Monday, March 31, 2008

Elections, results from Sat, tourni this Sat


Tourni this Sat, @t.u.
GIRLS NEEDED. Let us know if are up for the one day trip.

Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to run.

Results from Sat
We played Sam Houston's club team this past Sat, and took them down 11-2. There were lots of close matches, congrats to those who played. Attached is the score sheet.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, March 30, 2008

April 5 tournament sign up and deadline

Hey Everybody!
So far a whopping 4 people have replied to play the tournament this coming weekend.  This can mean one of two things.  Either I really am a looser with no friends, or everyone is waiting until the last minute.  Well the last minute is upon us!  Tomorrow (Monday, March 31, 2008) at exactly 11:59 pm cst is the last possible minute to sign up.  Remember all I need is an email with a subject line of "April 5 Tournament", your name, and the team you played on at sectionals.  We are trying to take as many teams as we can make, so as they say in Starsky and Hutch, "DO IT."

Texas A&M Tennis Club

practice !

Hey guys practice today 4-7. BE THERE!!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, March 28, 2008

New plans for Sat


No alternate rain plans. The indoor facility will be in use by the varsity teams.

Also, updated lineup, due to the change in the number of players they are bringing.

If its iffy, call me.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Line up for Sat's Dual


Attached is the line up for our dual with Sam Houston on Sat, tomorrow,  at 10a.

Weather / Location
Dry / Back 6 intramural courts
Wet / Indoor Facility in Bryan (map)
Iffy / Call David (214.773.0504)



Texas A&M Tennis Club


Howdy Yunz!!!
I know yunz have been waiting for another picksburghese email but I will try to spare those of you who can't handle it.  today is a big day for FTA Tennis.  We have  women's match starting at 4:30 pm against braski man nebraska. ALSO there is a men's match at 6:30 against oklahoma.
Come out and represent the 12th man like we know how and help the men and women get it done!!!
Thanks and gig 'em,
Matt Kravits

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The most awesome email you'll ever read

Whassup my tennis people!  Since I have run out of accents to write messages in, I have decided to write this message in hexidecimal for all of you computer enthusiasts.  And go!
40340000000000004014000000000000402c000000000000402c000000000000 40220000000000004033000000000000 4034000000000000402e000000000000403500000000000040320000000000003ff0000000000000402a000000000000 4014000000000000402c0000000000004034000000000000402e000000000000402c0000000000003ff0000000000000
403000000000000040320000000000004022000000000000402800000000000040140000000000004022000000000000402c0000000000003ff0000000000000 4035000000000000403300000000000040340000000000004022000000000000402c000000000000400000000000000040140000000000004034000000000000
For those of you who are technology challenged, this is equal to:
"There is a tennis tournament on April 5 in Austin!  Be there!"
Come help BTHO tu on April 5 in Austin!  This is a normal world team tennis tournament hosted by U.T.  It is only a 1 day tournament, meaning no one has an excuse not to go, because you can always cram on Sunday.  We are going to take as many teams as we can!  If you are interested in playing, please reply to this email with the subject "April 5 Tournament."  In the email, simply write your name and the team you were on for sectionals.  If you were not on a team, write "N/A."  I have been given a quota for this tournament, and if I can't produce the number of people in that quota, I will officially be labled as an "unpopular loser dork with no friends" so please play!
P.S. I am not a nerd.  I'm cool. 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday's practice, other stuff

Practice tomorrow, Wed 8-11p.

Sign up deadline to get your name on the ballot to become an officer for next year is on Tues night, Apr 1.

CCT's latest newsletter is attached.

I still have a S ladies' top and a S skort still available for $10 each. For those of you who have bid, unless otherwise notified, have the winning bid on your item. Please bring your money tomorrow night.

Dual Match this weekend
Here is a list of people we have playing for us this weekend. We are planning to start at 10a Sat morning on the back 6 intramural courts. The exact number of players Sam Houston is bringing is still unknown, so a final line-up has not been made.

Soong Hay
Matt S
Sean Redmond
Ryan H
Robert Wolfe

Ashley G
Lorin Michelle
Cecilie Vika
Leigh-Anne McGarel



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Openings for this weekend, left over uniforms


We still have openings for both guys and girls to play in our AT HOME dual match (3.5hrs max, for both singles and doubs) vs Sam Houston this Sat MID-DAY. Reply if interested.

So for the leftover uniforms, which have been in my car for well over a month now, are being resold. To place your bid, reply to the email with the item you want and your bid. We will sell the items to the highest bidder. Minimum bid is $10 per item, no cent bids, and this unique opportunity ends Wed at 8p.

Men's Shirt
1 S

Men's Short
1 M

Ladies' Top
1 XS
1 S
1 M
1 L

Ladies' Skort
1 XS
1 S
2 M



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, March 21, 2008


Howdy yunz!!!!!
tomorrow afternoon at 1:30pm our fighting texas aggie women's tennis team plays number 20 ranked notre dame.  Come out and join the tennis club in cheering the women on.   BTHO the fighting irish.
On sunday there will be a practice for those who are not at home or busy with easter plans...
Happy easter
Thanks and gig 'em,
Matt Kravits

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Coach's Workshop


The USTA is putting on a Coach's Workshop, where they will teach some new games/drills.

Happening on May 3 in CS and I believe it will be free, but I need to know asap if you are interested.

See attached press release for more info.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rest of our schedule, election info, practice tom.

Practice tomorrow, 8-11p.

The rest of the uniforms need to be picked up tomorrow... or they will be sold to the highest bidder.

