Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pick Up Apparel and Clean Up Reed

Howdy Ags!

Remember to come out to practice tomorrow from 4-7 at the intramural courts.  If you need any more motivation to come to practice, the tennis club apparel is in!!!  Come by at practice and pick up your new duds so you can rep tennis club on campus or on court.  The only thing that isn't in yet is the guys uniform shirt, but it should be in no later than next Friday. 

The first Reed Arena clean up will be this Tuesday at 9 P.M. down by the loading docks behind Reed Arena.  We need at least 20 people for the clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  There was a facebook event sent out from this event page:!/event.php?eid=127355660651920.  Like the tournaments, please take the attending/maybe/not attending response seriously so that we know how many to expect.  Ok, so PLEASE sign up for a Reed Arena clean up on Tuesday, November 2nd and help out tennis club!!!

There will be two more Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd as well.
Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!

Alright, so pick up your apparel at practice and clean up Reed on Tuesday.

Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reed Clean Ups

Howdy Tennis Club!
This is your friendly Tuesday morning reminder to come out to practice on Wednesday dressed as a soccer hooligan.  In preparation for the 2014 world cup, tennis club will be dressing up in soccer jerseys/atire (this might include a vuvuzela).  So come out and show that you are a multisport athlete on Wednesday!
In Novemeber, there will be three Reed Arena clean ups where you can help raise money for tennis club.  The first clean up is Tuesday, November 2nd at 9 P.M. down by the loading docks, and there will be two more on November 16th and 22nd.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  There was a facebook event sent out from this event page:!/event.php?eid=127355660651920.  Like the tournaments, please take the attending/maybe/not attending response seriously so that we know how many to expect.  Ok, so PLEASE sign up for a Reed Arena clean up on Tuesday, November 2nd and help out tennis club!!!
Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals (all weekend tournament in the spring) fees will be waived!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
Well, that's all folks...
Thanks and gig 'em

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Did It Big

Howdy Ags!!

Thank you to everyone who came out to the tournament today.  We all did it big and beat the hell outta the rest of Texas!  Also, thanks to everyone who went to Fuddrucker's on Friday for the profit share!

Because we did it so big at the tournament yesterday, there will be no practice on Sunday so we can recover and get some studying done......or not.  The courts will still be open, so y'all can still get your tennis fix for the day.  If that isn't enough, the varsity ITA will still be going on from 8 AM to 5 PM out at the varsity courts, so y'all can still come and watch some legit tennis. 

Thanks and gig 'em......and how bout them Rangers!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fuddrucker's Fundraiser on Friday

Howdy Ags!
As usual, we have practice this week at the intramural courts on Wednesday from 8-11 P.M.  This week's theme will be Primary Colors Night.   That's right, Primary Colors Night.  For those of you that didn't pay attention in second grade, primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.  You don't want to be the fool that shows up in secondary colors, so sport those primary colors with pride!
Get pumped about the College Station Regional this weekend!!  As always, your captain should be getting in touch with you before the end of the week, and they should tell you to arrive at the tournament at 7:30 A.M.  You can find out what team you're on right here.  For the tournament, we are wearing all black, so make sure to get the all black tennis club shirt so you look legit. Don't forget about the Fuddrucker's fundraiser this Friday before the tournament.  Tennis club gets 15% of every sales receipt placed in the tennis club basket that day, so make sure to put the receipt in the basket and get some $ for club while you enjoy a fine dining experience. 
Y'all can start getting pumped about the San Antonio Regional on the 30th too (our last tournament for the fall)!  The problem is we need two things to happen in order for this tournament to take place: 
1)  WE NEED GIRLS:  please sign up, I promise you'll have fun  
2)  If someone in the San Antonio area is willing to allow some tennis club members to stay at their place/mom and dad's place/uncle's place/friend's place/boss's place/ex's place, or whatever....we would ask you to let us stay there for one night on that Friday the 29th.  If someone would please allow us to do this, it would be much appreciated.

Finally, there will be no practice on Sunday because of a varsity ITA tournament going on at the courts.  The varsity program does, however, need some people from club to volunteer at their tournament desk on Sunday.  We need to have at least 2 people at the desk from 8AM-5PM.  If you can work the desk for any period of time, email us back ASAP!  This is great opportunity to hang out with the varsity guys and watch some great tennis.
So:  primary colors on Wednesday, Fuddrucker's on Friday, wear all black Saturday, girls sign up for San Antonio tourney any day.
Thanks and gig 'em!!
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tournaments and Fundraisers

Howdy Ags!

Well, the football team didn't Do It Big today, so here's an email to brighten your day!  First of all, remember to come out to practice tomorrow at the intramural courts. 

