Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mt. Aggie Tomorrow at 4


Happy Saturday to everyone!  Tennis club is taking on Mt. Aggie tomorrow during practice (at 4).  If you aren't familiar with Mt. Aggie, it's that mound right next to the intramural courts.  It's made of astroturf that is watered and turned into a glorified slip 'n slide.  There will be plenty of sleds to go around, so come on out and get as close as you're going to get to sledding down a real mountain in College Station. 

Thanks to everyone who came out to the last practice Wednesday.  I've looked over the footage we shot and I'm pretty sure we have some Oscar material on our hands.  Best actor goes to Scott Motl for his 'chatting with babes' bit. 

See y'all tomorrow on the slopes!!

-Patrick Haines

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Last Practice

Tomorrow will be the last tennis practice of the year, so get one more good hit in before finals soak up all your fun.  Fyi, we're planning on shooting some video for next year's promo video at practice tomorrow.  If you want to show off your acting talents or just want to be in the video, then come on down.
Don't forget about Mt. Aggie this Sunday! 

You stay classy, Tennis Club

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Howdy Ags!

It is with great excitement that I announce Patrick Haines as the next president of Texas A&M Tennis Club.  He has been a dedicated member and officer to this club for the past three years, and I can assure you that this club is in good hands for the upcoming year.  Joining Patrick as Vice President will be Rudy Contreras, yet another very dedicated and enthusiastic leader in our club.  Ana Sanchez will also be returning as Treasurer for a third consecutive year.  Once again, I cannot say enough about the dedication and enthusiasm these three elected officers have for Tennis Club, and I look forward to watching the club grow bigger and better over the next year.

It has been amazing being president of this club over the past two years.  There have been lots of changes and challenges, but overall I feel like the club has grown a lot and is primed for yet another year of domination on the Tennis On Campus circuit.  While I will no longer be involved in the day-to-day decision making of the club, I will still be around at club while I finish up my master's degree (5th year....WHAT'S UUUUPPPP!).  I hope to still be a passionate leader on whatever team I play on, and I hope that my love of the game will continue to infect all of you on the court.  Thanks for making this club the greatest collegiate tennis club in the nation, and I just hope that each of you know that no matter what team you're on (Team 1, Team 6, or Team 15) YOU MAKE THIS CLUB AMAZING AND WHAT IT IS TODAY!

Over the next week, the club will enter its transition phase and the new set of executive officers will choose the rest of the non-executive officers that will help them lead this club into the future.  Don't forget to come out to Mt. Aggie on Sunday, May 1st from 4-6pm for Tennis Club's snow day!

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "did it big" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Last Chance For Elections Today

Just a reminder, but there will not be any practice tomorrow, so take some time off to be with family and such on the holiday.

Today is the last day to vote for officers!!  So whether you're procrastinating or have been doing nothing but mulling over this decision for the last two weeks, time's up.  Here's your ballot:
Patrick Haines
Scott Motl

Vice President
Nadine Hulleman
Rudy Contreras
Brent Hametner

Ana Sanchez
Michael Burgess
Michael Kung
Mary DeForke
John Pickren
If you are a member of Tennis Club, you may send in a ballot.  You HAVE TO send the ballot to or else the vote will not be counted, so make sure you send your ballot to the right address.  Also, please send your ballot in with the following format:
Your Name:
Vote for President:
Vote for Vice-President:
Vote for Treasurer:
In case you don't know the candidates or you want to see why the candidates think you should vote for them, the link below has a profile paragraph for each candidate on the ballot.
Please vote, this is your last chance!!
Remember to save that May 1rst date next weekend when Tennis Club takes on Mt. Aggie.

Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Congrats to everyone who got their Aggie Ring this weekend!!!..........and congrats to everyone for surviving the traffic on the roads during parents weekend!
To celebrate it being a Wednesday, we're having practice tomorrow from 8-11 at the intramural come out and play some taseball or clean winner!!!  There will not be any practice on Sunday, so take some time off to be with family and such on the holiday.
The last day to vote for your 2011-2012 officers is this Saturday, the 23rd.  So whether you're procrastinating or have been doing nothing but mulling over this decision for the last two weeks, you still have a little time left.  Here's your ballot:
Patrick Haines
Scott Motl

Vice President
Nadine Hulleman
Rudy Contreras
Brent Hametner

Ana Sanchez
Michael Burgess
Michael Kung
Mary DeForke
John Pickren
If you are a member of Tennis Club, you may send in a ballot.  You HAVE TO send the ballot to or else the vote will not be counted, so make sure you send your ballot to the right address.  Also, please send your ballot in with the following format:
Your Name:
Vote for President:
Vote for Vice-President:
Vote for Treasurer:
In case you don't know the candidates or you want to see why the candidates think you should vote for them, the link below has a profile paragraph for each candidate on the ballot. 
Save that March 1rst date when Tennis Club takes on Mt. Aggie!

Thaaaaaaanks aaaaand gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Howdy Tennis Club/Parents!

