Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Austin Tournament Teams

Howdy Ags!

Here are the Austin teams:

Your team captains should be getting in contact with you soon.
Remember, we need to be in Austin by 8 AM on Friday. We are meeting
at 5:30 AM, five thirty AM, thirty minutes after five IN THE MORNING,
FIVE THIRTY AM, and remember that we meet in the parking lot by the
intramural courts at 5:30AM!! If you go up to Austin the night
before, let your team captain know and be at the UT Intramural courts
at 8AM.

Please remember that Neil, Ryan, and myself did as best we could to
put people on the right teams. Especially on the guys' side, we are
so deep and have so many new people that someone might have slipped
down a team or two than where you feel you should be. Don't is still early, and that is what the Challenge Ladder is
for. So until you start playing matches, we really have no idea of
your talent level. Just have fun out there and BTHO all those other
Texas schools, especially our host t.u.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "the only team it is acceptable to lose to this weekend is
another A&M team" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tennis CLUB!

Hey guys,
I really, really hope everyone is ready for the Austin Tourney this
weekend! BTHO t.u. right?!?!?
But before we can BTHO t.u. there is some stuff ya'll need to know...

Our first tournament if ya'll don't already know... Is this Saturday
at the UT intramural courts, 8AM!
The teams will be sent out on Thursday! Make sure, if you signed up,
that you're on a team and contact
any officers if there is a problem.

Our first social is this Friday at Fuddruckers! Come by to hang with
the officers and your teammates! Get your grub on and
get ready to BTHO t.u.!!

To all those wanting to order uniforms...
The deadline is Wednesday September 30th! (no extensions)
The uniforms look really, really nice!!! fyi

Our second tournament is on October 10th in Houston!
Sign up for the tourney either on Facebook or by emailing us!
The deadline is Monday, October 5th at 8AM.

Ohh and practice is Wednesday at 8PM!! Come and practice hard so we
can BTHO t.u. !!

Thanks and Gig'em

-- Rushi Dave
Secretary 09-10
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tennis Club!!

Howdy Ag's!
I hope ya'll had a great weekend! I wanted to inform ya'll that…

We have practice tomorrow form 4pm-7pm at the intramural courts.
Come out, hit a little, and get ready for the Austin Tourney!!

The Austin tournament is October 3rd, this Saturday! So please, please
mark your calendars. If you still have not signed up to play, you have
until Monday morning to do so! You can sign-up either on Facebook or
by emailing us!

Our first social is at Fuddruckers this coming Friday! Come out and
enjoy some great food, chill with the officers, and get pumped with
your team!

Remember to fill out uniform orders asap! We want to get them to ya'll
so we can have them for tournaments!!!
Uniform pictures are up on our website, so take a look!

Finally, please pay your dues! :)


-- Rushi Dave
Secretary 09-10
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ladder and Rules!!!

What's good everyone?!?

I hope everyone had an awesome week, and is ready for practice on
Sunday. This e-mail is simply regarding the ladder and the challenge
system. Over the past week or so I have been trying to put together a
ladder so we can start getting our challenge matches going. I realize
that many of you will not agree on your placement on the ladder,
however it is difficult to place you appropriately when I have not
seen over half of you guys ever hit a ball. I appreciate those who
e-mailed me about your junior rankings, and yes I did take that into
account. The thing is, we have A LOT of time before sectionals, so if
we start the challenge system soon , by the time sectionals rolls
around everyone should be content with their team placement. Another
thing, I also understand that some of you initially did not mark the
option: "Join pool play", on the paper slips you filled out upon
receiving your t-shirts at the beginning of the year, and now do in
fact want to be placed on the ladder. That is completely cool, you
just need to let me know either by e-mail or at practice, so I can get
you on the ladder. As for the others who do not see your name on the
ladder, it is either because A) we haven't received your membership
dues or B) I screwed up. So, again to clarify, if you have paid your
dues, and want to be on the ladder just let me know and I'll get you
on it ASAP.

Pasted below to this e-mail, along with the ladder, are the "Challenge
Ladder Rules." These rules are the guidelines that help explain what
the challenge system is all about. It is pretty much self-explanatory,
but if you have any questions you can always ask me or any other
officer at club.


