Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rest of our schedule, election info, practice tom.

Practice tomorrow, 8-11p.

The rest of the uniforms need to be picked up tomorrow... or they will be sold to the highest bidder.

For the rest of the year:
For the Dual on March 29, there are limited spots available. We will hand these out on a first email first serve basis. We have room for 14 girls, and 15 guys. Reply to this email, with a singles/doubles preference if interested.

March 29 - Dual Match vs Sam Houston (limited spots)
April 5 - ToC Tournament, and/or Dual Match at tu
April 12 - Doubles Tournament, with a Family-Play division... cause its Parents' Weekend
April 16-20 - Team 1 representin at Nationals in Cary, NC
April 24-27 - BIG XII Tennis Championships at TAMU
... then finals and done

Elections for the Best Tennis Club in the Nation:
Aight, here's how this thing works... If you are interested in holding an officer position for the club for next year, you have until April 1 to send us an email letting us know. After that deadline, we will send out a list of players running and executive officers will be elected by popular vote from all members via email. Non-exec's are then selected by the newly elected Exec officers.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.


Section 3. - Executive Officers and Duties

President - shall preside over regular and executive meetings, coordinate group activities, communicate with the officers and advisor on all matters, and be a liaison between the University and the organization. This officer shall be the last voice & opinion on any matters concerning the Club.

Vice President - shall assist any officer in the completion of a project to ensure promptness and its completeness in its entirety, and assume any responsibilities and duties in the absence of the President. He/she shall also be a liaison between the organization and the USTA and accommodate all officers with plans and set-ups for any USTA tournaments and/or events.

Treasurer - shall collect dues, pay bills, oversee any/all monetary transactions, fund raising and social activities of the organization, and prepare and/or maintain the annual budget. Treasurer shall prepare monthly reports of monetary transactions & budget, as requested by the President and/or Vice President.

Secretary - shall keep all records of membership, meetings, events and any other documentation either paper or electronic dealing with the Club. This officer shall prepare bi-weekly e-mails for all members of the Club and any other special event/activity e-mails. Also, this officer shall type & distribute officer- meeting minutes after every meeting.

Section 4. Non-Executive Officers and Duties

Competition Officer - shall preside over matters dealing within the organization events such as club tournaments, drills and/or club play within each practice.

Social Officer - shall organize and perform all dealings of activities and events not explicitly granted to the competition officer (These include non-tennis related activities).

Fundraising Officer - shall provide fundraising ideas for all events and cooperate with Treasurer on monetary matters. He/she shall also organize and perform all fundraising activities and events.

Historian / Recruitment Officer - shall organize the taking, storing, and publishing of pictures from all club activities. He/she shall also organize or assist in the planning of recruitment activities.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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