Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Terrific Tuesday Tennis Club News


Thanks to everyone who came out to the intraclub tourney this weekend. We had a great showing. Wednesday night is another big practice from 8-11! The theme for wednesday's practice is Murdered Out. make sure to wear all black and look snazzy! Dues can be paid at any time online with credit card here: https://secure.touchnet.com/C21490_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=2136. If you paid online, bring your receipt to practice and show to get member shirt. You can also pay by cash or check on Wednesday at practice as well. Make sure you come out get signed up to the greatest club Texas A&M has to offer. Awesome looking apparel is now available online to order here: https://secure.touchnet.com/C21490_ustores/web/store_main.jsp?STOREID=202. Here are the College Station Regional Teams - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdC1SLWhYS3BJNzY5eXV3ZDc3TUJQM0E. Your captains should be contacting you within the week to confirm you are still playing. We have a couple cool volunteer options coming up! We need a couple awesome volunteers to work the College Station Regional tournament on Saturday 9/15. It would be from 8am-6pm and you will get free pizza! We also have Special Olympics Texas getting ready for the 2012 Fall Classic October 25-27 in the Bryan/College Station area. The Fall Classic hosts statewide competitions in the following sports: Aquatics, Bocce, Golf, Softball, and Triathlon, so we need key volunteers (competition volunteers and officials) for each of those venues.  In addition to the sport key volunteers, we are also looking for key volunteers for the following areas: Support Services (Equipment, Medical, and Information), Souvenirs, and Volunteer Check-in. Of course, you can always throw your hat in the ring as a wildcard, and we will put you where you are needed the most. Please reply and let us know if you would be willing to work either event. Only your help can show how we do it big in volunteering! 

Here are a few upcoming events:
The College Station Regional (our first tournament) will be on 9/15.

Austin Regional will be 9/22
Stay tuned for more information about signing up

Special Olympics Texas: 2012 Fall Classic October 25-27 in Bryan/College Station.

Make sure to join the Texas A&M Tennis Facebook group as we do a lot of event communication through it!! 

Also, we are live on Twitter! Make sure to follow us and keep up to date with tournament draws, sign-up for tourneys, and other important info!
Here's the link: https://twitter.com/TAMU10S

That's all for now, remembering and praying for those brave men and women who fight for our protection each and every day. Remember 9/11 and those we've lost because of it. Remembered but not forgotten.
Michael Martin
Secretary, Texas A&M Tennis Club '12-'13

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