Thursday, February 26, 2009

... the Sectionals attachments

2 Attachments - print off both, and fill them out before your first
match. I encourage everyone to be in favor of the proposed rule change
for next year to allow us to continue to take very large groups to
tournaments... and dominating.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Important Sectionals Info

Get pumped--

By this time everybody should know when and with whom they are riding and driving.

I will distribute hotel keys during the afternoon matches. We will fit 4 to a room with 2 beds (not sure about sofas/cots). Be thinking about who you wish to bunk with. Co-ed rooms available for only for married couples.

Except for a maybe late-ish Sat night dinner, there will not be any scheduled group activities for the group as a whole.

2 Attachments - print off both, and fill them out before your first match. I encourage everyone to be in favor of the proposed rule change for next year to allow us to continue to take very large groups to tournaments... and dominating.

Breakfast will be provided at the hotel, then lunch will be provided by the tournament. Box-lunch dinners may also happen on Sat night instead of a Banquet. The rest is up to you and your team.

Sorry if there was any confusion about where we are staying. Please give your $20 for a hotel room to your capt tom afternoon.

Pear Tree Inn San Antonio Airport
142 NE Loop 410, 78216

McFarlin Tennis Center
1503 San Pedro, 78212

Incarnate Word
985 E. Hildebrand Ave, 78209

Check out all the locations on gmaps:

Start Times
2p - McFarlin Tennis Center (check in at 1p) :
A&M - Maroon
A&M - Swagger
A&M - 12th Man 

2p - Incarnate Word - (check in at 1p):
A&M - Gig'em 

4p - McFarlin Tennis Center (check in at 3p):
A&M - Sexy
A&M - Vamos
A&M - Purple Cobras

4p - Incarnate Word (check in at 3p)
A&M - Reveille 

BTHO the other 31 schools. If you have any questions call up your Capt.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Practice, Sectionals, Big Event

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow from 8-11pm.  We really need ya'll to be in contact with your team captain and let them know:
-when you can leave on friday
-if you can drive
-if you are going to be staying in the hotel with us (bring $20)
We need to get all of this organized ASAP. Captains, I haven't had much feedback from ya'll...

Also, tomorrow night will be the last chance to sign up for Big Event with Tennis Club.  Talk to me if you want to do it.

Call if you have any questions.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "i'm way too busy" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dominance of Southwestern, Practice, Sectionals

Howdy Ags!
We had a big group of club members go and play Southwestern College today, and we came out on top 19-2 (ouch).  Anyways, practice tomorrow night from 4-7pm.  We are getting ready for sectionals and we really need to get organized.  Let ME AND YOUR CAPTAIN know if you can drive.  We need to all try to be in San Antonio by 2pm on Friday.  If you can't make that let me know and we'll work out some rides.  Once again we will be staying at the Drury Hotel by the Riverwalk and we need $20 from everyone that is going to cover the hotel costs.  Give the money to your team captains.  If you have any questions about sectionals just ask me or David (214-773-0504).
Also, we are signing up for Big Event.  If you want to participate, talk to me and I'll get you signed up.  It is really important that you honor your commitment to go with us if you sign up.  The deadline is Feb. 27th, so if you want to go, meet up with me ASAP.
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "915-526-4250" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Practice, Sectionals, Big Event

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm, weather permitting.  Next weekend we go to San Antonio for Sectionals, so get excited!!!  Team Do It Big had a pretty epic comeback win over t.u. in the finals of the Waco Tourney and Team 4 won their bracket.  We have a few housekeeping things to get over first...

If you haven't already been in contact with you team captain remember to tell them whether or not you are going, what your t-shirt size is, and what is the earliest you can leave on Friday (2/27) to drive to San Antonio.  If at all possible, we need you to get all this info to your team captain by Wednesday (which, yes, is TOMORROW, so do it...NOW...why are you still reading? why isn't your phone open and calling your team captain?!...ok seriously do it now)  We will be staying at the Drury Hotel by the Riverwalk. We are going to need $20 from each person to help with the hotel costs.  Give the money to your team captain, they will take care of that stuff.  NO MONEY = NO HOTEL.  We will be playing at the McFarlin Tennis Center (1503 San Pedro Ave).  Rides will be the responsibility of your team captain, so make sure that you have enough people driving within your team.  There have been some updates to the challenge rules so check them out:

Tennis Club will also be participating in Big Event as a group.  The deadline for us is Feb. 27th.  I will have the sign up sheet at practice until that day.  Big Event is March 28th.  This is truly an event where we the Fightin' Texas Aggie Tennis Club can DO IT BIG (Event).  So let me know and I'll get you signed up.

Call me, look me up on the 'Book, or email me if you have any questions about any of this stuff.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "why have you still not called your team captain?" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Waco Rides

Hey guys,

We are planning on getting together and leaving the intramural courts by 6:15 on Saturday morning. Not everyone is playing at the same location, so double check the location assignments I am posting below. I am leaving it up to you guys to figure out the ride situations for each of your team members. If you don't have enough room for people on your team, try to contact the captain of another team that is going to the same location as you AT THE SAME TIME to see if they have room in their cars. If at all possible, DO NOT CARPOOL WITH PEOPLE THAT ARE GOING TO DIFFERENT LOCATIONS. If your team is playing at 9:45, feel free to leave later if you can plan it all out.