To celebrate parents weekend, we have practice tomorrow from there!!!

Once again, here's your ballot for officer elections for the 2011-2012 school year:
Patrick Haines
Scott Motl

Vice President
Nadine Hulleman
Rudy Contreras
Brent Hametner

Ana Sanchez
Michael Burgess
Michael Kung
Mary DeForke
John Pickren
If you are a member of Tennis Club, you may send in a ballot.  You HAVE TO send the ballot to or else the vote will not be counted, so make sure you send your ballot to the right address.  Also, please send your ballot in with the following format:
Your Name:
Vote for President:
Vote for Vice-President:
Vote for Treasurer:
In case you don't know the candidates or you want to see why the candidates think you should vote for them, the link below has a profile paragraph for each candidate on the ballot. 
Thanks for voting!

Remember to save the March 1rst date when Tennis Club takes on Mt. Aggie!

Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Home from Nationals/Elections

Howdy y'all!
Team 1 is back from Nationals and finished 13th in the nation!  Say congrats to anyone on Team 1 if you see them!!

Aaaaaaaaaand once agian, here's the ballot for officer elections for the 2011-2012 school year:
Patrick Haines
Scott Motl

Vice President
Nadine Hulleman
Rudy Contreras
Brent Hametner

Ana Sanchez
Michael Burgess
Michael Kung
Mary DeForke
John Pickren
If you are a member of Tennis Club, you may send in a ballot.  You HAVE TO send the ballot to or else the vote will not be counted, so make sure you send your ballot to the right address.  Also, please send your ballot in with the following format:
Your Name:
Vote for President:
Vote for Vice-President:
Vote for Treasurer:
In case you don't know the candidates or you want to see why the candidates think you should vote for them, the link below has a profile paragraph for each candidate on the ballot. 
Thanks for voting!

Remember to save the March 1rst date when Tennis Club takes on Mt. Aggie!
Also, if anyone has done any community service work over the last school year, tennis related or not, please email back with what, where, when, and how many hours you completed.  Thanks!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Elections/Box Score

Howdy y'all!
Practice is tomorrow from 4-7 at the intramural courts.  Be there!!  And congrats to the Women's Basketball team for winning the NCAA National Championship!! 

Here's the ballot for officer elections for the 2011-2012 school year:
Patrick Haines
Scott Motl