Ladder Rules:

And, finally, the date that all of this good stuff will officially
begin is October 4, 2009. Unfortunately I can't accept scores for
challenges before the Austin tournament, and the teams will have to be
formed based on my discretion. You can begin challenging now, but
they will not take effect until next tournament.

Also, the Rules and Ladder are also available on the website.

Hope to see all of you guys out on the courts on Sunday!

- Neil Grobler-

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tennis Club!!!

Hey guys,

Sorry about the late email, but practice has been canceled for today.
Sorry for all of you that showed up to hit...

I also wanted to speak to all the freshman members. Please email Neil
Grobler at
regarding your USTA status (ZAT, Champ, Super) and age group. Email
his as soon as possible!!!!

Remember that the Austin tournament is coming up, so start practicing
and planning...
Be sure to sign-up through email or through Facebook.

Finally, please fill out uniform order forms as soon as possible.
We would like to send out the forms as early as we can to get the gear
and rep Tennis Club at all of our tourneys!


-- Rushi Dave
Secretary 09-10
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tennis Club Information!!

Howdy Ag's!

I hope ya'll are having a great week. For all of you with exams coming
up good luck. For those that have taken their exams, I'm sure you did
exceptionally well!
Just so you know...

Practice for the best club in the world is tomorrow at 8pm at the
Intramural Courts!
Come out and get in shape for our upcoming tourney or just come out,
relax, and have fun before your exams...

Secondly, we are having our first Tennis Club Social at Fuddruckers on
October 2nd.
Come out and enjoy the night before our big Austin tournament! Bond
with your teammates, bring your friend and have a blast!
The flyer for the Fuddruckers social is attached!

October 3rd is our first tournament in Austin.
We are meeting at 5:30AM, at the parking lot by the intramural tennis courts
The tournament starts around 8:30 at the UT Intramural courts
We will all carpool there and come back on the same day in the evening.
You can go the day before if you want, carpool with us, or drive
yourself. Make sure you are at the UT Intramural courts by 8:30AM!!
If you say that you are attending, then we expect you to be there!
(the club and your team is relying on you) Set the date NOW!
All the teams will be finalized next Wednesday. We will try to take as
many teams as possible. Please don't be reluctant to sign-up, all
levels are welcome!!
To sign-up, join the Facebook event or send us an email

If you guys want to purchase a uniform, the order form is on the website.
Take a look at the uniforms and place your order! They are Ballin!
We will also have samples at practice...

In case you want more Tennis Club shirts, old t-shirts will be for
sale for $5 at practice
Get them while they're hot!

All the members that need to pay dues please do so asap! Especially
those who have been at club in previous years...
Please set a good example and pay your dues :)

Make sure your member information on the facebook group page and on
the website is correct.
Please email us for any changes that need to be made!

Finally, if you haven't noticed, Tennis club communicates through
Facebook a lot! Please, Please join the FACEBOOK group!!


-- Rushi Dave
Secretary 09-10

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Membership, Dues

Howdy Ags!

Practice last night was awesome, and we had a ton of people out there.
We have finally updated the membership list for 2009-2010. If you
paid dues you should be on the membership list here:

Send any errors or corrections back to us. If you're not on the
spreadsheet then you haven't paid dues yet, but there's still time.
Dues are $50 for the year and you can't play in any of our tournaments
if you don't pay dues! Which brings me to my next point: first
tournament is Oct. 3rd in Austin. Within the next week we will get our
challenger ladder set up so that we can start forming the teams.
Friday, Oct. 2nd we will have our first social/fundraiser at
Fuddruckers. More info to come later on both the tournament and
social. Finally, uniform order forms are up on the website
( and pictures are up as well. We will have
samples of everything at practice if you want to check the sizing.

1. Check your info on the Membership List
2. Pay your dues
3. Oct. 3rd is our first tourney in Austin
4. Fuddruckers on Oct. 2nd
5. Pay your dues!!!
6. Check out the uniforms

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "PAY YOUR DUES!!!" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tamu Tennis Club Info!

