sep 23, 2007 11:39 AM
Subject: Practice time
To: "" <>

Howdy aggs!!
Ok so this is crazy  I am actualy sending this email on davids
iphone!  Bc we are coming back from the Sampras match. It was awsome.
Ok so we have club at 4-7 at the tennis courts. Make sure that you pay
dues .  All right guys I hope to see ya there.


David Hoover '09

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Howdy Ags, Im sorry for the late notice but i was hoping that the storms would clear off.  The REC which opens the courts has said that there is lightning in the area therefore we cannot risk practicing.  Also if you are planning on attending the Sampras Match I need to talk to yall, I need yall to sign a paper and need to know who can drive there.  Reply to this email if you can dirve.
See all of you on Sunday,  Jonathan 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Practice 8-11

Hey Guys
All right so tonight yall know what time it is..... practice from 8-11 at the courts.  Dues are due for all members meaning, Competitive and non competitive players, as well as prior members. So if your in the club pay your dues. And if you are going to the Sampras match make sure you see Johny or Matt.  So hope to see you guys there tonight!!!
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Stop the emails

If you have decided that the tennis club is not for you, or you are one of the lucky ones that has graduated and moved on into the real world and are tired of getting our inspirational emails, follow the following instructions to remove your email from our listserv:

To remove yourself from a list, send an email to with the following command as a single line in the body of your message:


Your email must come from the account you used when you subscribed to the list.

Having trouble? Feel free to email us about it.


Hey Guys,
Sorry for the late email but most of yall know the drill.  Practice from 4-7 at the courts Dont wanna be a stickler, but make sure you have paid your dues, and If ya wanna go to the Sampras match amke sure you pay Johny and let him know that you are interested. Hey guess what our football team doesnt suck as bad as I thought, haha just kidding. we actualy passed the ball this game crazy how that works. Ok so hope to see all of yalll out there!!!
Time 4-7
Where: Da Courts
What to do......Pay DUES!!!!!!!!!!! jk have some fun its only 95 today so its a lil cooler

Later Billy
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Last Chance to see Sampras

Im sorry guys for such a quick notice but I need to order the tickets tomorrow.  My cell is 432-634-1588 so call me if you still want to go.  A little recap, the match is Saturday night at 7:00 in Frisco Tx Sept. 22.  We will be staying at peoples houses so that will not be an expense.  We will also carpool down there.  This is a great chance to get to know other people and your officers as well, so if you are interested give me a call, the tickets are only $30.
Thanks, Jonathan

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Whats up yall,
Ok guys tonight at 8-11  we are having tennis club!!! Yeah chicka chicka tennis club. Alright some things to go over real quick. One dues!!!! We gotta start collecting dues especially from you returning club members. We are pushing dues so hard because we  cant  get the competition teams organized yet until we get all our members squared away. So its only $40 dollars, pay now or i will hunt you down!!! 2. Let Johny know about the Sampras match as well. Ok guys hope to see yall out there tonight 8-11 at the tennis courts. Laters

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, September 10, 2007

Pete Sampras vs Robby Ginepri

Howdy Fellow Tennis Ags

As I mentioned in practice we have a lot of cool events planned this year.  The first thing that we are going to do as a club is go and watch Pete Sampras play Robby Ginepri.  As all of you know These are two great tennis players.  At 7:00 p.m. on Saturday September 22 these two are going to play at the Dr Pepper Star Center in Frisco Texas which is north Dallas.  These tickets will cost $30 each and is only open to club members.  We are planning on driving down saturday afternoon and leaving Sunday around noon.  As of right now we have three houses for people to stay in so space is limited and will be based on a first come first serve.  If however some of you live in that area and would be willing to offer your house for us that would be greatly appreciated and would allow more people to go.  So check your schedule, see if you can go then reply to this email.

Thanks everyone,


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Inter-club Tournaments this Fall

We will be traveling to several inter-club tournaments this fall. These are lots of fun, great times to make friends and play a little tennis. They are all Saturday only events, so for the Houston and Austin ones, we will leave early and come back late. Check out our calendar for dates.

We will be taking as many teams, of 8-10 people per team, as we can make, hopefully. If you are not familiar with how we play the WTT format, check it out. We will have some, to be determined, type of competition to help us initially place you on teams before the first tournament.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Tennis Club vs Intramurals

So we were thinking what is the difference between intramural and tennis club, are they the same?

Well the truth is they are not. Intramural is an ongoing tournament throughout the semester. Although it is fun it only involves those who sign up and you will just play one another. Club Tennis will not only have a similar tournament to that of intramural but if gives the opportunity to play in WTT tournaments against other schools, play other colleges in dual matches and I'm not just talking about club teams. Last year we played an actual varsity team and had a convincing victory. We also do social things so that we can get to know another... and we get cool shirts.

