Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Practice, Intra-Club Tourney

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm out at the Intramural courts. If
you haven't already, sign up for our intra-club singles and doubles
tournament this weekend. Entry forms can be found at
tennisclub.tamu.edu. Just click on the link in the top right corner.
The tourney should be a lot of fun, and you'll get the chance to play
on the varsity courts. Our Team 1 got 4th at Nationals, so if you see
any of them around congradulate them on a great season.

Also, we're in the process of transitioning into our new set of
officers for next year. I will be President, Hersh Vice Prez, Ana
Sanchez at Treasurer, and Rushi at Secretary. The non-executive
officers joining us will be Scott Motl, Ryan Hillestad, Neil Grobler,
Jensen Yancey, Rita Kartunov, and Alyx Camacho. We look forward to a
great year staring next fall, and the hope is to have shirts and
uniform orders ready by the first practice. Tomorrow's gonna be a
beautiful day, so come on out to club, plant a tree to celebrate Earth
Day, and come shake my hand if you haven't already.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "don't forget to go to Muster today at 6:30pm!" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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