Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tennis Club

Howdy Ags!

We going to have our usual practice on Wednesday from 8-11 out at the intramural courts, so come out to hit and play some clean winner.  The theme for this week is "Dress Like the Pros", so make sure to wear your fanciest tennis attire to practice.  If you can't play like Federer or Nadal, at least you can look like them. 

Once again, make sure that you sign up for the tournament in Austin on October 9th through the Facebook event titled Austin Regional Tournament at  http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=152753394758785.  We REALLY need girls to sign up so we can make sure to bring as many teams as possible.  So if you are a lady and aren't doing anything on the weekend of the 9th, sign up to play some tennis!!  Remeber that you must respond 'attending' for the Facebook event in order to be considered to play.  If you respond with 'maybe' you will not be considered for the tournament. 

We have the official tennis club challenge ladder up on the tennis club website or by following the link below
https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdFpZVzV3ejB6MEo2LVM2UUQ5ZVZGY1E&hl=en&output=html.  You may start challenging right now, so go ahead and start moving up teams!!

One more time, please understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be able to accurately judge the skill level of all the players in club.  If you are unhappy with your team, the best way to change it is to use the challenge system.  The challenge system rules can be found on the tennis club website or here https://docs.google.com/View?id=d33jckr_25dqgp9cc7, so make sure to check those out if you are challenging or are getting challenged.  Teams 1 and 2, make sure to check out the new rules that involve a singles and doubles 'title' to your team.  If anyone has any questions, just contact an officer.

That's all I have for now, but I'll see you at practice tomorrow from 8-11 at the intramural courts.
Thanks and gig 'em!!

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

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