Saturday, September 25, 2010

Did It Big

Howdy Ags!

Way to do it big at the tournament earlier today and beatin' the hell outta the rest of Texas!!!  Even though it was shortened by rain, I think its safe to say that everyone else had a good time, so let's keep the good times rolling tomorrow at practice from 4-7 out at the intramural courts.

After practice, make sure that you sign up for the tournament in Austin on October 9th through the Facebook event titled Austin Regional Tournament.  Make sure to head down to Austin to saw those horns off.  Don't worry, I'll text you score updates of the Arkansas-A&M game while you're there.  Remeber that you must respond 'attending' for the Facebook event in order to be considered to play.  If you respond with 'maybe' you will not be considered for the tournament. 

We have the official tennis club challenge ladder up for the tennis club website or by following the link below

Please understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be able to accurately judge the skill level of all the players in club.  If you are unhappy with your team, the best way to change it is to use the challenge system.  The challenge system rules can be found on the tennis club website, so make sure to check those out if you are challenging or are getting challenged.  Teams 1 and 2, make sure to check out the new rules that involve a singles and doubles 'title' to your team.  If anyone has any questions, just contact an officer.

That's about it for now, but make sure to come out to practice on Sunday from 4-7 at the intramural courts!!!

Thanks and gig 'em!!

-Patrick Haines

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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