Hope to see ya'll on Wednesday,


Saturday, September 8, 2007

Howdy AaaaGggggggSsss!!!!!!

Hey Ags!!!!
All right guys and girls, I know yall cant sleep tonight because of tennis club... cuz its so freaking sweet! Yes Its coming soon. Ok so its at 4-7 P.M. at the courts. I hope to see you guys there!!! Ok now things to recap: Our secondary on our football team sucks. But hey we won and its all good. Next those officials were shady... yep shady. "it was a fumble" cough!!! Next I guess holding in Fresno State is legal. Ok now that I have that off my back lets talk tennis. So we have a special guest coming tomorrow...hmm maybe Roddick. Or our sponsor. So ya don't want to miss it. We will also introduce the officers and yall can find out some cool stuff about us. Im pretty amazing, I dont know how to put this, but... people know me. Yep. Ok so pay dues once again. Its free but ya have to pay for a $40 dollar T Shirt. And get ready for some amazing times. Yall give me a call if ya need anything.
club 4-7P.M
Where: Courts de Tennis
events: clean winner, dubs, speeches, and team singles
Pepes: All of the fightin Texas Aggie Tennis Club and our special guest.

Deuce it,
Cool quotes i heard
"As soon as your born you start dying, so ya might as well have a good time!"
" happiness is like peeing your pants only you can feel its warmth"

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Awsome first day!!!

Howdy Ags!!,

OK Guys so the first day of club is over.... God it was freakin saweeet!! I hope all of yall had an amazing time!!!! I know I ball feeder ever!!! I know clean winner can get a lil repetitive, but with the numbers we had its hard to get a lot of things going at a constant pace... Clean winner is a good way to meet the tennis chicks and dudes. So guys, play it smooth!!! Don't hit at the girls at 100 MPH not too cool......hmmm Robert. Yes Robert has been crowned last year's woman slayer, so who's up for the task this year. Kelly once again being the creepy old person has once again shown off her matching styles. Pretty lame if you ask me, but if some one can out do her please do so. But back on track. Remember guys dues!!!!!!!!!!!! Please as soon as you can pay your dues. The sooner (<--lame!!) ha-ha get It., you pay your dues the sooner we can get you in our pool play and you can start competing. YAY for competing. And plus that nifty sweet tennis shirt!!! For free or for $40. Depends on how ya look at it. Another thing, last year's club was amazing! our club members were really close and have become great friends. We hang out together every day. Let's shoot for the same goals this year. Our next club practice is Sunday at 4-7 P.M. at the tennis courts. Now if you can only hit for a lil bit no worries. There is no time line of when you have to get there or leave. Preferably at the start but when ever is cool. OK guys I hope yall have an amazing rest of the week, and if ya need anything or want to hit give me or some of your fellow club members a call.

Deuce it!
Billy Uran
P.s Facebook your officers

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Howdy from the Texas A&M Tennis Club

Howdy AGS!!!!,

Hey guys I hope y'all are excited about Wednesdays practice!! In case you didn't know its from 8-11 p.m. Located at the intramural tennis courts, Right next to the Varsity tennis courts. Things to get pumped up for!!!!; 1. Extreme Games of clean winner!!! a classic fun competitive game for all skill levels. 2. play some matches with new friends lots of courts for lots of tennis!!, 3. If your new to tennis club no worries, your gonna make a lot of friends really quick!!, lots of tennis Hotties!!!!(SODA HENG, and JENSON) chicka chicka tennis club!!, (<--Super Bad). 4. You can try tennis club for free!!, yes free!!!!! to see if you like it, and/or you can pay your dues then or next time. Dues are $40, yay t-shirt is included wow!!!, Now I know what your thinking a T-Shirt! oh yes...a Fightin Texas Aggie Tennis Club Shirt who have won nationals 6 times!!!!!!!!!! 5 in a row. Straight Ballin. All skills are welcome!!!, your always going to find some one your playing ability. There are going to be alot of people the first couple of days but thats ok, more friends and more hitting. Now what if your saying, "hey Billy I dont have a racqet or hey my strings are broken!! "Not a problem we have a demo racquets to borrow, and we have stringing service as well. So I cant wait to see you guys out there and get ready for an amazing year!!!


Wendsday 8-11 PM
Intramural Courts
Call if need directions
Bring sweet out fit!!! Impress the chcks
Have fun
P.s if it rains stay posted !! AKA Weather permitting.

Deuce it,
-- Billy