Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Rain is gone


Unfortunate ending to the Austin tournament on Saturday, it was still great to see everyone out there.

Practice tonight from 6-8 at intramural courts. For those who did not pick up their shirt, we will have the remaining shirts, 4 tanks (M and L) and 6 t-shirts (S and M), at practice. More will be ordered and we will get them to you guys as soon as possible. 

Practice tomorrow night from 7-9pm, shouldn't be any rain.

Also, if you take some of the club balls from the box/basket to play on another court (which is totally fine), please return the balls back to box after you have finished playing for the night. Do not take them with you. When we open a new case of balls, we would like to keep as many as possible that way the whole case can last longer.

See y'all at practice

Jacob Escobedo
Club Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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