Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Boy Howdy, Tennis Club Reminders

Howdy Ags! 

I hope your week has started off swell. Here are a few reminders for ya:

Tonight, the challenge ladder goes up. Refresh yourselves with the rules and challenging etiquette by going to our website and clicking on the 'Challenge Ladder' tab. We did edit the rules a tad but you can start challenging tonight. 

Thursday, September 28th is our Chick-fil-a profit share! Bring your friends, roommates, pets and all. Don't forget to mention it's for the Club when paying or it won't benefit us. Also on Thursday, the deadline for Beaumont tournament sign up closes. Be sure to click 'going' if you can go. Friendly reminder, we don't consider maybe's a yes so signing up are yeses only.

Saturday, September 30th, we have our Arlington tournament. Your team captains should have contacted you by now regarding transportation and shelter for you. If you do not have a ride or a place to stay, let him/her know so we can one one for you. 

A-A-Alrighty folks, that's all for now. If you have any questions, let me know.

Thanks and Gig 'Em,
Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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