Monday, September 29, 2014

Tournament Commitment

Howdy Everyone!
I want to wish everyone good luck who is competing in this weekend's Georgetown Tournament good luck. We also have a Waco Tournament coming up on October 18th, so look out to sign up for that event soon.
In addition please remember that when you sign up for the tournament, you must plan on going! We pay for each team submitted, and if a team we have submitted does not have the number of people necessary to compete our entire club is penalized and not allowed to sign up for Tennis On Campus events. Please be respectful of your teammates who also plan on you being there. Remember, tournaments are not required, but we love for as many people possible to attend! Just make sure that you have your schedule planned so it does not affect other club members.
We also have a warning system in place: if you miss one tournament that you committed to- you receive one warning; if you miss a second (unless an urgent excuse if provided) -you will not be allowed to play in any of our tournaments for the rest of the year.
As long as you let us know before the deadline to sign up for the tournament that you cannot attend, we should not have any problems.
Thanks you for reading this pretty long email if you made it through :)

Kaitlyn Sestak '16
President 2015-2016

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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