Friday, September 25, 2009

Ladder and Rules!!!

What's good everyone?!?

I hope everyone had an awesome week, and is ready for practice on
Sunday. This e-mail is simply regarding the ladder and the challenge
system. Over the past week or so I have been trying to put together a
ladder so we can start getting our challenge matches going. I realize
that many of you will not agree on your placement on the ladder,
however it is difficult to place you appropriately when I have not
seen over half of you guys ever hit a ball. I appreciate those who
e-mailed me about your junior rankings, and yes I did take that into
account. The thing is, we have A LOT of time before sectionals, so if
we start the challenge system soon , by the time sectionals rolls
around everyone should be content with their team placement. Another
thing, I also understand that some of you initially did not mark the
option: "Join pool play", on the paper slips you filled out upon
receiving your t-shirts at the beginning of the year, and now do in
fact want to be placed on the ladder. That is completely cool, you
just need to let me know either by e-mail or at practice, so I can get
you on the ladder. As for the others who do not see your name on the
ladder, it is either because A) we haven't received your membership
dues or B) I screwed up. So, again to clarify, if you have paid your
dues, and want to be on the ladder just let me know and I'll get you
on it ASAP.

Pasted below to this e-mail, along with the ladder, are the "Challenge
Ladder Rules." These rules are the guidelines that help explain what
the challenge system is all about. It is pretty much self-explanatory,
but if you have any questions you can always ask me or any other
officer at club.


Ladder Rules:

And, finally, the date that all of this good stuff will officially
begin is October 4, 2009. Unfortunately I can't accept scores for
challenges before the Austin tournament, and the teams will have to be
formed based on my discretion. You can begin challenging now, but
they will not take effect until next tournament.

Also, the Rules and Ladder are also available on the website.

Hope to see all of you guys out on the courts on Sunday!

- Neil Grobler-

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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