Remember that the College Station Regional is this upcoming weekend, so make sure to sign up by practice Sunday if you want to play!  If you haven't caught the drift yet, we are always in need of girls to play so we really want all you girls out there to come have fun next weekend at the tournament!  All of club is attending the tournament murdered out in all black, so make sure to buy your all black tennis club t shirt for 5 dollars at practice.

Before the tournament gets going, there will be a profit share at Fuddrucker's on Friday the 22nd.  Sign up for the Facebook event here:!/event.php?eid=167667179917353.  This is a great way for your team to hang out and get to know each other before the tournament, so make sure to put your sales receipts in the Tennis Club basket at Fuddrucker's so we get 15% of the sale!!  We love tennis, but we like money too. 

Looking into the future a bit, the San Antonio Regional will take place on October 30th, and we want to know if anyone from the San Antonio area is willing to offer your house for the night of Friday the 29th.  Please check with your parents to see if some tennis club members could crash on the floor/couches for a night.  This would be much appreciated!!

So: get all black t shirt, go to Fuddrucker's fundraiser.  Done.

Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Houston and College Station Tournament

Howdy Tennis Club!

The theme for this week's practice will be NBA appreciation night, so come out and rep your favorite team.....or the 2011 NBA champion Dallas Mavericks.  As usual, we'll be out on the intramural courts from 8-11 P.M.  on Wednesday. 

If y'all are in town on the weekend of the 23rd, make sure to sign up for the College Station Regional on the Facebook group page.  All of club is going to be blacking out the tournament by wearing all black just like last week's theme.  Make sure to buy the all black Tennis Club t-shirt in order to play in style with the rest of club. 

Also, the Houston tourney is this weekend and the usual applies as captains should be getting in touch with y'all before the end of the week.  The list of teams can be found here:    If any girls still want to go to the tourney, y'all are more than welcome to play so just email back and we'll get you situated. 

Remember to come to practice on Wednesday and buy the black tennis club shirt to be prepared for the black out tournament.

Yup, that just happened...

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 9, 2010

No Practice, Houston Tourney, College Station Tourney

Howdy Ags!

No practice tomorrow.  There's a champs tourney going on this weekend at the courts and there won't be any courts available for us to use.

We have two tournaments coming up in the next couple of weeks:

Oct. 16th
  • We only have enough girls right now to make 2 teams, so we definitely need some girls to sign up!
  • We would like to apologize in advance if we have to cut any guys due to a lack of girls.  We will do our best to get as many guys on teams as possible based on the Ladder, but there is a chance that not everyone will be put on a team.
  • The deadline to mark "Attending" for this event is tomorrow at 7PM!
Oct. 23rd
  • We are going to go to this tournament murdered out!  That means wear all black so that we look SUPER intimidating at the tournament.
  • If you don't have a black shirt yet, you can buy one of our "old school" black shirts for only $5 at practice! (see attached picture)
  • The deadline to mark "Attending" for this tournament is Oct. 17th at 7PM
Remember for both tournaments that we will only put you on a team if and only if you mark "Attending" on the Facebook event and have paid membership dues by the deadline. All "maybes" will not be considered. Also, if you mark attending please keep to your commitment, your team and Texas A&M Tennis Club is depending on you.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Two Tournaments and a Black Out

Howdy Ags!!
The theme for this week's practice will be "murdered out" night, so make sure to wear ALL BLACK and blend into the night on Wednesday from 8-11 at the intramural courts.
The teams for the Austin tournament are available at  Just like the College Station tourney, your team captain should be contacting you about when to meet on really early Saturday morning to drive down to Austin with your team.  We can always use girls for the tournament though, so we still have a spot if y'all still want to play.
Next weekend is the Houston Regional tournament, so make sure to sign up on the Facebook event at  Just a reminder to reply with "attending" if you want to have a spot, and please only reply attending if you really plan on playing.
Well, that's all folks
Thanks and gig 'em

--Patrick Haines 
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Girls, Please Sign Up for the Tournament

Howdy Ags!

So we suffered our first loss of the season in football on Thursday and campus is now in a deep state of depression, but that just means you need to come out to practice from 4-7 out at the intramural courts on Sunday to feel better! (Just go with it)
Today and Sunday until 7 PM are the last days that you will be able to sign up for the Austin Regional tournament on the Facebook page at  WE REALLY NEED GIRLS TO GO!!  If you are a girl and a) need something to do on October 9th  b) like tennis  c) want to visit friends in Austin  d) want to get away for a day  e) whatever reason you need.......if any of these apply to you, then you should sign up for the Austin Regional Tournament on Facebook!
The teams for the tournament will be finalized and sent out Monday morning, so you can check to see who is on your team then.
Remember to come out to practice on Sunday, and you stay classy tennis club....
Thanks and gig 'em!

--Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club