Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mt. Aggie Tomorrow at 4


Happy Saturday to everyone!  Tennis club is taking on Mt. Aggie tomorrow during practice (at 4).  If you aren't familiar with Mt. Aggie, it's that mound right next to the intramural courts.  It's made of astroturf that is watered and turned into a glorified slip 'n slide.  There will be plenty of sleds to go around, so come on out and get as close as you're going to get to sledding down a real mountain in College Station. 

Thanks to everyone who came out to the last practice Wednesday.  I've looked over the footage we shot and I'm pretty sure we have some Oscar material on our hands.  Best actor goes to Scott Motl for his 'chatting with babes' bit. 

See y'all tomorrow on the slopes!!

-Patrick Haines

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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