Vice President
Nadine Hulleman
Rudy Contreras
Brent Hametner

Ana Sanchez
Michael Burgess
Michael Kung
Mary DeForke
John Pickren
If you are a member of Tennis Club, you may send in a ballot.  You HAVE TO send the ballot to or else the vote will not be counted, so make sure you send your ballot to the right address.  Also, please send your ballot in with the following format:
Your Name:
Vote for President:
Vote for Vice-President:
Vote for Treasurer:
In case you don't know the candidates or you want to see why the candidates think you should vote for them, the link below has a profile paragraph for each candidate on the ballot.
Thanks for voting for officers, your vote matters!!
Make sure y'all come to practice on Sunday, May 1rst from 4-6 because Tennis Club is taking on Mt. Aggie!!  If y'all have ever wondered what that large mound/small hill is doing next to the intramural courts, it's actually a skiing hill that we get to play on for the day.  It's just astroturf that's wetted down, so it's more or less a glorified slip n' slide, but it'll be a great way to end the year.  So leave the rackets in the car and be there!!  All members are welcome.
Also, Tennis Club has participated in several community service projects over the past year such as Big Event because we want to show that we are an organization that cares about giving back to the tennis community and the BCS area.  We want to make sure that all service by the club is represented, so if anyone has done any community service work over the last school year, tennis related or not, please email back with what, where, when, and how many hours you completed.  Thanks for helping us out!!
In case you weren't at practice on Wednesday, here's the box score from the latest Taseball (tennis baseball) game played between two of the Club League's top teams. 
Inning                                                 1      2      3     4     5     6   Total
Team I Almost Made My Dad Proud      1     0      2      0     0     3      6
Team Epic Win                                   0      0      2     0     0     5       7
Win: (Motl, 1-0)    L: (Ebner, 0-1)
Epic Win     AB    H      R     HBP   AVG                   I Almost Made My Dad Proud         AB       H      R      HBP      AVG
Hametner      12    4       2       0      .333                   Morin                                             13        5      4        0          .413
Haines          12    4       3       4      .333                   Sanchez                                         12        3      2        4         .250
Motl              12    4       2       1      .333                   Ebner                                             12        3      0        0         .250
Totals            36   12      7       5      .333                   Totals                                             37       11     6        4         .333
3B: Haines (2, Sanchez, Ebner), Hametner (1, Ebner)
HR: Morin (1rst Inning, off Motl, 0 on, 0 out), Sanchez(3rd Inning, off Haines, 0 on, 1 out), Morin (3rd Inning, off Haines, 0 on, 1 out), Morin (6th Inning, off Haines, 0 on, 1 out), Sanchez(6th Inning, off Haines, 0 on, 1 out), Morin (6th Inning, off Motl, 0 on, 1 out), (Hametner, off Ebner, 1 on, 1 out)
RBI: Morin (3), Sanchez (2), Ebner (1), Motl (3), Haines (2), Hametner (2)
Epic Double Play: (Hametner, 5th)
Runners Left In Scoring Position, 2 Out: Sanchez (1), Hametner (2), Motl (2)
E: Morin (2, throw, hit self in face), Hametner (2, throw, throw)
Injury: Morin (Face)
Epic Win         IP    R     ER     ERA                              I Almost Made My Dad Proud           IP        R         ER         ERA
Motl (W: 1-0)  2.1    2      2        9.89                             Ebner  (BS: 0-1)                               4         5           3           7.29
Hametner       2.0    0      0        0.00                             Sanchez  (H, 1)                                2         2           2           9.00
Haines           1.2    4      3        6.67                             Totals                                              6         7           5           5.19
Totals             6      6      5        6.29                
Weather: 72 degrees, clear skies, wind NNW
Game Time: 1 hr, 7 min
Attendance: 2
Compiled by Tennis Club Advanced Media
In case y'all have no idea what just happened, come to the next practice and get in on the game!!
Thanks and Gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Howdy y'all!
Breaking news: we have practice tomorrow from 8-11 out at the intramural courts!!  But seriously, come out and help Team 1 get ready to play nationals this weekend in Cary, North Carolina.  This is a chance for Texas A&M Tennis Club to show the nation how we Do It Big!!  We had a streak of 4 out of 5 national championships, but that was a few years ago and we want to get a banner era going again.  If you get a chance, wish team 1 good luck before they leave for Carolina on Wednesday.  Here's the line up:
Hersh Pise            
Chad Ritchie
Diego Pacheco
Alex Tajonar
Kevin Moran
Stephanie Li
Megan Fish
Nadine Hulleman
Laura Pelaez Soni
Erin Mitchell
Make sure y'all come to practice on Sunday, May 1rst from 4-6 because Tennis Club is taking on Mt. Aggie!!  If y'all have ever wondered what that large mound/small hill is doing next to the intramural courts, it's actually a skiing hill that we get to play on for the day.  It's just astroturf that's wetted down, so it's more or less a glorified slip n' slide, but it'll be a great way to end the year.  So leave the rackets in the car and be there!!  All members are welcome.
Also, Tennis Club has participated in several community service projects over the past year such as Big Event because we want to show that we are an organization that cares about giving back to the tennis community and the BCS area.  We want to make sure that all service by the club is represented, so if anyone has done any community service work over the last school year, tennis related or not, please email back with what, where, when, and how many hours you completed.  Thanks for helping us out!!
Alright, it's time for elections for the 2011-2012 school year, and the ballot is as follows:
Patrick Haines
Scott Motl

Vice President
Nadine Hulleman
Rudy Contreras
Brent Hametner

Ana Sanchez
Michael Burgess
Michael Kung 
Mary DeForke
John Pickren
If you are a member of Tennis Club, you may send in a ballot.  You HAVE TO send the ballot to or else the vote will not be counted, so make sure you send your ballot to the right address.  Also, please send your ballot in with the following format:
Your Name:
Vote for President:
Vote for Vice-President:
Vote for Treasurer:

In case you don't know the candidates or you want to see why the candidates think you should vote for them, the link below has a profile paragraph for each candidate on the ballot. 
Thanks for voting for officers, your vote matters!!
That's about it, we'll be seeing y'all tomorrow at practice.......After we beat the ever living hell outta the Irish and win a fightin' Texas Aggie NCAA Women's Basketball Championship!!!
Thanks and Gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Texas A&M Tennis Club will be having practice tomorrow from 4-7 at the intramural courts.  Come help Team 1 get ready for nationals next weekend!!
Don't forget to place your name to run for an officer position.  The deadline is tomorrow!
Elections for the 2011-2012 Officer positions will be coming up April 5th-23rd.  Texas A&M Tennis Club is a student organization run by four executive officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.  There are also several non-executive officers that contribute to the governance of this club.  The four executive officers are elected by popular vote, while the non-executive officers are appointed by the executive officers.  For the time being, we will start accepting requests to be added to the ballot.  A full description of each officer position's duties can be found here.

If you are interested in running for any of the executive officer positions or want to be considered for one of the non-executive officer positions, please send a reply to the following email:

We will stop accepting election ballot requests on Sunday, April 3rd at 11:59PM.  That's tomorrow!!! Your response should be in the following form:


Being a club officer comes with a lot of responsibility, but it can also be extremely rewarding to see the club grow and develop under YOUR guidance.  Please consider being an officer for next year, whether it be an executive or non-executive position.  Also, do not be discouraged if you are "ONLY a Freshman (or Sophomore)."  We need younger members, more than ever, to step up and lead this club.  Please feel free to ask any of the current officers about being an officer and their experience with it.  We look forward to an excellent group of officers for the 2011-2012 school year.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!


Texas A&M Tennis Club