For the rest of the year:
For the Dual on March 29, there are limited spots available. We will hand these out on a first email first serve basis. We have room for 14 girls, and 15 guys. Reply to this email, with a singles/doubles preference if interested.

March 29 - Dual Match vs Sam Houston (limited spots)
April 5 - ToC Tournament, and/or Dual Match at tu
April 12 - Doubles Tournament, with a Family-Play division... cause its Parents' Weekend
April 16-20 - Team 1 representin at Nationals in Cary, NC
April 24-27 - BIG XII Tennis Championships at TAMU
... then finals and done

Elections for the Best Tennis Club in the Nation:
Aight, here's how this thing works... If you are interested in holding an officer position for the club for next year, you have until April 1 to send us an email letting us know. After that deadline, we will send out a list of players running and executive officers will be elected by popular vote from all members via email. Non-exec's are then selected by the newly elected Exec officers.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.


Section 3. - Executive Officers and Duties

President - shall preside over regular and executive meetings, coordinate group activities, communicate with the officers and advisor on all matters, and be a liaison between the University and the organization. This officer shall be the last voice & opinion on any matters concerning the Club.

Vice President - shall assist any officer in the completion of a project to ensure promptness and its completeness in its entirety, and assume any responsibilities and duties in the absence of the President. He/she shall also be a liaison between the organization and the USTA and accommodate all officers with plans and set-ups for any USTA tournaments and/or events.

Treasurer - shall collect dues, pay bills, oversee any/all monetary transactions, fund raising and social activities of the organization, and prepare and/or maintain the annual budget. Treasurer shall prepare monthly reports of monetary transactions & budget, as requested by the President and/or Vice President.

Secretary - shall keep all records of membership, meetings, events and any other documentation either paper or electronic dealing with the Club. This officer shall prepare bi-weekly e-mails for all members of the Club and any other special event/activity e-mails. Also, this officer shall type & distribute officer- meeting minutes after every meeting.

Section 4. Non-Executive Officers and Duties

Competition Officer - shall preside over matters dealing within the organization events such as club tournaments, drills and/or club play within each practice.

Social Officer - shall organize and perform all dealings of activities and events not explicitly granted to the competition officer (These include non-tennis related activities).

Fundraising Officer - shall provide fundraising ideas for all events and cooperate with Treasurer on monetary matters. He/she shall also organize and perform all fundraising activities and events.

Historian / Recruitment Officer - shall organize the taking, storing, and publishing of pictures from all club activities. He/she shall also organize or assist in the planning of recruitment activities.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Practice Tomorrow

Welcome back.-

Practice tomorrow, 4-7p, if you are back and not too busy facebook stalking spring break pics.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Joining for nationals


I have had a few people ask me, so I thought I would just let everybody know. If you would like to travel to Cary, North Carolina with us for Nationals on Apr 16-20, you will have to pay your own way, but we can bundle it with the rest of the players going. We will be ordering tickets very soon.

Let me know if you are interested.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

practice today!!! and other neat cool things to talk about!!!!

Whats up guys!!!
Ok so check it, We have practice today at 8 pm. Get excited!!! Ok one thing I have to get off my chest. I have been a loyal basketball fan forever...but how do you only score 10 points in a half????? Once again A&M athletics shines at its finest!!  I saw my lil cousins game and they at least scored 10!! Anyways....Hope everyone has a amazing spring break!!! I want to hear some crazy stories!!!  Ok so...
Practice today at 8PM
There will be no practice this Sunday or  next Wednesday, I'm sure you could find somebody, but there will be no club.
There will be club though on Sunday the 16th.
"As soon as your born you start dying so ya might as well have a good time"

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

sectionals photos!

howdy everyone,

I've uploaded all of the pictures I got at sectionals to facebook so you can check them out here:

and here:

I have some uploaded on our flickr page too which you can get to from the club website but sadly we have a monthly limit of uploads so I couldn't put them all up there.  Sorry to everyone I wasn't able to get some shots of but there were a alot of us, If I missed you just let me know and I'll be sure to get a picture or two of you at our next event.  If you want the original of any of the photos just shoot me a facebook message and I'll email em to you.

thanks and gig em'
Jensen Yancey

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sectionals Results 2008

Howdy ags-

Well, count this one down as the largest sectional Tennis on Campus sectional event ever, with 60 teams from 28 schools. Out of our record 10 teams (79 players), we had 4 qualify for the gold bracket, and all of our teams won at least one match.

Anyways, our first team took down the tournament, beating tu, again, in another semi-close, windy, and rainy final match. Congrats to all them...

Pictures from this past weekend will be posted online soon, but some have already have been posted to facebook under Jensen... let him know if you would like any originals for prints. If you have any team pictures, please email them back so we can get them posted on the website.

Here's a special shout out to your captains who's help really made setting our 10 team record possible.

A few other results:

1st place overall
BTHO ... everybody

3rd place overall
1st in their pool
BTHO Texas Tech, tu-2

Team Sexy
1st in their pool
BTHO TCU in gold bracket play

Goonga Galoonga
1st in their pool
BTHO tu-3 in gold bracket play

Gig 'em
2nd in their pool
BTHO tu-Brownsville in silver bracket play

2nd in their pool
3rd place in silver bracket play

BTHO SHSU in bronze bracket play
BTHO WTAM in their pool

Sul Ross
BTHO Trinity, WTAM, and UH in bronze bracket play
BTHO TJC in their pool

12th Man
BTHO Lonestar in copper bracket play

BTHO UH in pool play

Hope everybody had a great time,


Texas A&M Tennis Club