Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Practice, Spring Break, Big Event, Varsity-ness, Chuck Norris

Howdy Ags!
Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm at the intramural courts.  This will be our last practice until we get back from Spring Break on March 25th.  Also remember that the first Saturday after we get back from Spring Break is Big Event (March 28th), so if you signed up to do it with us be sure to keep that in your plans.  There's a Fightin' Texas Aggie Women's Tennis match on Thursday night at 5pm versus Texas Tech, and Fightin' Texas Aggie Men's Tennis match on Friday night at 6pm versus Ohio State.  There will probably be a couple of club members out there, so stop by and support our varsity teams.
Also, tomorrow is Chuck Norris' birthday, so in memory of his entrance into the world (Chuck Norris wasn't born, he roundhouse kicked his way out of his mother's womb) I invite all of ya'll to come out to club and DO IT BIG, just like Chuck (Chuck Norris can win a game in tennis in only three points).  Because it is Chuck Norris' birthday, I am going to stress consistency at tomorrow's practice (Chuck Norris is the only person to beat a wall at tennis).  This is also a great day for Derek Bruner, because he can finally come to realization of the limitations of his abilities (Chuck Norris is the only person not to get aced by me).  So grab your racket, come out to club, and try to be a little more like Chuck (even though that's impossible).
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "Did you guys here they were originally gonna hire Chuck Norris for that show '24'?" David "Ya, but they had to fire him, because he found the terrorists in 23 hours..." Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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