Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Practice Cancelled (Due to Spooky Conditions)


Unfortunately practice is cancelled again due to some scary weather! Stay inside and stay dry!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Challenge Matches/Practice

Howdy Ags,

In case you guys did not already know, we have established a new email for our members to use specifically for challenge matches. The address is It should be noted that from here on out all challenge related emails which do not use this address may be considered void so please make sure to email the correct one!! That being said, any and all emails which do not apply to challenge matches should continue to utilize our address.

On another note, practice is still scheduled to take place tonight but may be cancelled if rain persists. We will be in touch so make sure to check our facebook page before heading to the courts! Hope to see you all out there!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, October 29, 2018

Profit Share RSVP's

Howdy Ags!

I hope everyone had fun at our Halloween social last night! Our next order of business is the profit share we have coming up tonight at Jason's Deli. We still need a few more rsvp's so please make sure to rsvp going on our Facebook event even if you're not sure you will make it!! That being said, I hope to see you all out there!!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Howdy Ags!

Just a quick reminder that we're about to have our annual Halloween social!! Hope you guys can make it and make sure to dress up for a chance to win best costume!!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Howdy Friends!

On the topic of weather, it appears that we will have to again cancel practice due to the ongoing rain we've been experiencing. Sorry guys. Fingers crossed tomorrow will be better!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 21, 2018

TOC Waco

Howdy Ags!

Just wanted to remind you guys (especially you girls) that there's still a few minutes before we make the draws if you guys want to sign up. If you haven't played a tournament yet or don't have anything holding you back I would highly recommend signing up! The link as always is on our facebook page!

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 19, 2018

Austin TOC

Howdy Ags!

In case you guys haven't heard already, our Austin TOC has unfortunately been cancelled due to inclement weather! That being said, the sign-up for our Waco tournament is now open so make sure to go ahead and RSVP!

Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 17, 2018



Practice is canceled due to the rain. See y'all tomorrow!

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Last Call for Austin TOC

Howdy Ags!

Thank you all for everyone that participated or is still participating in our ranking tournament that we have had the blessing of hosting this weekend! That being said, we are still accepting members who want to sign up for the upcoming Austin TOC tournament this weekend. This is largely due to the fact that we have had an abnormally low amount of girls sign up to play. If any one of you knows of female players who have joined our club but have not participated in any of our tournaments make sure to let them know they can still participate this weekend! Our tournaments are the best possible way to get to know our club family and play some tennis in a fun and competitive atmosphere! If anyone is unsure about how to sign up or has any other questions about our tournaments feel free to ask us!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 12, 2018

Ranking Tournament Day!

Howdy Ags!

Let's not forget that TODAY is our ranking tournament!! Boy's singles will begin at 4:30 and girls singles at 6:30. Matches will be held at the intramural courts where we normally practice so make sure to get out there around 4:00 to warm up some before we begin! If you guys have any other questions feel free to email us or ask a question on our Facebook page. Hope to see you all out there!

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Upcoming Events

Howdy Ags!

Just a few important updates for this week:

First, we will be having our yearly ranking tournament this weekend! We are still ironing out ideal times to begin matches but plan on being out there mid/late afternoon. We will begin with singles matches and continue through mid-day on Saturday before beginning doubles and mixed. Hopefully we won't have to deal with anymore rain!

On another note, we will soon be posting the sign-up link for our upcoming Austin TOC tournament next weekend so make sure you clear your calendars and sign up through our Facebook page!

Practices are still slotted for tonight and tomorrow for those of us who want to get some hitting in before matches begin Friday.

Finally, we have our next profit share at Jason's Deli coming up on the 29th so make sure to RSVP!!

Thanks and Gig's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Ranking Tournament Registration

Howdy Ags! I hope that everyone has had a good start to the year, but to make it even better, here is the Sign-up for the 2018-2019 Tennis Club ranking tournament that will be held October 12,13, and 14! This tournament is our primary method of ranking members and is especially important if you are a new member! The tournament will have singles, doubles, and mixed, but for the purposes of ranking, singles is the most important! Also, you are only allowed to sign up for a maximum of two events, for example, you could sign up for doubles and mixed or singles and doubles. This year the tournament will start on Friday night! We may play a round or two of singles on Friday depending on how many people sign up! Attached below is the sign-up link for this tournament! Please fill it out to the best of your ability; if you do not have a doubles partner, but would like to play, mark that you would like to play doubles and we will do our best to find a partner for you. Our primary site for this tournament will be the intramural courts, but we may go to the high school some of the days. Lastly, this tournament is for paid club members only (it is included in your dues)! Sorry for such a long post but we hope to see you out there! The deadline to signup for the tournament will be Oct. 7th at 2 pm, so don't miss out!!!

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.
Texas A&M Tennis Club