Be on time, have fun, and DO IT BIG

915-526-4250 (call if you have issues)

Baylor Tennis Locations:
1 - Penland Tennis Courts (10 courts)- (You will find the Penland Residence Hall which is next to the Penland Tennis Courts)

2 - Varsity Tennis Courts (8 courts) -

The following Teams are playing at 8am checking at 7:30am at the Varsity Courts:
UT - Orange
A&M - Agaholics
A&M - Maroon

The following Teams are playing at 8am checking in at 7:30am at the Penland Courts:
A&M - Sexy
A&M - Swagger

The following teams are playing at 9:45am checking in at 9:15am at the Varsity Courts:
A&M - Purple Cobras
A&M - Gig'em

The following Teams are playing at 9:45am checking in at 9:15am at the Penland Courts:
A&M - Duece

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Practice, Waco, Rides, Sumrall-Shout-Out

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow from 8-11pm.  The Waco Tourney is this weekend and we will be leaving as a group early on Saturday morning.  We will probably meet in the parking lot by the intramural tennis courts, but I'll have more info on that later.  Also, I'm still making a list of drivers for Saturday, so let me know if you can help us carpool.  So far as drivers I have:
  • Billy
  • Nichole
  • Andy
  • Jbrow
  • David H.
  • Kymber
  • Doug Cady
  • Jensen
  • Brad/Gary
  • Christine
We still need a few more spots for people so let me know if you are driving, or if you are driving up early like on Friday or something.

Today we will also be having a guest speaker from probably the biggest fan of TAMU Tennis Club other than your mom:

Hey club,
I've missed you guys and all the awesome A&M tennis club happenings since moving on to the "real world" this year.  So much so that when the powers that be asked me to join the USTA committee that oversees all things Tennis on Campus / collegiate tennis in Texas, of course I said yes!  So anyways, there's a meeting this weekend in Dallas where we will make some decisions on ToC for 08-09.  

Here's where you come in.  If you have ANY input, the good, complaints, pretty much anything you'd like to see changed about the tournaments, sectionals, or anything the USTA should be doing for us, reply back to this email (they'll get responses back to me) and I'll make sure it gets brought up.  I'm hoping to stop by club on Sunday on my way back from Dallas to let ya'll know how it went and hit a few balls.  See ya then!

Old fogey Matt Sumrall 

Thanks Matt.  Remember guys and gals, your input is really important in this matter, because this will make Tennis on Campus bigger and better for us as a club, and for you as a member.  Also, we are still in desperate need of girls for both Waco and Sectionals.  So if any of you girls still wanna play let us know ASAP.

Thanks and Gig'Em!

-Jonathan "i hope it don't rain" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Howdy Ags!

Practice today from 4-7pm out at the intramural courts.  Also, if you haven't been in any kind of contact with your team captain, you WILL be taken off the challenge ladder very soon.  So if you haven't done so already look up your team captain and notify them of whether or not you can play at the Waco Tourney and/or Sectionals.

Sorry about getting this out so late, but remember the women's varsity is also playing LSU at 1pm.

Thanks and Gig 'em!

-Jonathan "I typed this in my boxers" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

FTA Varsity

I almost forgot:
Women's varsity vs. Auburn Friday at 6pm
Men's varsity vs. LSU Sunday at 1pm
Be there.
-Jonathan "FTA class of 2011 A-A-A-A-A!!!" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Practice, Waco, FTA Varsity Tennis

Howdy Ags!
Hope everyone had a lot of fun watching the Super Bowl, because I know I did.  Larry Fitz put on probably the most dominating performance I've seen in a loss, and Santonio Holmes caught about everything in his zip code.  Here was my favorite Super Bowl ad:
We got practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm.  We need to know by TODAY if you are able to go to the Waco Regional Tourney (Feb. 14th (yes that's Valentine's Day)).  If you haven't already, you need to get in contact with your team captain and let them know your status on this tournament.  We have updated the challenge ladder up to all the results we have so far, and have updated the rules a little bit too:
Also, remember that Sectionals is Feb. 27th, 28th, and March 1st in SAN ANTONIO.  So keep in contact with your team captain.  Also, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow yesterday, and we're gonna have to deal with 6 more weeks of winter.  Amazing that what is technically classified as an oversized squirrel, can have such an amazing effect on American society.  I mean six more weeks of wintery weather, means six more weeks of higher electricity and gas bills to warm our homes and businesses.  That also means that people will be burning wood and having campfires for six more weeks.  This added six weeks of fuel burning releases pollutants into the atmosphere and only stimulates Al Gore's theory of this fuzzy phrase we call GLOBAL WARMING.  I hate to say it but: Punxsutawney Phil, you are but a pawn in Al Gore's arsenal.  But enough about a silly groundhog and his role in making Al Gore ruler of the human world...Today is the day the music died...yes, 50 years ago today Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper died in a plane crash.  The plane was going from Clear Lake, Iowa to Fargo, N.D. (from one armpit of America to another), but it never reached it's destination.  So sit back and have some American Pie and sing along with Don McLean:
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "something touched me deep inside" David "the day the music died" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club