Howdy Ags!

I hope ya'll are having a great week! Just so you know...

Practice is this Wednesday from 8-11 pm. Be there and be ready to hit!

Our first club tournament in October 3rd at Austin. Sign ups will be available
about a week before, so save the date! Also, the club ladder will be
set and challenges
matches will begin shortly.

Our first social/ fundraiser will be Friday October 2nd at
Fuddruckers. So come out and chill with the officers, eat a little,
and get pumped for the Austin tourney!

Remember to join the Texas A&M Tennis Club Facebook group asap!

If you have any questions about anything feel free to go to our
website at


We have attached photos of all the uniform apparel we will have
available for order. Samples will also be available at all practices.
Order forms are due by Sept. 27th! The prices break down as follows:

-Men's Shirt: $20
-Men's Shorts: $30
-Women's Top: $25
-Women's Skirt: $35
-Hat: $25
-Hoodie: $20

All the shirts and shorts/skirts will have the ball-aTm logo (see
attached) on them along with the hat. We have also attached the
uniform order form to this email and will have more forms available at
practice. Ask Jonathan if you have any more questions about the unis.

-- Rushi Dave
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Practice is still on as long as it doesn't rain. 4 pm at the
intramurals courts, hope to see all of you there!


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Howdy Ags!

Sorry to say but this is looking real bad and no end in sight. We
have decided to CANCEL the tournament. Sorry for an inconvenience.
Spread the word to anyone you know. If some of ya'll want to stick it
out we might play a little mini tournament of doubles tomorrow if the
rain clears up. We would just play pro-set matches and try to finish
the draws we have. Let us know if you'd be interested.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, September 11, 2009

Trying this again...

Some of you guys let me know you were having a hard time seeing the
draws, so here they are as attachments. I know the draw lines look a
bit skewed, and again its something to do with the format in which it
was saved. I will work on getting it fixed and sent out soon. Thanks
everybody for being so patient.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tournament Draws

Hey guys, hope everyone had a good week and is ready to start the
weekend off with some tennis. I know that there is a slight chance of
rain tomorrow( *cough* 80% or so *cough*), BUT there is still hope for
the tournament! The draws have been posted on
(along the right side of the page). And, yeah, I am aware that the
draws look a little weird...a lot weird... but that's something that
just happens when saving an excel file as a PDF, so go easy on me
because it's a work in progress! Go check out the draws!

***If there's rain still show up on time so that we can figure out new
times to play or call Jonathan at 915-526-4250***

- Neil Grobler

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tournament this weekend!

Sign up ASAP! Entries close at 11:59pm TONIGHT

Do it at:

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tennis is on!

Come out now!!!!!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club


Howdy Ags!

Well in case you didn't notice, IT"S RAINING! And, yes, for those of
you that were silly enough to ask, we usually stop playing tennis when
the rain comes. However, this question wasn't completely "silly."
Myself and all the other officers will be out in front of the
Intramural courts from 8-9pm even if we get completely rained out.
You can still come by at this time, pay dues, get your tennis club
shirt, get info, sign up for the tournament, and just hang out with
us! Some come by get to know us. If you're new I want to shake your
hand and get you to come out to club again. So don't give up on us

-Unless a miracle happens with this rain, we probably won't be playing
tennis tonight
-Still come and pay dues and get your shirt! ($40 for the year)
-Sign up for the tournament at (Deadline is
Thursday night at 11:59 pm!!!)
-Come meet us from 8-9 anyway

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "who thinks the show SHAQ vs. should come to tennis club?" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tennis Club Information

Howdy Ags!

I just wanted to inform ya'll about some information...

We are having practice tomorrow night (Wednesday) at the intramural
courts from 8pm to 11pm.
Be on time to get introduced to this year's officers! We will also be
giving out information about club!

Sign up for our Intra-club tournament this weekend. It's going to be a
lot of fun!
Different draws per skill level will be made.
The deadline is Thursday at 11:59pm. You can sign up at

Dues are due as soon as possible!! Pay early and save money. This
first week dues are $40.
Starting next week dues will be $50.
The dues are for the entire year and cover court fees, balls,
tournaments and our super ballin shirts!

