Sunday, April 5, 2020

Officer Elections


I hope everyone has been staying safe and making the most out of a tough situation.


While I did say that the club is essentially on hold for the rest of the semester, we still have one final fun (and necessary) thing left to do!! It's that time of the year again, and we will be opening officer elections for the 2020-2021 school year. There are 4 executive positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. As well as 5 non-executive officers, who are selected by the executive officers: Competition, Fundraising, Social, Creative/Historian, and Recruitment.


Being an officer is a big honor, but an even bigger time commitment. I urge each of you to not only apply, but also to think your choice through - making sure you will have enough time/be up to the task. In the past, we have asked y'all to email in the position you are running for/vote for candidates, but this year we will be trying something different. Below is a link to apply for officer positions, and the last day to apply will be 4/10/2020, 11:59 PM. We will then send out another link with all the candidates, and you will be able to vote for each position from 4/11/2020 - 4/18/2020. Below is also a link to a description for each officer position. Please note that you must have been a club member for a year in to run for a non-executive position. If you're running for an executive position, then you must have been a non-executive officer before OR have been an active member for 2 years.


Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions over the process/what each officer does! Hoping this is a welcome distraction from everything going on :)


Link to apply:


Officer position descriptions:


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