Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Practice, Tourneys, Big Event

Howdy Ags!
I hope all of ya'll had a safe and fun-filled Spring Break.  I spent my break skiing in New Mexico, chilling by the pool, and making fajitas.  Hopefully all of ya'll have slept off the hangovers and are ready to get back into the swing of tennis club.  Even though we have already passed Sectionals, we still have alot going on.  I hope to see alot of ya'll out there at practice.  Anyways...
Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm at the intramural courts.  We have a couple of intra-club tournaments coming up in April for those of ya'll that wanna win some A&M Tennis Club Bragging Rights.  April 11th will be our singles tournament, and April 25th will be our doubles tournament.  We will have more info on how to sign up and whatnot later, but just keep those dates in mind.  Also, this Saturday is the Big Event.  If you signed up with me, you have to be at Reed Arena on Saturday morning.  I have more information on the BIg Event later for those of you that signed up.  If you have any questions regarding the Big Event, email me at jbrow7@gmail.com.
O, and be sure to wish Sir Elton John happy birthday tomorrow...he's turning a faaaaaabulous 62.
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "B-b-b-b-blinded by the light" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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