Monday, September 29, 2014

Vice President Elections!

Howdy everyone!
We have two candidates for Vice President! Please read their paragraphs below, then email your VOTE along with YOUR NAME The deadline to submit your vote is Friday by 6 PM. We will announce the winner shortly after. Good luck!

Andres Tajonar

Tennis has been a really important part of my life since I started playing about 10 years ago.  I love the game and have a strong passion for everything involved with it, which is the main reason why I would like to serve as Tennis Club Vice-president. I will be fully devoted and committed to tennis club and to the needs of every member. As vice-president, I would promote a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere within club so everyone feels welcome and comfortable. If given the opportunity, I would work diligently with the president to innovate and improve practices, challenge system, tournaments, and other activities involved with club.

Joey Tames

Okay so my name is Joey Tames and I'm a sophomore A-A-A-A-AAAAA!!!! I'm in the Corps and Aggie Band and this is my second year in the Tennis Club and I want to run for VP because I want to be more than just a member of the club. I want to help make it better and more fun, like with music! (I'm the guy who brings the speakers to practice yuhh :D ) I go to all the tournaments and socials so I already know a lot of the members new and old but I really look forward to meeting everyone else I haven't yet! I'm also really interested in what y'all as members want Club to be like and I'll be there to listen and hopefully be able to make those changes possible! 
Oh and just for reading this y'all are already even better tennis players and that much more awesome and probably got smarter too! Lol! Hope y'all vote for me!
 Thanks and Gig Em!!! #Tames4VP
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tournament Commitment

Howdy Everyone!
I want to wish everyone good luck who is competing in this weekend's Georgetown Tournament good luck. We also have a Waco Tournament coming up on October 18th, so look out to sign up for that event soon.
In addition please remember that when you sign up for the tournament, you must plan on going! We pay for each team submitted, and if a team we have submitted does not have the number of people necessary to compete our entire club is penalized and not allowed to sign up for Tennis On Campus events. Please be respectful of your teammates who also plan on you being there. Remember, tournaments are not required, but we love for as many people possible to attend! Just make sure that you have your schedule planned so it does not affect other club members.
We also have a warning system in place: if you miss one tournament that you committed to- you receive one warning; if you miss a second (unless an urgent excuse if provided) -you will not be allowed to play in any of our tournaments for the rest of the year.
As long as you let us know before the deadline to sign up for the tournament that you cannot attend, we should not have any problems.
Thanks you for reading this pretty long email if you made it through :)

Kaitlyn Sestak '16
President 2015-2016

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Vice President Postition

Howdy everyone!
Just a reminder if you would like to be considered for the vp position, you have to email a paragraph introducing yourself to the members and explaining why you deserve the position to no later than Sunday September 28th at 5pm. You must have been a member of the club for a minimum of one year to run for this position. In addition, I forgot to mention in the prior email, candidates running must be planning on being a student and club member for the entire year. If you are graduating or leaving for another reason before next semester you cannot be considered.
The paragraphs will be posted online on Monday September 29th and the membership will vote to elect a new VP. 
Thank you again for your cooperation and good luck!

Kaitlyn Sestak '16
President 2014-2015

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Online Posting

Howdy tennis club members,
I want to wish everyone competing in the intraclub tournament this weekend good luck, and remind all members that our facebook page is designed to be a friendly environment for posting information and asking questions. Please remain respectful when commenting or posting! If you have any complaints, feel free to contact me personally or another officer.  We all want this club to be the best it can be, and hope you can get the most out of it.

Kaitlyn Sestak'16
President 2014-2015
Texas A&M Tennis Club

New President and Re-electing Vice president

Howdy Tennis Club members:

I regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, Sandy Torres has voluntarily stepped down from the presidency. However, she will remain in Tennis Club as a Social officer. Therefore, Kaitlyn Sestak, who was elected VP in last year's election, will become President for this year. That means that the VP position is open and a new election will be held. If you would like to be considered for the position, you have to email a paragraph introducing yourself to the members and explaining why you deserve the position to no later than Sunday September 28th at 5pm. You must have been a member of the club for a minimum of one year to run for this position. 
The paragraphs will be posted online on Monday September 29th and the membership will vote to elect a new VP.
Thank you for your cooperation!

Laura Pelaez '14
Secretary 2014-2015
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tennis Club Information for the Week!

Howdy Tennis Lovers!

We have exciting things going on for Tennis Club this week!!
Remember that this is the last week we will be offering a discount for dues, only $55/year! 
You can pay during practice or online:
Remember you have to be a paid member in order to participate in the tournaments!

Tennis Club Practice 
When: Wednesday and Thursday
Time: 8-10:30 pm
Where: Intramural tennis courts

College Station Regional
When: Saturday September 20th
Time: 8 am - 5:00 pm approx.
Where: Intramural courts/ Varsity courts/ Consolidated HS courts (depends on your team)

Intraclub Tournament
When: Saturday September 27th 
Time: TBD (Depends on whether you are playing singles or doubles)
Where: Intramural tennis courts

If you ave any questions don't hesitate to ask!
I hope to see y'all at practice this week!

Laura Pelaez '14
Secretary  2014-2015 
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Tennis Club Information for this week!!!

Howdy Tennis Ags!!

We are starting a new year in Tennis Club and we are very excited that you are interested in learning more about our awesome organization!
This week will be very busy for tennis club, so here are the details:

Informational: Tuesday, September 9th at 7 pm at the Intramural Tennis Courts (a map of the location is attached in this email). Come to find out what tennis club is all about!

First Week of Practice: Wednesday September 10th and Thursday September 11th from 8 - 10:30 pm at the Intramural Tennis Courts. Bring your racquet, tennis shoes and show off your skills!

In order to join the club, you have to pay membership dues: $55 if you pay during the first two weeks of club and $65 if you pay afterwards. Your dues cover the fall and spring semester membership, member T-shirt, entrance fees for the tournaments and the socials! You can pay online at our website: or at the informational or practice sessions!

Don't forget to join our Facebook page: Texas A&M Tennis Club to get all the updates and information about Tennis Club.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!

Laura Pelaez '14
Secretary 2014-2015
Texas A&M Tennis Club