Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Practice, Practice, Practice

Howdy Ags!

So I hope all of ya'll and your families are safe and OK after the events of the weekend.  Now this weekend we get the chance to literally BTHO the Hurricanes.  Seriously, I really hope we can pull it together for this game and redeem ourselves after losing so terribly in Miami last year.

Well, as of ya'll I'm sure noticed we had to postpone the tourney until the weekend of Oct. 3 and 4.  It is important to note that the entries from this past weekend WILL NOT carry over for this tourney.  You will need to re-register you and your partner on the Tennis Club website.  Since we had to re-schedule the tournament we will also be having a mixed doubles draw for all of you guys that wanna swoon the girls with your game.  Weather permitting, this should be an awesome tournament, and should be twice as fun with the mixed doubles. (Just a little personal note ladies...i need a partner)

Also, not this weekend, but next weekend we will be going to a tournament at t.u.  If you want to play in this tournament join the Facebook event (or you can send us an email, those of you that aren't connected on the 'Book), and we will set up our teams for the weekend.  The tournament will be a one day event on Saturday.  We will be leaving CS early, early on Saturday morning and should return late that same day.  We will be carpooling up there, so let us know if you can take some people with you.  We will have more information on this later.

So, practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm. Be there, be square, beware? Ha, well get ready for some more awesome clean winner and some good hitting.  Also, if any of ya'll wanna get some more hitting outside of club, just let any of us know...I'd be more than happy to hit with some of ya'll.  Also, for some of you new people: start making connections, meeting new people, and find some hitting partners.  Club is a great way to meet people to hit with, and you can only get so good playing clean winner.  Well, I look forward to seeing all of ya'll out there tomorrow. Stay classy.

Thanks and Gig 'em!

-Jonathan "fire it up" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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