Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tennis CLUB!

Hey guys,
I really, really hope everyone is ready for the Austin Tourney this
weekend! BTHO t.u. right?!?!?
But before we can BTHO t.u. there is some stuff ya'll need to know...

Our first tournament if ya'll don't already know... Is this Saturday
at the UT intramural courts, 8AM!
The teams will be sent out on Thursday! Make sure, if you signed up,
that you're on a team and contact
any officers if there is a problem.

Our first social is this Friday at Fuddruckers! Come by to hang with
the officers and your teammates! Get your grub on and
get ready to BTHO t.u.!!

To all those wanting to order uniforms...
The deadline is Wednesday September 30th! (no extensions)
The uniforms look really, really nice!!! fyi

Our second tournament is on October 10th in Houston!
Sign up for the tourney either on Facebook or by emailing us!
The deadline is Monday, October 5th at 8AM.

Ohh and practice is Wednesday at 8PM!! Come and practice hard so we
can BTHO t.u. !!

Thanks and Gig'em

-- Rushi Dave
Secretary 09-10
Texas A&M Tennis Club

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