Thanks and gig'em

Secretary '09-'10
Rushi Dave

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, September 7, 2009

First Practice, TOURNAMENT, Uniforms, Headbands

Howdy Ags!

So first practice is this Wednesday, September 9th, from 8-11pm out at
the intramural tennis courts. I hope all of y'all are as excited
about club this year as I am. We're looking to build off of last year
and be better than ever. As always, we'll be expecting a big turnout
and we want to get as many people as possible out there playing tennis
(especially girls). For the first couple of practices will be just be
getting to know everybody and will be playing A LOT of the greatest
game in the world…clean winner. Also, don't be scared about coming
out to club no matter what your skill level. We have a very wide
variety of players that come out for club, from ex-varsity's to people
who just play a little in HS to people who have never picked up a
racquet before.

If you decide it's for you, and you want to be a part of the biggest
and best tennis club in the nation, you can pay your dues. And
remember, our tournaments are free…FREE…***FREE*** for our members.
Did I mention our members get into tourneys for free? FREE. There's
no such thing as a free lunch, but we got free tourneys. We'll be
collecting membership fees at practice, and we have a special early
sign up offer. If you can pay your membership dues before September
16th at 8pm, you'll only have to pay $40 for both semesters, which
really is a good deal (it covers balls, uniforms, social events, REC
court fees, entry fees, housing, and travel costs for intra- and
inter-club tournaments in and around the state, and to nationals, and
our freaking awesome new tennis club t-shirt...Tennis Club members
also get 15% off at Tennis Warehouse). Otherwise the dues will be $50
for both semesters or $30 for the fall semester only. Our club shirts
will be in by the first practice and you can pick yours up once you
pay your dues. Seriously guys, the shirts are flippin' awesome. If
ya'll really want to you can waive the membership dues and just pay
$40 for the shirts…seriously they're that awesome.

We will be participating in a number of out-of-town tournaments
throughout the semester and if you want to see our schedule laid out
just go to and click on our "Google
Calendar" link. We will also be having an intra-club singles and
doubles tournament this upcoming weekend on Sept. 12th and 13th. So
go sign up online at NOW and find a good doubles
partner. The tournament is $FREE.99 for members and $20 for
non-members, so pay your dues ASAP. We will be giving out a bunch of
prizes and give-a-ways from local businesses. The out of town club
tournaments are also a blast. We get to play teams from all over the
state, and most especially BEAT THE HELL OUTTA t.u.! In order to
determine our teams for the inter-club tournaments we will be using
pool play (beginning in mid-September) and intra-club tourney results
in the fall and a ladder system in the spring.

Also, we will have uniform order forms available on Wednesday with
samples of the uniforms on display. Remember if you have any more
questions visit our website at or email us. Also
remember to join the Tennis Club Facebook Group

Thanks and Gig 'em!

-Jonathan "what makes music on your head?" David "a headband" Brower

P.S. Go register for the tournament NOW! (

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Word my nerds!

Howdy Ags!

Hope everyone had a fantastic summer. I know everyone is anxious for
club to get going again, and I've been seeing alot of ya'll around
campus which is AWESOME. Just some general info for all you oldies
from last year:

1. First practice is Sept. 9th (8-11pm)
2. Derek still can't return my serve
3. Intra-Club Singles and Doubles Tournament is going down on Sept.
12th-13th (sign up online at
4. Our shirts are ballin'
5. Old shirts will be for sale at practice for $5!
6. New uniforms will be availble for order at the first practice too!
7. If anyone is interested in some voluteer work the Brazos Valley
Tennis Association is looking for coaches for their Junior Team Tennis
program (
You would just need to commit your early Sunday afternoons to 4 or 5
junior team tennis matches throughout the fall and possibly one
practice a week with the kids when ever you are available. Let me
know if you are interested and I will get you in touch with Vicki
Markowsky, our advisor.

Anyways more info will come out on all of this next week after we have
Open House and get all the newbies signed up for club. Get pumped and
let's DO IT BIG.

-Jonathan "your new prez!" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club