Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Practice, Waco, FTA Varsity Tennis

Howdy Ags!
Hope everyone had a lot of fun watching the Super Bowl, because I know I did.  Larry Fitz put on probably the most dominating performance I've seen in a loss, and Santonio Holmes caught about everything in his zip code.  Here was my favorite Super Bowl ad:
We got practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm.  We need to know by TODAY if you are able to go to the Waco Regional Tourney (Feb. 14th (yes that's Valentine's Day)).  If you haven't already, you need to get in contact with your team captain and let them know your status on this tournament.  We have updated the challenge ladder up to all the results we have so far, and have updated the rules a little bit too:
Also, remember that Sectionals is Feb. 27th, 28th, and March 1st in SAN ANTONIO.  So keep in contact with your team captain.  Also, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow yesterday, and we're gonna have to deal with 6 more weeks of winter.  Amazing that what is technically classified as an oversized squirrel, can have such an amazing effect on American society.  I mean six more weeks of wintery weather, means six more weeks of higher electricity and gas bills to warm our homes and businesses.  That also means that people will be burning wood and having campfires for six more weeks.  This added six weeks of fuel burning releases pollutants into the atmosphere and only stimulates Al Gore's theory of this fuzzy phrase we call GLOBAL WARMING.  I hate to say it but: Punxsutawney Phil, you are but a pawn in Al Gore's arsenal.  But enough about a silly groundhog and his role in making Al Gore ruler of the human world...Today is the day the music died...yes, 50 years ago today Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper died in a plane crash.  The plane was going from Clear Lake, Iowa to Fargo, N.D. (from one armpit of America to another), but it never reached it's destination.  So sit back and have some American Pie and sing along with Don McLean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ8miTErh-o
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "something touched me deep inside" David "the day the music died" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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